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Updated: 41 min 52 sec ago

From Berettas to Miniguns to Air Rifles – The Best Christmas Movie Guns of All Time

Sun, 12/25/2022 - 13:00

By Kurt Allemeier

From Ralphie’s air rifle in “A Christmas Story” to M1 Garands in a “White Christmas” to a Minigun in “Scrooged,” firearms are a holiday movie tradition. That’s not even counting films like “Die Hard” or “Lethal Weapon” that may or may not be Christmas movies, but are at least set during the holidays.

Even Yukon Cornelius who helped Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Hermey and tamed the Abominable Snowmonster — or “Bumble” — carried a sidearm.

Continue reading From Berettas to Miniguns to Air Rifles – The Best Christmas Movie Guns of All Time at The Truth About Guns.

What Gun or Gear Did Santa Leave Under Your Christmas Tree?

Sun, 12/25/2022 - 10:00

We’re sure you’re positively overjoyed with your half of the new his and hers hoodie/footie pajamas set your better half bought for the two of you. And don’t forget to wear that new sweater to your aunt’s yuletide get-together later this afternoon. Tis the season after all.

But if we know The People of the Gun, there was at least something ballistically related under the tree with your name on it this morning.

Continue reading What Gun or Gear Did Santa Leave Under Your Christmas Tree? at The Truth About Guns.

Merry Christmas from TTAG

Sun, 12/25/2022 - 08:00

Here’s hoping the jolly old elf left something nice for you under the tree last night. To the most knowledgeable, dedicated, and engaged readership in the gunblogosphere, have yourself a merry little Christmas.

Continue reading Merry Christmas from TTAG at The Truth About Guns.

Here’s Wishing You a Silent Night [VIDEO]

Sat, 12/24/2022 - 16:00


With some help from our friends at Angstadt Arms, here’s wishing you silent night. May your Christmas eve be more peaceful than this one.


Continue reading Here’s Wishing You a Silent Night [VIDEO] at The Truth About Guns.

River & Ranch Provisions in Georgetown, Texas

Sat, 12/24/2022 - 14:02

If you’re a hunter or fisherman and you’re around central Texas, you need to check out River and Ranch Provisions in Georgetown, Texas.

The first thing you’ll notice when you walk in the door is the giant white buffalo mount facing you. That gorgeous animal is worth the price of admission, which entails figuring out how to actually find the place located right off the Georgetown square.

The first time I went to River and Ranch I must have walked around the square three times before I called the proprietor, Cody Hirt.

Continue reading River & Ranch Provisions in Georgetown, Texas at The Truth About Guns.

Uh Oh…What’s in the Box?

Sat, 12/24/2022 - 13:00

As Detective Mills once wondered aloud without really wanting to know…what’s in the box?

I was told it would be something that I’d love and hate to have…both at the same time. My good friends at Red Hills Arms in Tallahassee told me about it when they got it as part of a batch if used guns. They told me it’s something I just had to see, so I rushed on over.

Inside the mysterious commemorative box was…a Smith & Wesson Model 66-2, Big Blue’s classic K-Frame .357 Magnum revolver.

Continue reading Uh Oh…What’s in the Box? at The Truth About Guns.

Epstein: Chicago News Is Dominated by Gang Shootings, Murders, and Carjackings

Sat, 12/24/2022 - 08:00

I’m a news junkie, but the time has come for me to cut back. The first and best place to do so, I have decided, is local television news. It’s altogether too depressing, especially the nightly version that I usually watch before bed. In Chicago, where I live, most of each broadcast is given over to murders, carjackings, hit-and-runs, and interviews with grieving family members of the victims of these crimes.

Some years ago I stopped reading either of Chicago’s two local papers, the Tribune and the Sun-Times, those other vehicles of local news.

Continue reading Epstein: Chicago News Is Dominated by Gang Shootings, Murders, and Carjackings at The Truth About Guns.

