Open carry supports host pizza party in Ann Arbor park (6 Pics)
After two restaurants didn’t want to host their gathering, gun rights supports put on their best polo shirts and strapped a gun to their cleanest pair of jeans and headed to the park.
...Court refuses gun rights appeal of man with misdemeanor record
A federal court this week dismissed the case of an Ohio man who sought to have his firearms rights restored after a misdemeanor domestic violence charge 18 years ago.
...Media misses mark on major gun study
This comic strip pokes fun at Philip Cook research on gun violence. (Illustration: Bruce Tinsley)
...Tap, Rack, Ready: Essential concealed carry drills follow-up
About a month ago I wrote an article called “6 Essential Drills for Concealed Carry.” I addressed common conceal carry drills that I find useful.
...NSSF: Mashup of 2016 Presidential candidates on guns in their own words
With the 2016 Presidential election cycle heating up, the National Shooting Sports Foundation compiled a host of clips of the candidates’ talking points on gun politics.
The five-minute compilation has a lot of insightful quips from Donald “I’m Big on the Second Amendment” Trump, Chris Christie and John Kasich.
Oh yeah, and Martin O’Malley, Bernie Sanders and Hillary are in there too.
As for Bush, Carson, Cruz, Paul, Gilmore, Fiorina, Rubio, Jindal, Graham, Huckabee, Pataki, Webb, Lessig, Chafee, and Santorum, well, there is always room for another video or five.
Hey the conventions are still nine months away!
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