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Updated: 2 hours 47 min ago

The 3 Best Ways To Piss Off Other People at a Gun Range

Sat, 12/31/2022 - 11:00

Any gun guru worth his or her salt will tell you to avoid stupid people in stupid places doing stupid things. As someone who’s been to more gun ranges than the average guy, we should modify that adage to account for the risks involved when shooting guns next to complete strangers. Avoid stupid armed people in stupid places doing stupid things.

Oh and don’t be that guy! But if you are, here are the three surefire ways to really piss off other people at a gun range.

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SAF, FPC File a Lawsuit Challenging New York’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

Sat, 12/31/2022 - 09:00

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . .

A federal lawsuit supported by the Second Amendment Foundation and Firearms Policy Coalition has been filed in New York, challenging that state’s ban on so-called “assault weapons.” Plaintiffs are represented by SAF and FPC attorneys. The case is known as Lane v. James.

The complaint was filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, on behalf of New York residents J.

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Next Time Try Chunky: TSA Finds Disassembled Gun in Jars of Jif Smooth Peanut Butter

Sat, 12/31/2022 - 08:00

It was a sticky situation in a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) checked baggage screening room at John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) yesterday, Dec. 22, when a TSA officer removed two jars of peanut butter, each containing parts of a disassembled semi-automatic handgun artfully concealed inside.

The .22 caliber gun parts were wrapped in plastic and had been jammed into the middle of two plastic jars of peanut butter. The gun’s magazine was loaded with bullets.

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Chicago: 700+ Homicides 3 Years Running, Some Areas 3 Times More Dangerous Than Deployment in Afghanistan

Fri, 12/30/2022 - 16:00

As the year winds down the Windy City has notched 729 homicides (and counting). 2022 marks the third year in a row for 700+ homicides in the Windy City, and four times so far this century. Sadly, life in some parts of America’s third-largest city has become more akin to life in a third-world cesspool, three times more dangerous than a combat deployment in Afghanistan.

Yes, there are some outstanding people living in Chicago.

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Karma: Georgia Crook Flees Armed Robbery Attempt Only to be Stopped by Mother Nature

Fri, 12/30/2022 - 10:00

Sometimes Karma catches up with bad people with evil in their hearts. In Gainesville, Georgia, police say Luis Sajbocho-Ordonez waited behind a business early Christmas morning to rob the joint. Instead, when he pulled a gun on an employee who emerged from the back door, he got into struggle over his gun. Then, when a second employee showed up, he fired a shot and ran like a scalded dog.

Unfortunately for Mr. Sajbocho-Ordonez, the unusually cold weather had left a patch of ice on the ground.

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Komanoff: No, Gun-Grabbers, Guns are Not the Biggest Killers of Children in America

Fri, 12/30/2022 - 08:00

[T]otal gun deaths for the 0-19 cohort were, indeed, the greater of the two (guns and vehicles). That’s the finding the N.I.H. reported this summer, yet mistakenly labeled as “childhood deaths,” a framing that Northwell, the Times and the New Yorker amplified this month.

As it happens, the age 12-13 break point between the primacy of traffic deaths and the primacy of gun deaths coincides with customary notions of childhood and adolescence.

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Gun Meme of the Day: Silly Ralphie Edition

Thu, 12/29/2022 - 18:00

Not sure this is an appropriate response to ignorance, but okay.


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Alleged Armed Robber Shot Dead After Picking Wrong Tow Truck Driver To Rob [VIDEO]

Thu, 12/29/2022 - 16:00

Violent crime continued in Detroit without interruption for the holiday season. An alleged armed robber tried his hand at it on Monday. He apparently contacted an auto salvage company, telling them he wanted them to purchase and haul away a junk car. When the tow truck arrived to pick up the hoopty, the intrepid criminal tried to ambush the driver.

Mr. Robber didn’t expect the hook’s driver to be so aware of his surroundings…or have his own gun.

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DHS Failed to Process 6.4 Million NICS Background Check ‘Criminal Disposition’ Requests

Thu, 12/29/2022 - 13:15

We submit the following quotes from the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General report without comment.

Note that the OIG uncovered missing information going back as far as 1925. The NICS System was established as part of the Brady Act, passed in 1993 and didn’t go fully into effect until 1998. But someone who committed a felony in, say, 1953, may be among those whose information hasn’t been reported by some part of what now constitutes DHS.

