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Updated: 1 week 2 days ago

Woehrle: Gun Violence Is Coming So Let’s Ban the Guns

Sun, 05/01/2022 - 08:00

I was stuck in traffic on Tilden Street near Connecticut Avenue NW on April 22 at 3:23 p.m. when I heard the gunfire, three rounds of three shots each in short succession. A semiautomatic nearby.

With traffic in front of me and behind, I was locked in, unable to move. I thought about ducking for cover, but then how would I drive? I was in a state of shock and couldn’t think of how to get out.

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19 Revolutionary War British Cannons Discovered in the Savannah River

Sat, 04/30/2022 - 13:00

By Russ Bynum, AP

A warehouse along the Savannah River is holding historical treasures that evidence suggests remained lost for more than 240 years — a cache of 19 cannons that researchers suspect came from British ships scuttled to the river bottom during the American Revolution.

The mud- and rust-encrusted guns were discovered by accident. A dredge scooping sediment from the riverbed last year as part of a $973 million deepening of Savannah’s busy shipping channel surfaced with one the cannons clasped in its metal jaws.

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Dr. Oz Really Wants You to Know That He Supports the Second Amendment

Sat, 04/30/2022 - 10:00

I will never back down from the fight to protect our Second Amendment Rights.

— Dr. Mehmet Oz (@DrOz) April 29, 2022

If you don’t watch daytime television, you may not be familiar with Dr. Oz. Mehmet Oz is a retired surgeon who rose to fame thanks to a few dozen appearances on Oprah Winfrey’s weekday gabfests. Winfrey’s production company then created The Dr. Oz Show which is apparently still being broadcast, but who the hell really knows or cares?

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DeSantis: I Will Sign Constitutional Carry Into Law Before I’m Done as Governor

Sat, 04/30/2022 - 08:00


One the thing that I wanted the legislature to do — and I think we will do it, I can’t tell you exactly when — but I’m pretty confident I will be able to sign a constitutional carry bill into law in the state of Florida.

We used to be a leader on Second Amendment. There’s like 25 states that have already done it and I think if you look now, you have a situation where the official in charge of these permits doesn’t support Second Amendment rights.

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Gun Review: Archon Type B 9mm Pistol

Fri, 04/29/2022 - 16:00

The Archon Type B brought us the intriguing design, innovative action, and low bore axis of the famed Arsenal Strike One, but in an enhanced, more compact, and slightly more affordable price. Yet for some reason, we’ve seen little of it in the news. Back in 2018 we teased of the gun in this article. Now it’s time for a full going over.

“What Is It?” — something a lot of Archon shooters hear — is a question both simple and complicated to answer.

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Menthol Cigarettes Are the New ‘High Capacity’ Magazines

Fri, 04/29/2022 - 12:00

“Banning menthol—the last allowable flavor—in cigarettes and banning all flavors in cigars will help save lives, particularly among those disproportionately affected by these deadly products.” Sound familiar? The Biden administration’s announcement that they’re using their regulatory power to outlaw menthol-flavored tobacco products should ring some bells with gun owners.

Banning high capacity magazines—which no one needs—will help save lives, particularly among those disproportionately affected by these deadly products.

The ATF’s FDA’s statement on the proposed rule banning menthol continued .

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Things That Don’t Suck: Lingle Industries Lowers

Thu, 04/28/2022 - 16:00

I reviewed the APC9K sometime back and thoroughly enjoyed it. What I didn’t enjoy was the cost of the gun and the cost of its magazines. I know B&T makes GLOCK and P320 lowers, but I don’t care for pistol mags in my subguns/PCCs. I like real SMG mags, and that’s what lead me to Lingle Industries.

I’ve owned a Scorpion since they were released, and I read Nick’s review. I love the gun, and I love the mags.

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Portable First Aid: High Speed Gear’s ReVive and Bleeder Medical Pouches

Thu, 04/28/2022 - 14:00

From High Speed Gear . . .

High Speed Gear would like to take a moment to showcase their ReVive Medical Pouch and Bleeder/Blowout Pouch, two compact ways to carry lifesaving equipment.

Throughout the tactical community, there are many assets to defending your life. However, some of the most important items are the ones that can save a life. High Speed Gear offers many options for carrying medical equipment on your person.

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Gear Review: Vortex Diamondback HD 2000 Laser Rangefinder

Thu, 04/28/2022 - 12:00

For the longest time, I thought I didn’t have use for a rangefinder. I shot only at known distances at ranges marked as such. The bench sitting at 100 yards was, in my mind, at 100 yards away. I accepted that as fact, though it wasn’t necessarily set in stone.

Thinking back, I remember when I first started shooting at age 14. The pistol silhouette range where we shot rifles with cast bullets had what I understood to be a confusing combination of targets in meters and yards.

