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Updated: 2 hours 55 min ago

TTAG on Lock N Load Radio With Bill Frady

Thu, 01/05/2023 - 08:30

I’ve been chatting it up with Bill Frady on Lock N Load Radio every week for years. This week, the first of 2023, we kicked off the hour with the five most-read posts from last year, then we discussed Stanford Law Professor John Donahue’s deep thoughts on the spread of constitutional carry now that it’s the law in 25 states.

Next we solved most of the world’s problems while discussing Jon Boch’s excellent post on how to handle yourself in road rage situations.

Continue reading TTAG on Lock N Load Radio With Bill Frady at The Truth About Guns.

Leupold Announces The New BX-4 Range HD 10×42 Rangefinding Binocular

Wed, 01/04/2023 - 16:00

From Leupold . . .

Leupold & Stevens, Inc., provider of the world’s most rugged, lightweight, and clear sport optics, is pleased to announce the release of its BX-4 Range HD TBR/W rangefinding binocular.

When speed is paramount, there’s no substitute for a rangefinding binocular. The BX-4 Range HD TBR/W 10x42mm fuses Leupold’s DNA engine and ballistics software with the optical performance diehard hunters and shooters demand.

“The BX-4 Range HD combines the industry’s fastest ranging solution with Leupold’s unparalleled optical performance,” said Product Line Manager Eric Overstreet.

Continue reading Leupold Announces The New BX-4 Range HD 10×42 Rangefinding Binocular at The Truth About Guns.

Behold: The Headrest Safe Vehicle Storage Compartment for Your Everyday Carry Gun

Wed, 01/04/2023 - 14:00

If you carry every day, you know there are “sensitive” and prohibited places where your concealed carry gun isn’t welcome. Think: the post office, hospitals, government buildings and more. Yes, concealed means concealed, but being spotted with a pistol under your shirt while buying stamps could land you a felony charge and result in the loss of your gun rights.

Forcing law-abiding gun owners to disarm and leave their carry gun in the car while they transact business in these places is inherently dangerous.

Continue reading Behold: The Headrest Safe Vehicle Storage Compartment for Your Everyday Carry Gun at The Truth About Guns.

Ask TTAG: What’s the Best Firearm for One-Handed Home Defense?

Wed, 01/04/2023 - 12:00

Reader J.R. writes . . .

I like your article on the self defense shotgun. Unfortunately I cannot use a pump. I lost my right arm in Iraq in 2006 so I’m now permanently left handed. I keep my M4 handy because I’m so used to it that, even left handed, I can operate it in the dark with one hand. But I like the idea of a shotgun better.

I keep my Mossberg turkey gun nearby with buckshot loaded, but the safety is so stiff that I can barely flip it off with my shrapnel-mangled left hand.

Continue reading Ask TTAG: What’s the Best Firearm for One-Handed Home Defense? at The Truth About Guns.

How the Southern Poverty Law Center Morphed Into a Gun Control Advocacy Operation

Wed, 01/04/2023 - 10:00

By Lee Williams

For more than 50 years the Southern Poverty Law Center, Inc. battled segregationists, challenged Jim Crow laws and bankrupted the Ku Klux Klan and other violent extremist groups. But ever since 2019, when the SPLC fired its co-founder and media frontman, Morris Dees, after accusations of sexual harassment, gender discrimination and racism surfaced, the nonprofit has quietly shifted its focus.

Now, rather than advocating for civil rights, the SPLC is fighting against civil rights, specifically those protected by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Continue reading How the Southern Poverty Law Center Morphed Into a Gun Control Advocacy Operation at The Truth About Guns.

Busse: Too Many Guns are Legal and They Should All Be Regulated Like Cars…Or Something

Wed, 01/04/2023 - 08:00


Addressing the media favorite gun owner who supports gun control, Ryan Busse, Velshi led not with a question, but a statement:

Ryan, you come from an industry, and I’m an avid consumer of the publications that come out from the industry, because they are so interesting to understand how the psyche comes around, that has built the psyche over years, that has caused demand for guns that, in most cases, people don’t need. 

Continue reading Busse: Too Many Guns are Legal and They Should All Be Regulated Like Cars…Or Something at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Meme of the Day: Eco Warrior Edition

Tue, 01/03/2023 - 18:00

Yaassss, that’s the kind of eco warrior I want to be!


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Gear Review: Maven CRF.1 6×22 Laser Rangefinder

Tue, 01/03/2023 - 15:00

I first came across Maven optics while reviewing a set of their binoculars. They got my attention. They reviewed well again a few months later with one of their riflescopes. This year, Maven has rounded out their product lineup with another solid option, the Maven CRF.1 6X22 Rangefinder.

The Maven CRF.1 has all of the standard features we’ve come to expect in a quality rangefinder.  There are three different reticle options. There are Line of Sight and the absolutely critical Angle Compensation modes.

Continue reading Gear Review: Maven CRF.1 6×22 Laser Rangefinder at The Truth About Guns.

Canik Rolls Out the New SFx Rival-S Steel-Framed 9mm Pistol

Tue, 01/03/2023 - 12:00


From Canik USA . . .

Canik is proud to announce the next step in superior firearms with the creation of the Canik SFx Rival-S. This steel framed pistol is the evolution of the multi-award winning Canik SFx Rival in that the ergonomics of the platform are the same but now the firearm is an all metal design.

