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Updated: 1 week 3 days ago

Gun Meme of the Day: So Freakin’ Cool Edition

Thu, 08/04/2022 - 18:00

You want tritiums? HERE’s your tritiums! …Second version of the same meme:

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Supreme Court Win For Second Amendment Opens Other Gun Control Laws to Scrutiny

Thu, 08/04/2022 - 16:00

In June, the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association prevailed in its lawsuit against Bruen (named defendant and the Superintendent of New York State Police). In winning this case in front of SCOTUS, “may issue” laws — laws under which states and municipalities have entirely subjective rules under which they may or may not issue concealed carry permits — have been deemed unconstitutional. This opens up the door for going after unfair, subjective, and otherwise not equally-applied gun control laws all across the country.

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France Orders Laser Weapon Prototype for Paris Olympics

Thu, 08/04/2022 - 14:00

With a one-kilometer (whatever that is) range, the HELMA-P is a French-made laser weapon designed to knock drones out of the sky. According to, the French .gov has ordered one prototype HELMA-P to patrol the skies during the 2024 Paris summer olympics:

“The HELMA-P system provides a calibrated response to the drone threat, from dazzling the drone’s observation instruments to the neutralization of a mini or micro drone (from 100g to 25kg) by altering its structure, causing it to fall in a few seconds,” the ministry said in a statement.

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Store Owner ‘Blows Off’ Attempted Robber’s Arm

Thu, 08/04/2022 - 12:00

Situational awareness can save lives, and an 80-year-old store owner protected himself by being vigilant and seeing the attack coming on the store’s security cameras. “He shot my arm off!,” screamed one of the well-armed (I mean, he was well-armed until one was blown off), would-be robbers in the security camera video below:


♬ original sound – nbcnews

According to…

Surveillance video shows several people arriving in a black SUV at the Norco Market & Liquor in the 800 block of Sixth Street around 2:45 a.m.

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Join The +ONE Movement During National Shooting Sports Month (Hint, It’s Now!)

Thu, 08/04/2022 - 10:00

Join the +ONE Movement by bringing somebody to the range this month and teaching them about the joys, security, and self-sufficiency of responsible and safe gun ownership. After all, it’s National Shooting Sports Month and the last couple years have clearly shown us that there are millions and millions of people interested in joining the ranks of firearm owners for the first time. From the NSSF:

NSSF Celebrates National Shooting Sports Month, Welcoming Millions of New Recreational Shooters and Hunters


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Houston Catches Onto 3D Printed Junk Guns At “Buyback” Events

Wed, 08/03/2022 - 16:00

Media outlets in Houston are reporting that the most recent gun “buyback” event was a success, but a good chunk of the $100,000 the city spent went to people who showed up with cheap 3D printed guns people made to turn a profit at the event. TTAG had a laugh at the taxpayer’s expense HERE. So, the city is changing their policy for the next event.

“We did get some ghost guns where people may have 3D printed or made these guns specifically for the gun buyback program,” Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner told the local ABC13 station.

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July 2022 NICS Data Is In, And . . . We’re Still Buying Lots of Guns

Wed, 08/03/2022 - 14:00

Unrest and riots in 2020 led to an unprecedented spike in firearm sales, in particular to first-time as well as women and minority gun owners, and I think we’re all surprised and heartened to see historically strong sales continuing (three Julys in a row of well over 1 million checks each). Recession or not, inflation or not, gun sales continue at an impressive clip (or is it magazine?).

The NSSF adjusts the gross NICS numbers by removing NICS background checks done for the purposes of concealed carry permit applications and renewals and other things unrelated to the purchasing of a firearm.

Continue reading July 2022 NICS Data Is In, And . . . We’re Still Buying Lots of Guns at The Truth About Guns.

Leaked Docs Show FBI Equating Second Amendment Beliefs With “Violent Extremism”

Wed, 08/03/2022 - 12:00

Under the “Symbols” category of the document, “2A” is listed with the following explanation: “MVEs [militia violent extremists] justify their existence with the Second Amendment, due to the mention of a ‘well regulated Militia,’ as well as the right to bear arms.”

An FBI whistleblower has leaked an internal-only “Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide” document, among others, to Project Veritas.

From the Project Veritas article:


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ATF Director Using 18th Century Tech to Salvage Agency’s Shattered Reputation

Wed, 08/03/2022 - 10:00

By Lee Williams of The Second Amendment Foundation‘s Investigative Journalism Project. Find Lee’s Substack HERE:

The ATF has beclowned itself yet again. 

Last month, when the agency sent Special Agents Larry, Moe and Shemp to the home of a law-abiding Delaware gun owner, without a search warrant, with orders to inspect his guns without letting constitutional rights get in their way, they should have been prepared for some blowback. 

We certainly were when we broke the story.

