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Updated: 1 week 2 days ago

Gun Meme of the Day: Well Yes But That’s Different Edition

Mon, 03/07/2022 - 18:00

“We believe in citizens standing up to their government, just not our government.”

Perhaps this is related to our ruling class’ obsession with banning “assault weapons,” despite the fact that they’re used in likely less than one percent of violent crime or murders. Should guns only be legal for militia use, or are militia-appropriate firearms “weapons of war that shouldn’t be available to civilians?” Interesting.


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Gun Review: FN 502 Tactical .22 LR Pistol

Mon, 03/07/2022 - 16:00

Approximating the feel and manual of arms of the centerfire FN 509 series of handguns, FN’s 502 pistol is a fun, inexpensive-to-shoot .22 LR alternative that doubles as a great trainer. Available in black and FDE, the FN 502 Tactical is suppressor-ready and optics-ready right out of the box, and boasts 15-round capacity.

Multiple optics plates and assorted hardware is included, allowing the user to mount the vast majority of micro red dot reflex sights on the market.

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Supreme Court Ruling Reduces the Reach of the Armed Career Criminal Act’s Sentencing Enhancements

Mon, 03/07/2022 - 14:00

By Jessica Gresko, AP

The Supreme Court on Monday narrowed the reach of a federal law that strengthens penalties for career criminals found to illegally have a gun.

The high court was ruling in the case of a man a lower court classified as a career criminal after counting the man’s burglary of 10 different public storage units on a single evening as 10 separate offenses. The high court said unanimously Monday that was an error.

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Mini Shells Part 3: Takho 2-Inch Slugs

Mon, 03/07/2022 - 12:00

Another day another mini shell. That was my reaction scrolling through a social media group dedicated to shotguns. A fella was showing off and talking about a new mini shell I’ve never heard of.

These are 2-inch slugs he was talking about. In the past, we’ve tested 1.75-inch shells and 2.5-inch shells, so these were something new. These 2-inch shells are made by a Ukranian company called Takho (no, I don’t know their current status given Russian hostilities).

Continue reading Mini Shells Part 3: Takho 2-Inch Slugs at The Truth About Guns.

Springfield Upsizes With The New Compact-Size Hellcat Pro 9mm Pistol

Mon, 03/07/2022 - 10:00

It used to be that handguns were introduced in full-size models, with manufacturers then paring them down into smaller compact and subcompact versions. Now we’ve come full circle. Springfield Armory rolled out their Hellcat microcompact back in 2019. They added the RDP, basically an optics-cut standard Hellcat with extended 15-round mags and a compensator.

Now, however, they’ve upsized the design. The new Hellcat Pro is basically the size and capacity of a G19 with full-fingered 15+1 capacity.

Continue reading Springfield Upsizes With The New Compact-Size Hellcat Pro 9mm Pistol at The Truth About Guns.

From Redcoats to Red Flag Laws…How Have We Fallen So Far?

Sun, 03/06/2022 - 16:00

By Gilbert Ambler

Recently I was in court on a domestic-related issue involving a firearm. My client was in a bad position. He was someone who had never been in trouble before when all of a sudden, after a disagreement with his girlfriend, he was thrown into the legal system.

This started as a situation where he was attacked by his girlfriend and he called the police for help. When police arrived, as my client waited outside his apartment, the police went in, spoke with his girlfriend, and then marched back outside and arrested him.

Continue reading From Redcoats to Red Flag Laws…How Have We Fallen So Far? at The Truth About Guns.

SAF Campaign Reminds Gun Owners That Gun Rights Depend On You

Sun, 03/06/2022 - 13:00

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . .

The Second Amendment Foundation has launched a nationwide outreach effort to remind America’s gun owners that “Gun Rights Depend On You,” while urging them to “Demand the Courts Protect the 2A.”

The message is already appearing online at the Washington Times, Breitbart, TownHall, Newsmax, BearingArms and Drudge, according to SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb.