The 2.67 lb. SFx Rival-S, is 8.09” long, with a 5” barrel length, is 1.41” wide, and has a height of 5.75”.

Continue reading Canik Rolls Out the New SFx Rival-S Steel-Framed 9mm Pistol at The Truth About Guns.

Shotguns: The Affordable, Versatile, Highly Effective Home Defense Tool

Tue, 01/03/2023 - 10:00


In a world were all the cool kids gravitate towards ARs for self-defense in the home, the old-fashioned shotgun still provides outstanding performance against uninvited guests in your your casa. Shotguns have been around for hundreds of years and remain very versatile and quite effective in their various roles.

When loaded with buckshot or rifled slugs, a shotgun offers the most powerful, shoulder-fired weapon most folks can buy. What’s more, given their affordable prices, they are within reach of most consumers looking for serious home protection without taking out a second mortgage.

Continue reading Shotguns: The Affordable, Versatile, Highly Effective Home Defense Tool at The Truth About Guns.

Hi-Point Announces the New JXP10 10mm Pistol

Mon, 01/02/2023 - 15:43

Say what you will about Hi-Point firearms…they work. They’re affordable. They go bang when you need them to go bang. When it all comes down to it, what else really matters?

Hi-Point’s just announced a new addition to their lineup: the JXP10 10mm pistol. It has a threaded barrel, adjustable sights, a Pic rail, a +P rating, and it costs…$225.

JXP10 – Chambered in 10mm.

Coming in January 2023

— Hi-Point Firearms (@HiPointFirearms) January 2, 2023

The gun isn’t on the Hi-Point website yet — oh wait…yes it is — but here are the specs .

Continue reading Hi-Point Announces the New JXP10 10mm Pistol at The Truth About Guns.

Chicago Rings in the New Year With Six Homicides, At Least Three More Critical

Mon, 01/02/2023 - 15:00

In a “hold my beer” moment, violent criminals and gang members in the Windy City made sure nobody would take the title of Murder City™ away from Chicago in 2023. Bad guys banged in the new year with six homicides as the calendar flipped.

Three more armed teenagers in a stolen car were critically wounded and may not survive.  Meanwhile, Her Honor Mayor Lori Lightfoot had…nothing to say about the carnage, probably choosing to spend the holiday at her home in Michigan.

Continue reading Chicago Rings in the New Year With Six Homicides, At Least Three More Critical at The Truth About Guns.

What the Media Can’t – Or Won’t – Tell Us About Armed Self Defense

Mon, 01/02/2023 - 13:00

By Rob Morse

Don’t confuse the news with the truth. The corporate news media is in the business of delivering eyes and ears to their advertisers. That’s how they earn their money. The assignment editors, reporters and the copy editors aren’t against honesty and proportion, but cash comes first. That means they’re biased in their reporting. They ignore common but important stories in order to leave room for the shock and outrage that keeps us clicking, watching, and listening.

Continue reading What the Media Can’t – Or Won’t – Tell Us About Armed Self Defense at The Truth About Guns.

Avoid Road Ragers…Because Angry People Have Terrible Judgement [VIDEO]

Mon, 01/02/2023 - 10:00

Road rage happens. Whether you see it in cities or on the Interstates, sometimes people can become agitated for even the slightest of reasons. If you find yourself the object of their ire, do all you can to de-escalate and avoid the situation. That might involve swallowing some pride and allowing them past you, or it might involve calling 9-1-1 if the problem doesn’t resolve itself and they persist.

Road rage situations sometimes escalate to the point of violence.

Continue reading Avoid Road Ragers…Because Angry People Have Terrible Judgement [VIDEO] at The Truth About Guns.

Safety Tip: Don’t Try To Catch a Dropped Gun

Sun, 01/01/2023 - 16:00

I confess. I dropped my carry piece one morning last week. It slipped from my grasp and tumbled to the floor as I reached for it to holster it for the day. Fully loaded, it landed on some unfolded clothes in a laundry basket (procrastination really paid off in this case).

Despite my initial impulse to try to catch it, I pulled my hands away as it fell. I knew better than to try to catch a falling gun.

Continue reading Safety Tip: Don’t Try To Catch a Dropped Gun at The Truth About Guns.

Happy New Year from The Truth About Guns

Sun, 01/01/2023 - 08:00

As is our tradition, we want to wish our loyal, informed and well-armed readership a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. Looking back to our January 1, 2022 post, we expected 2022 to be “interesting”…in the purportedly Chinese sense of the term…and interesting it was.

Gazing into our hazy crystal ball at the year ahead, 2023 looks to have more positives than negatives in store for The People of the Gun. Bolstered by 2022’s momentous Bruen decision and the torrent of lawsuits it unleashed challenging gun control laws across the fruited plain, we expect more gun rights wins than losses in the months ahead.

Continue reading Happy New Year from The Truth About Guns at The Truth About Guns.

TTAG’s 5 Most-Read Posts of 2022

Sat, 12/31/2022 - 13:00

I think there’s some kind of law requiring every publisher of any kind to do some kind of lame end-of-the-year post looking back on the last 12 months. We try to avoid complying with those kinds of mandates, but we get fairly regular questions via email asking what our most popular post is/was, and far be it from us not to give The People of the Gun what they want.

Gun reviews are and always have been our biggest traffic-getters as a category, but our posts on breaking topics of interest tend to be the most read individually.

Continue reading TTAG’s 5 Most-Read Posts of 2022 at The Truth About Guns.

