Why JAMA Pediatrics gets it wrong on gun ownership
My kid carries. He carries a 9mm. He also carries two different shotguns. He carries them from the house to the car and then to the range. In cases. Unloaded. Under my direct and relentless supervision.
...Two separate crooks accidentally shoot themselves in the junk
A pair of criminals some 1,400 miles apart this month had negligent discharges into the region of the man cannon showing that, in the end, karma can be harsh.
...Is it safe?
One of the central claims of the gun control movement is that the advocates seek to make us safer. This sounds like an admirable goal, provided that we don’t analyze things too carefully. But on closer inspection, things aren’t so simple or noble.
...The DIY shooting sock and why you need one (VIDEO)
Team Sootch has a simple take on a lightweight sand bag gun rest for range and field use, minus the sand– and walks you through making your own shooting sock.
Starting with shot bags filled with sand and moving up from there, bench rest sandbags and purpose-made beanbags for forearm and stock support are available from just about every shooting parts house you can search on the internet.
A number of accessory makers have really responded to the sand sock concept in recent years and make a wide array of “tactical bean bags” for use to help keep your rifle steady.
Or you can just make your own with the help of some socks and airsoft BBs.
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Vickers on the SIG 552 Commando variant (VIDEO)
Larry Vickers gets hands-on and in-depth with the Sig Sauer 552 Commando carbine, a little-known and brief but interesting SBR.
Designated by Sig as the 552-2P when it debuted in 1998, the compact carbine has a 8.9-inch barrel which translates to a 14.2-inch sight radius. A folding stock keeps it even smaller when needed while a four-position select-fire giggle switch provides a lot of fun. The model was short-lived as the improved 553 replaced it in production after just a decade because its recoil mechanism is kinda unique (read= flawed) in the SG line as Vickers alludes to above.
Still, if its transferable and he wants to give it away, we’ll take it.
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Man fatally shot after strangling ex-girlfriend (VIDEO)
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