Tactical Light Shoot-Out: Fenix TK16 vs. Olight Warrior X Pro

Fri, 12/23/2022 - 16:00

Today’s tactical flashlights complement a personal defense handgun quite nicely. In fact if you carry a gun, you should definitely carry a good flashlight. Seeing and being sure of what you’re shooting at is part of responsible armed self-defense.

Thirty years ago, cutting edge flashlights were SureFire 6p units that put out a whopping 60 lumens of light. Today’s lights of similar size crank out 1000 lumens or more, making them more effective and useful in far more applications.

Continue reading Tactical Light Shoot-Out: Fenix TK16 vs. Olight Warrior X Pro at The Truth About Guns.

Can We Stop Arguing About Concealed vs. Open Carry?

Fri, 12/23/2022 - 14:00

Other than maybe the perpetual caliber wars, one of the most dependable points of argument amongst The People of the Gun: the concealed carry vs. open carry…well, “debate” doesn’t really cover it. It’s almost like getting into a discussion with an evangelical vegan. They’re fully invested in the choice they made and they absolutely can’t wait to tell those who disagree with them how wrong they are.

The rationalizations are then introduced and, soon after, the whole thing devolves into name-calling calling, all-caps shouting and far too many exclamation points.

Continue reading Can We Stop Arguing About Concealed vs. Open Carry? at The Truth About Guns.

Things that Don’t Suck: Defender Tactical HighBall and SafetySight

Fri, 12/23/2022 - 12:00

I love Mossberg shotguns. I have a fair number of them, and they tend to be my preferred pump gun option. They’re great guns, but they aren’t perfect.

On Mossberg’s tactical shotguns, they tend to either use ghost ring sights or a bead sight. On the bead-sighted guns, they attach a low bead directly to the barrel. This isn’t optimal, and Defender Tactical offers a solution in the form of their HighBall bead sight backed by their SafetySight design.

Continue reading Things that Don’t Suck: Defender Tactical HighBall and SafetySight at The Truth About Guns.

Lawful Self-Defense: Nevada Homeowner Shoots Shotgun-toting Home Invader Who Kicked In Their Bedroom Door

Fri, 12/23/2022 - 10:00

Cops in Nye County, Nevada say a homeowner will face no charges after they shot a 48-year-old home invader who not only forced his way into the home, but then kicked open the bedroom door. Displaying exemplary gun control, the homeowner shot Shawn Richard, 48, center mass, ending the attack.

Fortunately the homeowner had his defensive gun handy because Richard, who was wanted for violating his parole, was carrying a shotgun he’s picked up during an earlier home invasion.

Continue reading Lawful Self-Defense: Nevada Homeowner Shoots Shotgun-toting Home Invader Who Kicked In Their Bedroom Door at The Truth About Guns.

Hanson: Silence is Complicity, So Speak Up and Change the Gun Culture

Fri, 12/23/2022 - 08:00

Life is fragile, and it’s all that we have. More guns equals more gun deaths.

No other country has anywhere near as many gun deaths as we do here in the U.S. The Second Amendment talks about “a well-regulated militia.” It was written in 1791, when arms were far less deadly than they are today. There is no right to own a bazooka, a sidewinder missile or an AR-15. Let’s get real.

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Gun Meme of the Day: Keeping Him Busy Edition

Thu, 12/22/2022 - 18:00

LOL, I love this. The whole concept around a specific FBI agent being assigned to you is hilarious. I hope mine likes memes.


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Two Steps Forward, One Back: 5th Circuit District Court Upholds Ban on Gun Sales to Adults Under 21

Thu, 12/22/2022 - 15:38


While the news lately has been very positive for post-Bruen Second Amendment challenges, it’s not all downhill. Illustrative of that is yesterday’s decision in Reese v ATF (PDF), a test case challenging the portion of the 1968 Gun Control Act that prohibits sales of handguns and handgun ammunition to adults under 21.