Continue reading Gear Review: Vortex Diamondback HD 2000 Laser Rangefinder at The Truth About Guns.

Take Your Competition Shooting to the Next Level With the New Generation of CZ TS 2 Pistols

Thu, 04/28/2022 - 11:00

CZ has a long history of producing some of the best competition guns on the market. They’ve expanded that storied lineup with the TS 2. The 9mm version puts out-of-the-box competitive precision in your hands, continuing CZ as the leading name for practical shooting disciplines like IPSC, USPSA, 3-Gun and Steel Challenge competition.

Now, new for 2022, CZ has added a TS2 chambered in .40 S&W for those who want an advantage over competitors shooting 9mm.

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Eric Swalwell Deploys More Lies About the Lies He’s Been Telling About Gun Control for Years

Thu, 04/28/2022 - 10:00

By Larry Keane

A repeated ploy of the gun control movement is to loudly proclaim law-abiding Second Amendment supporters are using “scare tactics” while opposing proposed gun control.

U.S. Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), the “Honey Pot Congressman,” isn’t new to this charade. His record is one of support for strict gun control. That includes a failed presidential campaign playing second fiddle to Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke to carry the gun control water.

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Want to Know How People Will Vote? Ask Them If They Own Guns

Thu, 04/28/2022 - 08:00


— Zachary Faria (@ZacharyFaria) April 25, 2022

One side effect of [increased minority gun ownership] is the ongoing decay of the gun control movement. Last year, support for gun control fell to a seven-year low, thanks in part to the surge in crime. But it’s the long-term effect of the country gaining more than 7.5 million gun owners that stands out.

In the 2016 presidential election, there was no clearer indicator of preference than gun ownership.

Continue reading Want to Know How People Will Vote? Ask Them If They Own Guns at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Meme of the Day: A Shot At Walther Edition

Wed, 04/27/2022 - 18:00

With today’s release of the new Walther PDP F-Series came a release of — you guessed it! — PDP F-Series memes. Though, in my correct opinion, Walther has done precisely what you’re supposed to in designing a firearm for women (whatever those are)! A smaller grip and easier-to-manipulate slide in a gun that isn’t pink and looks just like a pistol normally looks. Shocking.


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Twitter Is Now Fact-Checking The Anti-Gun Left, And Soon You’ll Be Able To Help

Wed, 04/27/2022 - 16:00

Controlling actual disinformation without injecting bias or stifling free speech isn’t easy. It’s amazing what a couple of days and $44 billion can do. When I saw that an anti-gun post on Twitter had been fact-checked, it was clear that they were trying something new that might also actually be fair.

The Challenge: Control Actual Disinformation While Respecting Freedom of Speech

It would be wildly inaccurate to say that Twitter’s approach to fact-checking has been fair or remotely even-handed.

Continue reading Twitter Is Now Fact-Checking The Anti-Gun Left, And Soon You’ll Be Able To Help at The Truth About Guns.

FPC Sues City of San Jose Challenging City’s Gun Owner Liability Insurance Mandate

Wed, 04/27/2022 - 15:00

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . .

Attorneys for Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) filed a new lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California challenging the City of San Jose’s ordinance requiring gun owners to purchase liability insurance and pay a fee in order to exercise their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. FPC’s complaint argues that the mandate violates both the First and Second Amendments to the U.S.

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Corporations Waking Up to the Damage ‘Woke’ Capitalism Has Done to Their Businesses

Wed, 04/27/2022 - 14:00

By Larry Keane

A new trend is emerging in the business world. Business leaders are waking up to the destructive “woke” policies being foisted on businesses by boardrooms more concerned with virtue signaling than their primary responsibility of ensuring corporate profitability and enhancing shareholder values.

In short, the “woke” buck stops here, more corporate executives are saying. Mixing the politics of culture wars with business is a losing strategy.

Former McDonald’s CEO Ed Rensi is leading the charge.

Continue reading Corporations Waking Up to the Damage ‘Woke’ Capitalism Has Done to Their Businesses at The Truth About Guns.

Meet Congresswoman Lauren Boebert At Pro-Gun Rally in Quincy, IL on Saturday, April 30th

Wed, 04/27/2022 - 13:00

Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert has proven herself a big voice for gun rights for everyday Americans, even after arriving in Washington.  She’s “small but mighty,” according to one of her Congressional peers.  And the gun-toting Congresswoman will bring her unbridled enthusiasm for guns and gun ownership to Quincy, Illinois at a “Defend the Second Amendment” rally this Saturday, April 30th.

Boebert, a staunch conservative defender of gun rights, has made herself a thorn in the side of gun haters and the Dems who control the US House.

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