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Family Members of Gilroy Garlic Festival Shooting Victims Sue Gun Distributor

Tue, 08/02/2022 - 16:00

This sort of insanity is exactly why the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) was passed in 2005 and it’s why lawsuits like this should be immediately rejected. With prejudice. A firearm importer follows the law and legally imports firearms, then legally distributes them to licensed dealers. One of the dealers then legally sells the firearm to a legal purchaser, and now the importer/distributor is being sued because the end buyer illegally used the product?

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We Don’t Have the Eli Dicken Drill (or Story) Quite Right (Yet)

Tue, 08/02/2022 - 14:00

Unless you’ve been under a rock in the gun world, you’ve probably heard of the Greenwood Park Mall shooting, and the hero who ended the mass shoooting early with a 40+ yard shot. If you haven’t, you can get up to speed with some of our past articles here.

Tom Gresham at Gun Talk Radio recently had an interview with Eli Dicken’s attorney, Guy Relford. Relford is also a firearms instructor, so he presumably has a better idea of how the mechanics of shooting work than most other lawyers.

Continue reading We Don’t Have the Eli Dicken Drill (or Story) Quite Right (Yet) at The Truth About Guns.

Planning on ‘Bugging Out’ In a Disaster? You Might Want to Rethink That…

Tue, 08/02/2022 - 12:00

Anyone who doesn’t have his or her head buried in the sand has probably considered what they would do if something happened and they had to flee their home.  Sort of like when some people imagine what they would do if they won the $1.28 billion Mega Millions lottery.

The common refrain remains “I’ll bug out.” But clearly it’s far more complicated than that.

Unless your residence is on fire, bugging out in an emergency should be akin to pulling the trigger in a confrontation.

Continue reading Planning on ‘Bugging Out’ In a Disaster? You Might Want to Rethink That… at The Truth About Guns.

Houston Gun Buy-Back Purchases Hundreds Of 3D Printed Guns

Tue, 08/02/2022 - 10:00

At $150 a pop, it’s good business to print up some barely functional (if that) plastic guns and sell them to The City of Houston. Second Amendment advocates, trolls, pranksters, and other entrepreneurs lined up and sold worthless junk to the city. Hilarious.

This is a look at the The City of Houston’s gun buyback event in Wheeler.

The event brought out hundreds of people with lines wrapped around the block!

Continue reading Houston Gun Buy-Back Purchases Hundreds Of 3D Printed Guns at The Truth About Guns.

“Black Women Who Once Hated Guns Are Embracing Them As Crime Soars”

Tue, 08/02/2022 - 08:00

“I don’t think the government, police, or anybody will ever get a hold of the illegal guns,” said Janae Hammett, 37, Washington D.C. area resident. As we all know, when seconds count the police are only minutes away. If they’re able to respond at all. This has led to a massive increase in black women taking up arms and seeking (and providing) training in order to keep themselves and their communities safe.

From The Volokh Conspiracy over at (having been posted and reposted a couple times already, apparently):

Like many Black women in [the D.C.

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Bruen, Dobbs In A More Perfect Union

Mon, 08/01/2022 - 16:00

In June, 2020, the US Supreme Court ruled against Bruen in NYSRPA v. Bruen and upheld Dobbs in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health.  In so doing, it left half of Americans outraged. I undertake to explain why Americans are bound to accept these decisions.  I will not explain why they were the “right” decisions.  Instead, my thesis is that they were decided according to the rule of law.

Our Constitution begins with the enigmatic phrase: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, .

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What A Deep Dive on China’s QBZ-191 Service Rifle Can Teach Us About the Army’s New XM5

Mon, 08/01/2022 - 12:00

In late April, the United States Army announced that they’ll be replacing the M4 and other M16-based rifles with the SIG Sauer MCX SPEAR, chambered for new ammunition, the 6.8x51mm Common Cartridge (AKA .277 SIG Fury).

The change will be limited to close combat forces, defined as basically anyone who gets in line-of-sight with the enemy, while support forces and others who are armed will stick with the M4 and 5.56x45mm NATO.

This move has generated a fair amount of criticism from gun and military writers, YouTubers, and others who are aware of the history of the U.S.

Continue reading What A Deep Dive on China’s QBZ-191 Service Rifle Can Teach Us About the Army’s New XM5 at The Truth About Guns.

Why the New Forward Party is No Friend of Gun Rights

Mon, 08/01/2022 - 10:00

Former Democratic presidential primary contender Andrew Yang recently announced that his Forward Party has merged with two groups of former Republicans, forming a new version of the Forward Party. Or Forward Together. Or just Forward.

On the surface, a new viable third party sounds like a good idea to many people. Personally, I’m not a big fan of today’s Republican vs. Democrat politics. Instead of having, say, a half dozen parties to choose from like other Western democracies, we have only two real choices (sorry, the Libertarian Party doesn’t count as viable), and there’s no way only two sizes can really fit us all.

Continue reading Why the New Forward Party is No Friend of Gun Rights at The Truth About Guns.