Earlier this week, the State of Texas abandoned its appeal of an order striking down a Texas laws prohibiting the public carrying of handguns by adults under 21.

Continue reading Two Steps Forward, One Back: 5th Circuit District Court Upholds Ban on Gun Sales to Adults Under 21 at The Truth About Guns.

Bully! Teddy Roosevelt’s Smith & Wesson No.3 Revolver Sold at Auction for Over $910,000

Thu, 12/22/2022 - 15:00

From Rock Island Auction . . .

Former President Theodore Roosevelt’s Smith & Wesson New Model No. 3 Single Action Revolver sold for $910,625 during the first day of Rock Island Auction Company’s (RIAC) December Premier Auction. The second headliner, a 2nd Model Burnside Civil War carbine presented by President Lincoln to Kentucky statesman John Jordan Crittenden for his role in keeping Kentucky and the border states in the Union, sold for $105,750.

Continue reading Bully! Teddy Roosevelt’s Smith & Wesson No.3 Revolver Sold at Auction for Over $910,000 at The Truth About Guns.

Armed American Chronicles: Trio Tries Carjacking in Little Rock, Quickly Become A Duo

Thu, 12/22/2022 - 14:00

Three enterprising young men who were aspiring to become successful carjackers chose poorly when identifying a potential victim on Sunday. One of the budding entrepreneurs selected a woman in a Little Rock apartment complex because he apparently decided that he wanted her ride. Instead of giving the her car, the intended victim drew her pistol and exchanged gunfire with one of the three, Kenneth Perkins, fatally wounding him.

Meanwhile, the soon-to-be dead wannabe carjacker’s compatriots — brothers aged 15 and 18 — didn’t provide medical aid to their newly ventilated buddy.

Continue reading Armed American Chronicles: Trio Tries Carjacking in Little Rock, Quickly Become A Duo at The Truth About Guns.

SAF, FPC, Others Sue New Jersey Over New Bruen Response Gun Control Law

Thu, 12/22/2022 - 12:48

The latest gun control law passed in response to the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision was signed into law today by New Jersey’s proud gun-grabbing Governor Phil Murphy who is adamant that this is the gun control law that will finally keep Garden Staters safe.

As details . . .

The legislation will require gun owners in New Jersey seeking to get a carry permit to purchase liability insurance and take training courses, while increasing permit fees and prohibiting people from carrying firearms in a wide range of “sensitive places” in the state.

Continue reading SAF, FPC, Others Sue New Jersey Over New Bruen Response Gun Control Law at The Truth About Guns.

Gear Review: D&L Sports K, L, N and X Frame Smith & Wesson Revolver Sights

Thu, 12/22/2022 - 12:00

Dave Lauck at D&L Sports makes the best combat revolver sight set I’ve ever seen.

I don’t mean, “for the money”, or “on the market today”, or “in their category”. I mean these are the best sights ever, at any price, on any wheel gun.

If you’re taking your safe queen to the range, the D&L Sports sights are a “nice-to-have” feature. If your life may depend on your revolver, they’re much more a “have-to-have” item.

Continue reading Gear Review: D&L Sports K, L, N and X Frame Smith & Wesson Revolver Sights at The Truth About Guns.

Retired Pro Wrestler ‘Hacksaw’ Jim Duggan, Now 68, Takes Down Home Invader With .44 Magnum

Thu, 12/22/2022 - 10:00


What happens when a lunatic decides to break into the home of a former professional wrestler? Even at age 68, Hacksaw Jim Duggan is no pushover. But Duggan took no chances when a man forced his way into his home. The former pro-wrestler took the uninvited guest to the mat, then held him there with a .44 Magnum until deputies arrived.

A .44 just seems to fit a guy who was known as “Hacksaw” in his wrestling days forty-plus years ago.

Continue reading Retired Pro Wrestler ‘Hacksaw’ Jim Duggan, Now 68, Takes Down Home Invader With .44 Magnum at The Truth About Guns.