“This campaign will reach more than 8.3 million people,” Gottlieb estimated.

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Holy Wars: How a Cathedral of Guns and Glory Symbolizes Putin’s Russia

Sun, 03/06/2022 - 10:00

By Lena Surzhko Harned, Penn State

A curious new church was dedicated on the outskirts of Moscow in June 2020: The Main Church of the Russian Armed Forces. The massive, khaki-colored cathedral in a military theme park celebrates Russian might. It was originally planned to open on the 75th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany, in May 2020, but was delayed due to the pandemic.

Conceived by the Russian defense minister after the country’s illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014, the cathedral embodies the powerful ideology espoused by President Vladimir Putin, with strong support from the Russian Orthodox Church.

Continue reading Holy Wars: How a Cathedral of Guns and Glory Symbolizes Putin’s Russia at The Truth About Guns.

Montana Governor Greg Gianforte Shoots a Mountain Lion and the Left Explodes With Outrage

Sat, 03/05/2022 - 12:00

Another day, another day of (out)rage from the anti-hunting, anti-gun Left in America.  Instead of directing their ire at criminal gangs, drug cartels, non-performing prosecutors, or criminals crossing our borders, they now attack Montana Governor Greg Gianforte for legally hunting and killing a mountain lion.

That he shot it on public lands has added to the pearl-clutching vapors they as they furiously fan themselves.

Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post (Democracy Dies in Darkness) brings us the latest news from the wild west.

Continue reading Montana Governor Greg Gianforte Shoots a Mountain Lion and the Left Explodes With Outrage at The Truth About Guns.

Washington House Passes ‘High Capacity’ Magazine Ban, Bill Goes To Governor’s Desk

Sat, 03/05/2022 - 09:20

Late last night, the Washington State House passed a “high capacity” magazine ban bill. As reports, “SB 5078 prohibits the sale of gun magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds, along with the manufacturing, distribution, possession, import or purchase of high-capacity magazines in Washington state.”

The bill now goes to Governor Jay Inslee, who will sign it with glee.

It’s important to note that despite that erroneous quote from the local Seattle media, the magazine ban won’t outlaw possession of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

Continue reading Washington House Passes ‘High Capacity’ Magazine Ban, Bill Goes To Governor’s Desk at The Truth About Guns.

Charles: Blacks Should Reject Guns Because the 2A Hasn’t Guaranteed Their Freedom Or Safety

Sat, 03/05/2022 - 08:00

Despite the ways that gun violence disproportionately affects communities that bear the scars of structural inequality, gun rights activists would have you believe that gun control of any kind represents the “real racism.” 

To accept that the same crowd that opposes such things as Critical Race Theory, voting rights, and athletes kneeling on sidelines is genuinely concerned about protecting the liberties of Black Americans requires a level of mental gymnastics that would humble Simone Biles.

Continue reading Charles: Blacks Should Reject Guns Because the 2A Hasn’t Guaranteed Their Freedom Or Safety at The Truth About Guns.

FL Governor Ron DeSantis Calls For Constitutional Carry. Why Has The Republican Legislature Blocked It?

Fri, 03/04/2022 - 15:00

March 3, 2022: Governor Ron DeSantis, while at a press event in Panama City, was questioned by a reporter on the status of Constitutional Carry law in Florida. The governor’s response was simple . . .

“Put it on my desk; I’ll sign it.”

But it hasn’t been sent to his desk. The Florida legislature, under Republican supermajority, has not advanced constitutional carry at all this session nor has it advanced constitutional carry since it was first introduced in the legislature three years ago.

Continue reading FL Governor Ron DeSantis Calls For Constitutional Carry. Why Has The Republican Legislature Blocked It? at The Truth About Guns.

