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Updated: 1 week 2 days ago

If You Can Own Only One Gun, There Are Plenty Of Reasons It Should Be An AR-15

Sat, 02/26/2022 - 13:00

While in many respects, a shotgun is indeed a great (the best?) choice if you can only own one gun…but an AR-15 is also a darn good option.

In fact, an AR pattern rifle is a better choice in certain regards, though not as much in others. Shotguns are a little more ubiquitous, it’s true, but America’s favorite rifle, the AR-15 comes darn close.

For starters, the AR-15 is one of the easiest weapon systems to learn.

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SAF Urges Support for Zbroya, the Ukrainian Gun Owners Association

Sat, 02/26/2022 - 10:00

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . .

“The whole world is watching, but gun owners around the world can actually be helping,” said Alan Gottlieb, founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation. “We’re calling on our fellow gun owners and rights activists to support Zbroya, the Ukranian Gun Owners Association (UGOA).

UGOA is a member organization of the International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights (IAPCAR), which SAF spearheaded and helped organize more than a decade ago.

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Wright: Forget Masks and Vaccines, Why Not Mandate Gun Ownership?

Sat, 02/26/2022 - 08:00


Mandatory militia service faded away after the Civil War in part due to the realization that as long as the American people remained armed, they could form militias if and when necessary. More importantly, the military-industrial complex realized that it could get higher congressional appropriations if the American people felt vulnerable to invasion from Mexico and/or Canada, with help from some Eurasian or East Asian power of course. Mandatory militia service remains alive and well, though, in Israel and Switzerland, and Kennesaw, Georgia has mandated gun ownership since 1982, though enforcement is lax.

Continue reading Wright: Forget Masks and Vaccines, Why Not Mandate Gun Ownership? at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Meme of the Day: Ukraine Edition

Fri, 02/25/2022 - 18:03

Too soon, I know. Personally I’m just now warming up to Abraham Lincoln assassination jokes.

In all seriousness, Ukrainians are being absolute badasses and patriots and I wish them every success.


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Ukraine Grants Citizens the Right to Bear Arms…A Little Too Late

Fri, 02/25/2022 - 16:04

By Jonathan Miltimore

Russian soldiers flooded into Ukraine Thursday under orders from President Vladimir Putin, threatening to obliterate a peace that has existed on the European continent for more than 75 years.

News reports say cities were bombarded by land, air, and sea, and Ukrainian forces were struggling to hold ground surrounding Kiev, Ukraine’s capital, against tens of thousands of Russian soldiers.

Prior to the attack, Ukrainian officials took steps to help Ukrainian civilians protect themselves.

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Idaho Bill Would Reimburse Legal Fees of Those Charged in Self-Defense Shootings

Fri, 02/25/2022 - 12:00

From the Associated Press . . .

A panel of lawmakers introduced legislation that would strengthen Idaho’s “stand your ground” law by requiring counties to reimburse anyone charged in a slaying if a judge or jury concludes they acted in self-defense.

Sen. Christy Zito, a Republican from Hammett, said the proposal is needed to protect people like Kyle Rittenhouse, who used an AR-15 rifle to shoot three people during a street protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in 2020.

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Texas AG Sues the ATF Over Regulation of ‘Made in Texas’ Suppressors

Fri, 02/25/2022 - 10:00

Last year, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law a bill that says suppressors that are built, owned, and used within the state are not subject to federal regulation under the National Firearms Act. The new law set up a legal challenge that, once it plays out in the courts, could result in the elimination of the onerous NFA compliance requirements surrounding silencers that are stamped “Made in Texas” and never leave the state.

As TTAG legal wizard LKB wrote at the time .

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Henry Donates 55 Rifles to Raise Funds for 4-Year-Old’s Kidney Cancer Treatments

Thu, 02/24/2022 - 16:00

From Henry Repeating Arms . . .

Leading lever action firearm manufacturer, Henry Repeating Arms, is donating a custom series of 55 “Miss Milah’s Miracle” edition rifles to raise funds for four-year-old Milah Schevenius of Decatur, Indiana. Milah was diagnosed with bilateral Wilms’ tumor at just 3-year-old, a rare occurrence affecting less than 10% of all children’s kidney cancer cases. All proceeds of the fundraising campaign will be presented to the Schevenius family to assist with the associated healthcare costs of Milah’s treatments.

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The Truth About AR-15 Pistols and Stabilizing Braces

Thu, 02/24/2022 - 14:00

By Emily Taylor

Since 2013, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) estimates that over 3 million stabilizing braces, or pistol braces, have been sold in the U.S. With over a dozen designs available on the market, they are mostly meant to be used with AR-15 style pistols. Pistol braces are devices meant to improve the shootability of large-format, intermediate caliber pistols, without shouldering them with a stock.

Putting a stock on a pistol would require the possessor to have registered the item with the ATF in accordance with the National Firearms Act (NFA), since it would make the item a short-barreled rifle (SBR)—this also means paying a $200 tax stamp and going through an enhanced vetting process (see 18 U.S.C.

