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Updated: 1 week 2 days ago

Junk Science: RAND Finds only 123 of 27,900 Gun Control Studies Meet Rigorous Scientific Standards

Sun, 04/03/2022 - 16:00

We’ve all heard stories — on a monthly basis, if not more often — about alleged “studies” that allegedly show that if we just pass a few more gun control measures, we can finally turn the tide on the criminal misuse of firearms. Various big gun control groups love to tout these studies to support their baseless claims that more commonsense restrictions on law-abiding citizens’ rights will make the difference where thousands of other gun control laws have failed.

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Fifth Circuit Rules Against New Jersey in Defense Distributed 1st Amendment 3D Gun File Case

Sun, 04/03/2022 - 13:00

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . .

The Second Amendment Foundation and Defense Distributed today are celebrating a court victory in a long-running battle to allow online publication of information related to the 3D printing of firearms, thanks to a ruling by the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that returns claims against the New Jersey attorney general (NJAG) to its jurisdiction.

A district court order had wrongly severed the case against the NJAG, from a lawsuit filed by the plaintiffs, and transferring it to a federal court in New Jersey.

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AMNY: It Turns Out ‘Ghost Guns’ Are Traceable After All

Sun, 04/03/2022 - 10:00

Leave it to the little media outlets to publish the truth that corporate media organizations would prefer to avoid. In this case, AMNY, a tiny publication, did some actual journalism about so-called guns without serial numbers – termed “ghost guns” by those who want to ban Americans from making guns at home.

In the AMNY report, the New York Police Department admitted that guns without serials numbers are still traceable.

Indeed, just like traditional serialized guns made by gun manufacturers, firearms without serial numbers still leave plenty of trace evidence.

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Roberts: Why Do Gun Makers Deserve Protection Before Rape Victims, Transgender Kids?

Sun, 04/03/2022 - 08:00

It seems some banks no longer want to do business with some companies that make and/or sell guns.

Berkshire Bank, for example, quit lending money to Sig Sauer a few years ago, choosing not to help the company make more of the MCX rifle that was used to murder 49 people in a gay nightclub in Orlando in 2016.

JP Morgan and Bank of America also have pronounced themselves uninterested in financing the manufacture of military-style rifles for civilians.

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NSSF: March Gun Sales Up 300,000 From February, Still Trending Up Long Term

Sat, 04/02/2022 - 13:00

While the NSSF’s adjusted March NICS background check numbers indicate fewer guns sold in 2022 than the same month in 2020 or 2021, look at the 2022 total versus prior years. March 2022 sales were substantially higher than the pre-Covid/George Floyd surge monthly totals by a significant margin.

The NSSF’s Mark Oliva tells TTAG that . . .

Anecdotal reports of reports of increased interest in firearm purchases following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine proved to be true as we saw background check figures for firearm sales increase by more than 300,000 from February’s adjusted figure of 1,352,105 to March’s 1,669,578.

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Philadelphia Corner Store Robbery Duo No Match For CCW Holder Who Shoots One Dead

Sat, 04/02/2022 - 10:00

A good guy with a gun who was shopping in a Philadelphia corner store reacted as you’d expect to an armed duo who were waving a gun around threatening people as they tried to carry out a robbery just after high noon on Wednesday. The concealed carrier was waiting for an order when one of the two armed robbers pistol whipped him.

When the man who struck him then handed his gun to an accomplice, the concealed carry licensee drew his own gun and shot the man who attacked him twice, center mass.

Continue reading Philadelphia Corner Store Robbery Duo No Match For CCW Holder Who Shoots One Dead at The Truth About Guns.

Support for the Second Amendment Means Supporting Gun Rights for ALL Americans

Sat, 04/02/2022 - 08:00

The black nationalism of the Black Panthers — otherwise known as the “Black Panther Party for Self-Defense” — couldn’t be further from our own vision of building a future for black and white Americans together. But they weren’t wrong that law enforcement in certain cities was not trustworthy in 1966. When the Panthers started placing armed patrols in neighborhoods known for  police abuse, the overwhelmingly white state legislature proposed the Mulford Act, named for Oakland assemblyman Don Mulford, which prohibited carrying loaded firearms in public spaces.

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Weekend Photo Caption Contest: Win a Pair of Howard Leight Bluetooth Earmuffs

Fri, 04/01/2022 - 16:00

We’re not bringing back a weekly photo caption contest (at least not now) but we ran across this AP photo that was taken when a Ukrainian soldier took a break for lunch outside of Kyiv…and we couldn’t resist.

Enter the best caption for this photo in the comments below by midnight Sunday and you’ll win a pair of Howard Leight Bluetooth-enabled electronic earmuffs courtesy of Honeywell. Good luck.

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Georgia Senate Passes Constitutional Carry Bill, Governor Kemp Promises to Sign It

Fri, 04/01/2022 - 15:06

After some back and forth between the Georgia House and Senate reconciling different versions of constitutional carry bills, the Senate voted 34-22 in favor of the latest version that passed the House earlier this week. That sends the final bill to Governor Brian Kemp who has said he’ll sign it into law.

From The Center Square . . .

“I look forward to signing the Georgia Constitutional Carry Act of 2021 into law soon and fulfilling another promise I made to the voters of this state,” Kemp said in a tweet.

Continue reading Georgia Senate Passes Constitutional Carry Bill, Governor Kemp Promises to Sign It at The Truth About Guns.

Street Gang Used Soldiers at Fort Campbell, KY to Straw Purchase Guns Bound for Chicago

Fri, 04/01/2022 - 15:00

By Michael Belsamo, AP

Twelve people, including three U.S. Army soldiers, are accused in a large-scale gun trafficking ring that prosecutors allege supplied nearly 100 guns to gang members in Chicago and led to at least two killings, the Justice Department said Friday.

