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Updated: 1 week 2 days ago

The 5 Worst Production Firearms Ever Made

Sun, 07/31/2022 - 13:00

Reader A. E. Johnson writes:

Ever since the dawn of mankind we’ve been trying to kill one another. But it was only with the advent of gunpowder that we got really good at it.

Firearms have existed for centuries, and have been constantly evolving to become ever more efficient at what they do. Yet for every new, awe-inspiring innovation, there comes another not-so-amazing design. One that makes you shake your head  that it ever managed to be produced.

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Tactical Tomfoolery: Our Dangerous Obsession With Gear

Sun, 07/31/2022 - 10:00

By Gideon Joubert

A lot of people in the firearm-owning community seem to obsess about “tactical”…everything. But the term has so far departed from its proper use in our lexicon, that it now practically crops up in the most inappropriate places. It’s an infestation. And it’s becoming a serious problem. One that goes far beyond linguistic pedantry.

Defensive firearm instructors have bemoaned (for years) that prospective students have dangerously unrealistic expectations of what they are capable of.

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House Democrats Not Reacting Well to Those Who Oppose Their Latest ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

Sat, 07/30/2022 - 13:00

House Democrats were mighty proud of themselves last night after Speaker Nancy Pelosi twisted just enough arms to get an “assault weapons” ban bill passed…the first since 1994. Given how well that worked out for them last time, you’d think they’d be a little more cautious about the electoral results, but some Congresscritters simply couldn’t pass up the opportunity to crow a little bit.

One of those boastful buttheads was Illinois Rep.

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Gun Rights Orgs React to House Federal Assault Weapons Ban Bill Passage

Sat, 07/30/2022 - 10:00


Desperate to give Democrats something they view as positive to campaign on this fall, the House of Representatives voted narrowly to resurrect a federal “assault weapons” ban last night. As Speaker Nancy Pelosi laughably claimed, the black rifle prohibition bill isn’t about taking away anyone’s guns . . .

The bill prohibits the sale, manufacture, transfer or possession of semi-automatic assault weapons, as well as high-capacity magazines. And, contrary to what the gentleman on the other side of the aisle said, it requires safe storage for lawfully owned assault weapons already in our communities.

Continue reading Gun Rights Orgs React to House Federal Assault Weapons Ban Bill Passage at The Truth About Guns.

Walters: Gavin Newsom’s ‘Just Sue the Bastards’ Anti-Gun Law is Nothing More Than a Political Stunt

Sat, 07/30/2022 - 08:00

[A] federal law — rightly or wrongly — protects firearms manufacturers from liability suits.

The bill is so obviously drafted as a political gesture that the American Civil Liberties Union opposed it for using the “flawed logic” of the Texas statute.

“We believe it is a serious misstep to further entrench that flawed logic,” the organization said when the bill was going through the legislative process.

Continue reading Walters: Gavin Newsom’s ‘Just Sue the Bastards’ Anti-Gun Law is Nothing More Than a Political Stunt at The Truth About Guns.

House Democrats Boost AR-15 Sales With Passage of ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Bill

Fri, 07/29/2022 - 17:55

As firearms sales cool off this summer, House Democrats have helpfully given sales of semi-automatic rifle sales a boost by passing H.R. 1808, their latest attempt at banning the most popular long guns sold in America. AR makers may want to send flowers to Speaker Nancy Pelosi who finally managed to twist enough arms in her own party caucus to narrowly pass the bill this evening.

This latest “assault weapons” ban is, of course, nothing more than political theater.

Continue reading House Democrats Boost AR-15 Sales With Passage of ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Bill at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Review: Grand Power K22 X-TRIM .22LR Pistol

Fri, 07/29/2022 - 14:00

Yes, it’s another Grand Power review. Am I paid by them? No. Do I like their guns? Yes. I’m willing to take criticism for potential favoritism when you accept that I like them after having reviewed hundred of pistols and spent hundreds of hours in training at various institutions.

I like Grand Power for reasons. Given the comments from folks who thought the Q1S was a new release I thought I’d dig out another existing Grand Power you might not have heard of.

Continue reading Gun Review: Grand Power K22 X-TRIM .22LR Pistol at The Truth About Guns.

How Anti-Gunners Use Automotive Journalists (and Others) to Push Their Misleading Narrative

Fri, 07/29/2022 - 10:00

I want to share a personal story about a recent attempt by the gun control industry to deceive automotive writers into sharing anti-gun propaganda.

Like most writers here, I only work part-time for The Truth About Guns. I also work as a firearms instructor, and I write for another website that focuses on things like solar power (great for preparedness) and electric vehicles (also great for emergencies…not to mention that low-end torque is a blast).

Continue reading How Anti-Gunners Use Automotive Journalists (and Others) to Push Their Misleading Narrative at The Truth About Guns.

New York Prosecutors Finally Find a Class of Criminals They Really Want to Prosecute

Fri, 07/29/2022 - 08:00

“Violent criminals should be punished to the fullest extent of the law,” [Aidan Johnston of Gun Owners of America] said. “But possessing a firearm, carrying a firearm in public, is not a crime. And New York has been violating the right of New Yorkers to carry firearms in public for decades.”

Racial equity is a key reason that the defenders supported two upstate residents’ successful challenge to the century-old gun law, which they said was too often applied in a discriminatory fashion.

Continue reading New York Prosecutors Finally Find a Class of Criminals They Really Want to Prosecute at The Truth About Guns.

Smith & Wesson’s New M&P9 M2.0 Optics-Ready Spec Series Pistol Kit

Thu, 07/28/2022 - 15:00

From Smith & Wesson . . .

Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc., a leader in firearm manufacturing and design, introduces the new M&P M2.0 Compact Optics-Ready Spec Series Pistol Kit.

Born from evolutions in the professional and shooting enthusiast markets, the M&P Spec Series line advances with its 3rd iteration. The newest edition places emphasis on delivering a package that is ideal for those looking to hone their skills and push their limits.

Continue reading Smith & Wesson’s New M&P9 M2.0 Optics-Ready Spec Series Pistol Kit at The Truth About Guns.

Failed Kavanaugh Assassin Wanted to Kill 3 Justices, Alter the Political Makeup of the Court ‘for Decades’

Thu, 07/28/2022 - 12:51

From the AP . . .

The California man accused of plotting to kill Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh had an expansive goal to change the makeup of the Supreme Court “for decades to come,” according to a recent court filing that cites discussions the man had online.

Nicholas John Roske, 26, told unidentified internet users that his goal was to reverse the then-leaked draft decision of the since-overturned Roe v.

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Bloomberg Summons Anti-Gun Mayors to Plan Post-Bruen Next Steps to Limit Gun Rights

Thu, 07/28/2022 - 10:00

Democratic mayors from the largest cities aren’t going to stand idly by and allow the U.S. Supreme Court to reaffirm Americans’ Constitutionally-guaranteed rights.

Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) is the gun control kitchen cabinet of billionaire Michael Bloomberg, ever on his quest to deny God-given rights to law-abiding Americans even while he enjoys them. Following the Supreme Court’s ruling in Bruen, Bloomberg summoned his coterie to New York City.

Continue reading Bloomberg Summons Anti-Gun Mayors to Plan Post-Bruen Next Steps to Limit Gun Rights at The Truth About Guns.

It’s Time for America’s Malls to Drop Their ‘Gun-Free’ Zone Policies

Wed, 07/27/2022 - 13:00

By Alan Gottlieb and Dave Workman

In the aftermath of the Greenwood Park Mall shooting in which a legally-armed private citizen named Elisjsha Dicken was able to quickly take down the killer, stopping the attack and preventing further bloodshed, it is time for shopping malls to abandon their “no firearms” policies, which have left other victims around the country disarmed and dead.

Firing across the mall food court, and gradually moving closer to the heavily-armed killer, the 22-year-old Dicken hit the attacker with eight out of ten rounds fired.

Continue reading It’s Time for America’s Malls to Drop Their ‘Gun-Free’ Zone Policies at The Truth About Guns.

Biden Administration Supporting States’ Attempts to Get Around and Repeal the PLCAA, Sue Gun Makers Into Bankruptcy

Wed, 07/27/2022 - 11:00

The Biden administration is zeroing in on repealing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) and White House officials are enlisting help from antigun state lawmakers to do it.

The White House released a readout of a meeting held by Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Senior Advisor to the President and White House Intergovernmental Affairs Director, with other White House officials and 10 state lawmakers from New York, Delaware, California and Illinois.

Continue reading Biden Administration Supporting States’ Attempts to Get Around and Repeal the PLCAA, Sue Gun Makers Into Bankruptcy at The Truth About Guns.

Caught on Video: ATF Agent Creates Illegal Gun Registry With Her Cell Phone

Wed, 07/27/2022 - 08:34

By Lee Williams

Dave Nagel, one of three co-owners of Black Metal Firearms in Mesa, Arizona, said there was something odd about the inspector the ATF sent to audit his gun shop late last year.

Pamela Scott, an Industry Operations Investigator, or IOI, from ATF’s Phoenix Field Division showed up in December, 2021. Her audit lasted two months and concluded in February, which ruined more than a few Christmases.

“People ask me why I waited to July to go public about this,” Nagel said.

Continue reading Caught on Video: ATF Agent Creates Illegal Gun Registry With Her Cell Phone at The Truth About Guns.

Ahdoot: To End Violence, We Just Need to End Poverty, Racism and Injustice

Wed, 07/27/2022 - 08:00

“America is unique in the world, given how it was founded. The centuries of slavery, oppression, explicit and internalized racism, and the resulting chaos and enduring inequities,” she said. “This is a First World country that promises opportunity for all. And yet, within its own boundaries, what is happening is so unbelievably unjust, unfair and so traumatic that it has really impacted how people are able to cope and even who they see as the enemy.”

For too many young Black men, that enemy is most often perceived as another young Black man, like himself.

Continue reading Ahdoot: To End Violence, We Just Need to End Poverty, Racism and Injustice at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Meme of the Day: Okay Sonny Edition

Tue, 07/26/2022 - 18:00

Did he have an optic on his gun? I haven’t actually looked into that and haven’t come across anything. But…either way…it’s a valid point. My confidence of making quick, extremely precise hits inside 20-ish yards is a wash iron sights vs optic, but extend the range out from there and the optic-equipped gun starts pulling away harder and harder.



Continue reading Gun Meme of the Day: Okay Sonny Edition at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Review: Grand Power Q1S Subcompact Pistol

Tue, 07/26/2022 - 16:00

Do you remember subcompacts (for 9mm about a 3.5″ barrel that carry 12+1 rounds)? They’re the pistol that’s sized small enough to conceal easily, but offers more grip surface and capacity than a single-stack. They used to be the go-to for smaller-framed folks looking for a concealment option.

Then the micro-compacts came out and everyone seemed to forget all about the subcompacts. The Grand Power Q1S is the subcompact model of Grand Power’s Q100.

Continue reading Gun Review: Grand Power Q1S Subcompact Pistol at The Truth About Guns.