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Millions of New Gun Owners Defy the Image Created by the Media and Gun Control Industry

Thu, 02/24/2022 - 12:00

By Larry Keane

It must be deflating for national gun control groups. They push for more and more restrictions on law-abiding Americans whom they label “dangerous” and “impulsive” only to watch as millions of new gun owners search out firearm education and training and prove they are safe and responsible gun owners.

Recent firearm industry retail data revealed first-time gun buyers especially, totaling more than 5.4 million in 2021 and 8.4 million in 2020, are seeking training opportunities with their new purchases.

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The Gun Buyback PR Sham: ‘Criminals Are The Least Likely To Be Turning Guns In’

Thu, 02/24/2022 - 08:00

An I-Team investigation finds some of the weapons taken off the streets during Chicago Police Department firearm turn-in events are very old, rusty and damaged. Others are fakes. But, those trying to stop Chicago violence insist every gun removed from circulation makes the city safer…

CPD hands out $100 gift cards for firearms and $10 gift cards for replicas ditched at these events. According to turn-in records obtained by the I-Team, in 2021 CPD held four official gun turn-in events.

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Elite Survival Systems Roomy Loadout Range Bag

Wed, 02/23/2022 - 15:00

From Elite Survival Systems . . .

The new Loadout Range Bag from Elite Survival Systems offers adjustable, movable mag pouches and accessory pouches, in addition to removable firearms compartments and lift-out ammo insert.


The new Loadout Range Bag from Elite Survival Systems offers the utmost in modular versatility. From its adjustable, movable mag pouches and accessory pouches, to its removable firearms compartments and lift-out ammo insert, this bag offers unrivalled customization.

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‘It’s Locked and Loaded’: A Veteran Mom Explains the Facts of Life To Thug On I-10 in New Orleans

Wed, 02/23/2022 - 13:00

An attacker in New Orleans discovered he’d committed an error in the victim selection process when he tried to force his way into a car driven by a woman with her toddler in the back seat. Instead of robbing or carjacking her, the thug fled empty-handed as the woman, a long-time Air Force veteran, pulled a gun, ready to provide some ballistic dissuasion.

As WDSU reports . . .

[Charise] Taylor said she was headed to pick up her husband on Friday.

Continue reading ‘It’s Locked and Loaded’: A Veteran Mom Explains the Facts of Life To Thug On I-10 in New Orleans at The Truth About Guns.

Amsterdam Police Ram Armed Hostage Taker With a Car, Ending Hours-Long Standoff [VIDEO]

Wed, 02/23/2022 - 11:00

From the AP . . .

A gunman who held a hostage for hours in the Apple Store in Amsterdam demanded a ransom of 200 million euros (more than $226 million) in cryptocurrencies before he was run over by police as he chased his hostage out of the shop, police and prosecutors said Wednesday.

The tense, five-hour standoff paralyzed one of Amsterdam’s most popular nightlife neighborhoods for hours Tuesday as scores of heavily armed police surrounded the store, managing to free about 70 people from the building that houses the shop before the suspect was detained.

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Caught: FL Rep. Brannan’s Legislative Aide Trashes FLGR, GOA Petitions Supporting Constitutional Carry [VIDEO]

Wed, 02/23/2022 - 09:00

What happens in Florida when constituents let their representatives know they want to see a constitutional carry bill that’s been languishing in a House committee come up for a vote?

We got this email from Florida Gun Rights’ Matt Collins . . .

Florida Gun Rights and Gun Owners Of America along with the Republican Liberty Caucus delivered petitions to legislators in support of Constitutional Carry at the Capitol today.

Continue reading Caught: FL Rep. Brannan’s Legislative Aide Trashes FLGR, GOA Petitions Supporting Constitutional Carry [VIDEO] at The Truth About Guns.

Constitutional Carry: Fear and Loathing in Alabama

Wed, 02/23/2022 - 08:00


We pride ourselves on being a state of responsible gun owners, but permitless carry begins dismantling Alabama’s culture of responsible gun ownership. Government issuing concealed carry permits is one of the few backstops we have to ensure responsible gun usage. HB 272 would take away a vital tool for law enforcement. One that works: to protect survivors of domestic violence, prevent people suffering from mental illness from gaining access to a more lethal means of harming themselves or others, and ensure that a person carrying a gun in public isn’t a criminal with a dangerous history.

Continue reading Constitutional Carry: Fear and Loathing in Alabama at The Truth About Guns.

SnapSafe’s Discreet New GlideVault Hides Guns and Valuables Without Standing Out

Tue, 02/22/2022 - 16:00

From SnapSafe . . .

SnapSafe built GlideVault for homeowners seeking a discreet, secure storage solution for firearms and other valuables. The GlideVault blends seamlessly into any room, looking like a piece of contemporary furniture. And thanks to its tough steel exterior, tempered glass touchpad, and spring-assisted slide-out drawer, GlideVault not only protects valuables but also offers quick user access too.

The GlideVault comfortably fits two to three pistols and ammo or a combination of other valuables.

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