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Accused California Serial Killer, a ‘Prohibited Person,’ Charged With 4 More Shooting Deaths

Thu, 12/29/2022 - 13:00

From the AP . . .

A man suspected in Northern California serial killings has been charged in four additional slayings this week, bringing the total to seven deaths since April 2021, authorities said.

The shootings terrorized the Central Valley city of Stockton earlier this year as police searched for a man clad in black who appeared to be “on a mission” as he hunted victims for ambush-style shootings. He was also tied violence in Alameda County.

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The Death of the Great American Gun Show

Thu, 12/29/2022 - 10:00

This weekend I did something I often do and almost always regret. I went to a gun show. Specifically the Tallahassee Gun and Knife show. This show has shrunk considerably over the last few years and went from two bustling buildings to one meager showing. As I walked and looked at the prices of ammo and guns, I couldn’t help but feel a bit melancholy.

I loved gun shows when I was a kid.

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Santucci: When Talking About Enacting More Gun Control Laws…’What About the Bullets’?

Thu, 12/29/2022 - 08:00

Time and time again, in the wake of a mass shooting it’s revealed that the shooter was carrying enough weaponry to kill everyone inside a school, movie theater, grocery store or even a full-sized mall. It’s not hard for the killers to build a significant arsenal of assault rifles, handguns, high-capacity magazines – and bullets. Lots of bullets.

Each year billions of bullets are sold in the U.S., making bullet sales a booming business. 

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Reducing Montana’s Prairie Dog Population One Dog at a Time With a Suppressed CZ 527 Rifle in .223 Rem

Wed, 12/28/2022 - 15:00

By Austin Knudsen

Montana is a state rich in shooting and hunting opportunities. In the last few years, my family and I have gotten into prairie dog hunting in the southeast part of the state in a big way. For the uninitiated, prairie dogs are a small rodent mammal species native to much of the western U.S.’s open prairies and mountain foothills. However, they aren’t native to the area of northeastern Montana where I come from, so I didn’t have any experience hunting them.

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ATF Issues New Open Letter ‘Clariflying’ Partially Complete (80%) Striker-Fired Semi-Auto Pistol Regulation

Wed, 12/28/2022 - 12:19

The boys and girls at F-Troop in D.C. have issued another edict from on high concerning 80% striker-fired semi-auto pistol frames. With another waive of the regulatory wand, all of those folks with Polymer80 and Lone Wolf kits now face new regulations in a rule change from our benefactors at Biden’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives and Really Big Fires.

Here’s the money quote for those who think the whole letter is too long .

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Calibers for Beginners: 12 Gauge Shotgun Shells

Wed, 12/28/2022 - 10:00

Many a tyke got their first taste of a ‘real gun’ when they put dad’s slug gun to their shoulder and under the old man’s supervision, pulled the trigger. The awakening, for so many poor, innocent younglings, came rudely.

Every November I get to watch little kids wearing puffy coats and gloves struggle to see through cheap scopes and hold steady while being poorly coached by what seems like every male relative in the family…simultaneously.

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Gun Meme of the Day: Alpaca What I Want Edition

Tue, 12/27/2022 - 18:00

I mean, “lecture” is a pretty judgy word from an 80% llama.


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Drunken Texas Ex-Cop Shot Dead After Yet Another Violence Call At His Residence

Mon, 12/26/2022 - 13:00

An ex cop named Kyle Lobo “voluntarily” resigned from the San Marcos, Texas Police Department in October after “head-butting” his wife and punching and kicking an 11-year-old child. Upon his arrest at the time of the incidents, he was fired resigned. He was free on bond after being charged for injuring a child and “continuous family violence against a family member.”

Late on Christmas Eve, Lobo celebrated the season by getting drunk while carrying and waving around a handgun.

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Five Teens Charged With Murder In Christmas Weekend Shooting At ‘Gun-Free’ Mall of America

Mon, 12/26/2022 - 10:00


The Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota forbids card-carrying good guys — you know, law-abiding citizens — from possessing legal self-defense tools there. Criminals, on the other hand, are perfectly free to disregard the “no guns” signage and have done so for years.

So when two “groups” of teens had a mostly-peaceful disagreement Friday evening during pre-Christmas shopping, things went sideways when one of the participants pulled a gun and shot a 19-year-old multiple times, killing him.

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