AMMO Inc. To Donate One Million Rounds of 5.56 Ammo To Ukraine

Fri, 03/04/2022 - 13:00

Joe Biden’s so-called diplomacy with Russia to avert an invasion of Ukraine didn’t really work out. Not even a day after Kamala Harris flexed her diplomatic muscles, Russian troops rolled over the border. When Biden offered the Ukrainian president safe passage out of the country, he declined the offer with a now-famous reply . . .

“The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride.” – @ZelenskyyUa on the US evacuation offer.

Continue reading AMMO Inc. To Donate One Million Rounds of 5.56 Ammo To Ukraine at The Truth About Guns.

NRA and Ackerman McQueen Settle Their Lawsuits a Day Before They Were Due in Court

Fri, 03/04/2022 - 09:00


If you remember your history, the depth and breadth of the scandals that have consumed the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre, and many NRA officers and directors spilled into public view when a rift opened between the association and its longtime advertising and marketing firm Ackerman McQueen. Ackerman had been running the wildly expensive and severely underperforming NRA TV for the association. They also employed the NRA’s president at the time, Oliver North.

Continue reading NRA and Ackerman McQueen Settle Their Lawsuits a Day Before They Were Due in Court at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Meme of the Day: Deer In Kevlar Vests Edition

Thu, 03/03/2022 - 18:00

That deer-in-kevlar joke was hilarious last night at Uncle Joe’s SOTU address, eh? It fell flat on its face the first 143 times President Biden told it over the last few years and, sure, it intentionally obfuscates the reason our Second Amendment exists in the first place, but boy that 144th delivery cracked me up but good.


Continue reading Gun Meme of the Day: Deer In Kevlar Vests Edition at The Truth About Guns.

Former Cop Found Not Guilty in No-Knock Raid Shooting That Killed Breonna Taylor

Thu, 03/03/2022 - 17:48

By Dylan Lovan, AP

A former Kentucky police officer was found not guilty Thursday on charges he endangered neighbors the night he fired into Breonna Taylor’s apartment during a botched drug raid that resulted in Taylor’s death.

The panel of eight men and four women delivered its verdict for Brett Hankison about three hours after it took the case following closing arguments from prosecution and defense attorneys.

None of the officers involved in the March 13, 2020, raid were charged with Taylor’s death, and Hankison did not fire any of the bullets that killed the 26-year-old Black woman.

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NSSF: President Biden Repeats His Gun Control Lies In First State of the Union Address

Thu, 03/03/2022 - 14:00

By Larry Keane of the NSSF . . .

It’s a tale as old as time. If President Joe Biden is giving a major speech, he’s going to lie about the firearm industry and the Second Amendment. Like clockwork, the president rattled off his favored laundry list of gun control requests and included several falsehoods in his first State of the Union address to the American people.

The president and his handlers continue to peddle the lies even as record numbers of Americans are lawfully purchasing firearms and support for more gun control erodes.

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ATF Goes After Homemade Silencers Through Mass Form 1 Disapprovals

Thu, 03/03/2022 - 12:00

Before manufacturing one’s own silencer or other NFA item, one must file an ATF Form 1 for registration and approval and receive said approval. Through a leap of logic, ATF has begun disapproving Form 1s en masse and it has angered, scared, and confused the homemade silencer market.

Suspicions arose last month, as more and more applicants began to share stories of their eFiled Form 1s taking an oddly long time for approval.

Continue reading ATF Goes After Homemade Silencers Through Mass Form 1 Disapprovals at The Truth About Guns.

Iftin: Our Goal Should Be Global Gun Control To Disarm Tyrants Like Putin

Thu, 03/03/2022 - 08:00

Think about the lasting effects gun violence can have on Americans. That brief moment when someone opens fire at a school, a restaurant or in the mall, and people die while others are traumatized by what they hear and see.

Shootings over the last years have sparked a debate on gun control in the United States. But how do we start a debate about global gun control to put pressure on someone like Putin to stop waging wars on innocent people?

Continue reading Iftin: Our Goal Should Be Global Gun Control To Disarm Tyrants Like Putin at The Truth About Guns.