The soldiers — Demarcus Adams, 21; Jarius Brunson, 22; and Brandon Miller, 22 — were enlisted in the Army and stationed at Fort Campbell in Kentucky, where they would legally purchase guns from local dealers in Tennessee and Kentucky, prosecutors charged.

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The ‘Ghost Guns’ That Time Forgot

Fri, 04/01/2022 - 14:00

Reader James Kaleda writes . . .

Gun rights deniers are increasingly up in arms about 3-D printing and the making of “ghost guns.” Many states, such as New York and New Jersey, have jumped on the bandwagon, passing laws intended to prevent people from purchasing certain parts, downloading 3-D plans, and all kinds of other silly restrictions. The ATF is putting a rule in place to redefine what “gun” means.

It’s all so silly, not just because prohibition never works, but because the materials and instructions for making your own firearms have been readily and easily available for decades.

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Biden’s Budget is Another Sop to Gun Control Groups That Will Never be Satisfied

Fri, 04/01/2022 - 12:00

President Joe Biden is caught on the horns of a dilemma.

He’s attempting to placate a stubborn and loud national gun control movement that buoyed his presidential campaign and that continues to yell “Do more!” while seeing their influence and relevance evaporate.

Countering that is the rest of America. By the millions they’ve rejected the president’s gun control pushes and purchased firearms in record numbers over the past two years, creating the most diverse gun-owning community ever.

Continue reading Biden’s Budget is Another Sop to Gun Control Groups That Will Never be Satisfied at The Truth About Guns.

SITUATIONAL AWARENESS: Dashcam Video Shows Cabbie Thwart Armed Carjackers

Fri, 04/01/2022 - 10:00

Here at TTAG, we’ve covered the great utility of dashcams for evidentiary value as well as for self-improvement. Now comes a dashcam video from a taxi driver in Chile who narrowly escaped a robbery and carjacking late one night. The taxi driver’s response to the attempted attack looks to be virtually textbook perfect.

The incident began with the carjackers forcing their vehicle in front of the taxi driver at an exit (see photo at top).

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The Iron Pipeline Is So Last Week…The New Anti-Gun Hotness Is ‘Ghost Guns’

Fri, 04/01/2022 - 08:00

Those of us who worry about gun proliferation used to obsess about “the iron pipeline,” a.k.a. I-95, along which weapons were ferried from Southern states where they were easy to purchase to Northern destinations where they could be sold for a very tidy profit.

Now shipping through the iron pipeline is sort of like keeping in touch with all your friends and family by writing lovely letters on your personal stationery and taking them to the post office to buy stamps and put them in the mail.

Continue reading The Iron Pipeline Is So Last Week…The New Anti-Gun Hotness Is ‘Ghost Guns’ at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Meme of the Day: Medieval Registry Edition

Thu, 03/31/2022 - 18:00

This is why I keep a cauldron of bubbling hot oil perched above my front door. Side note: crossbows are subject to a lot of restrictions and regulations in various countries.


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Training: Don’t Limit Yourself to CCW Qualifier Distances At The Range

Thu, 03/31/2022 - 16:00

It’s hard to imagine now, but a mere twenty years or so ago, most U.S. states didn’t allow any form of concealed carry. First a few states began issuing permits, then a few more, and then the dam broke.

Now, a wave of constitutional carry has moved across the country. But the interaction between regulation and technology isn’t one-way. Concealed carry was a response to good people wanting to carry guns. And as concealed carry became more popular, the guns changed to fit the needs of people who went out and got the permits.

Continue reading Training: Don’t Limit Yourself to CCW Qualifier Distances At The Range at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Control Only Disarms Victims, Not Criminals: 20 Dead in Michoacan, Mexico Massacre

Thu, 03/31/2022 - 14:00

What happens when government bans civilian possession of firearms for self-defense for law-abiding citizens? We need to look no further for an answer than south of the Rio Grande. When bad men with evil in their hearts showed up Sunday night at a cockfight in a small town in Michoacan, Mexico, with no good guys with guns to stop them, it became a bloodbath.  In the end 20 were killed and more wounded.

Sixteen men and three women were found dead at the scene and another died on the way to the hospital.

Continue reading Gun Control Only Disarms Victims, Not Criminals: 20 Dead in Michoacan, Mexico Massacre at The Truth About Guns.

Economic Data Reveal a Healthy, Growing Firearm Industry Despite the Biden Administration’s Best Efforts

Thu, 03/31/2022 - 12:00

You wouldn’t think the Biden administration would want to attack a thriving domestic manufacturing industry that employs 375,000 people and generated over $70 billion of economic activity last year. Those are two of the top-line numbers from the latest analysis of America’s firearm industry by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

Then again, domestic oil and gas production employs over 10 million people and represents about 8% of the entire U.S. economy.

Continue reading Economic Data Reveal a Healthy, Growing Firearm Industry Despite the Biden Administration’s Best Efforts at The Truth About Guns.

OkCupid Users Say Climate Change Skepticism – Not Gun Ownership – Is Their #1 Dealbreaker

Thu, 03/31/2022 - 10:00

Good news for gun-owning singles using dating apps to find their mates. Or a hookup.  Dating app OKCupid reports that a survey of their users shows gun ownership isn’t the biggest dealbreaker among prospective daters. In fact, guns apparently didn’t even come close. Instead, 90% of that company’s open-minded (cough) users view those who are skeptical about “climate change” as those most unsuitable for communication, much less dating.

Diversity and inclusion is our strength.

Continue reading OkCupid Users Say Climate Change Skepticism – Not Gun Ownership – Is Their #1 Dealbreaker at The Truth About Guns.

