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Updated: 1 week 1 day ago

Guns and Crypto: No, It Isn’t the Mark of the Beast

Wed, 12/29/2021 - 15:00

This is the first of a five-part series on cryptocurrencies as well as their uses benefits for the Second Amendment community. Read part two here

By Rob McNealy

When shuffling between gun show tables full of essential oils, overpriced 1911s and stacks of tasty beef jerky, it never fails that when the topic of cryptocurrencies comes up, I end up getting sucked into conversations about the ‘mark of the beast’.

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David Hogg is Confused: None of Our Rights Are Absolute

Wed, 12/29/2021 - 13:00


Imagine a Harvard man who can’t seem to write three sentences without contradicting himself. If you’re thinking of inveterate attention whore called David Hogg, you win a cookie. The awardee of an undergraduate place at Harvard has taken to Twitter to opine that the Second Amendment isn’t an absolute right.

“None of our rights are,” he continued.

Then he declares that “We have a right not to be shot.”

The second amendment is not an absolute right.

Continue reading David Hogg is Confused: None of Our Rights Are Absolute at The Truth About Guns.

As Biden Approval on Crime and Law Enforcement Continue to Plummet, Americans Continue to Buy More Guns

Wed, 12/29/2021 - 10:00

From the CCRKBA . . .

A new Rasmussen poll showing President Joe Biden has lost ground among likely U.S. voters for his handling of crime and law enforcement issues helps explain the continued interest in private gun ownership, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

According to Rasmussen’s survey, 51 percent of likely voters give Biden a poor rating for his ability to handle rising crime.

Continue reading As Biden Approval on Crime and Law Enforcement Continue to Plummet, Americans Continue to Buy More Guns at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Meme of the Day: Well This Explains It Edition

Tue, 12/28/2021 - 18:00

Ahha! This explains the dearth of tactical gear under the tree this year.


Continue reading Gun Meme of the Day: Well This Explains It Edition at The Truth About Guns.

Training: 5 Tips for Finding the Right Firearms Instructor for You

Tue, 12/28/2021 - 16:00

By Eve Flanigan

The quest to shoot better, to be an effective bodyguard for one’s self and loved ones or even to just learn to handle a gun safely usually requires live interaction with an instructor. Though there is a lot of worthy content online, handling firearms has physical, kinetic and sometimes mathematical challenges that everyone, sooner or later, must overcome with in-person help. There are many private instructors and training companies across the nation to satisfy that need for help—but how do you select the one that best suits your needs?

Continue reading Training: 5 Tips for Finding the Right Firearms Instructor for You at The Truth About Guns.

Half-Naked Home Invader Beats Couple in Their 70s Before Being Stopped With a Home Defense Gun

Tue, 12/28/2021 - 14:00

A Pennsylvania couple in their late 70s were minding their own business a few days before Christmas had a very unwelcome mid-day visitor on Wednesday. A 54-year-old man sporting a T-shirt — and nothing else — barged into their home and started savagely beating the husband.

The wife managed to retreat to the bedroom and retrieve a handgun. The suspect followed her, though, and attacked her, too. As the home invader beat the elderly woman, the husband gained possession of the handgun.

Continue reading Half-Naked Home Invader Beats Couple in Their 70s Before Being Stopped With a Home Defense Gun at The Truth About Guns.

LAPD Releases Video of Shooting That Killed a Bystander in a Woman’s Dressing Room

Tue, 12/28/2021 - 12:00

By Stefanie Dazio and Christopher Weber, AP

Video released Monday showed Los Angeles police firing at a man suspected of assaulting customers last week at a clothing store, a shooting that also killed a 14-year-old girl hiding in a dressing room who was struck by a bullet that went through a wall.

The Los Angeles Police Department posted an edited video package online that included 911 calls, radio transmissions, body camera footage and surveillance video from the Thursday shooting at a Burlington store crowded with holiday shoppers.

Continue reading LAPD Releases Video of Shooting That Killed a Bystander in a Woman’s Dressing Room at The Truth About Guns.

Chicago’s Mayor Lightfoot More Worried About Celebrating Kwanzaa Than The City’s 841 Murders

Tue, 12/28/2021 - 10:00

A single city has seen more homicides this year than 47 entire states had in 2019. Chicago now sits at 841 homicides and counting, the most in 25 years. Nearly 4500 more people have suffered gunshot wounds.

Is Mayor Lori Lightfoot working hard to stop the killings, put more cops on the street and keep violent criminals behind bars? Nope. She’s busy spending her time promoting a “joyous Kwanzaa.”

The seven principles of Kwanzaa are as important as ever and should be a guide for all of us.

Continue reading Chicago’s Mayor Lightfoot More Worried About Celebrating Kwanzaa Than The City’s 841 Murders at The Truth About Guns.

One Weird Trick for Having More Fun and Protecting Your Gun Rights

Tue, 12/28/2021 - 08:00


Hang out at the range, or take a course like the one Bob Keller coached for OSD a couple months ago, and you’ll see people talking about bullet weights, trajectories, the merits of different aluminum manufacturing processes, and ergonomic efficiencies that’ll shave a couple tenths of a second off your time on a particular drill. In a word: nerdery. People don’t spend hundreds of hours a year — or do their first-ever range trip, for that matter — to perseverate on sturm und drang.

Continue reading One Weird Trick for Having More Fun and Protecting Your Gun Rights at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Review: SCCY DVG-1 9mm Sub-Compact Pistol

Mon, 12/27/2021 - 16:00

By Virgil Caldwell

There is some precedent in re-designing a double action first shot pistol to a striker fired design. SIG morphed the P250 to the P320 and HK created the VP9 in a similar fashion. SCCY has taken their affordably-priced 9mm design, a double-action-only hammer-fired pistol, and made it into a striker fired handgun.

The result is the DVG-1, a pistol with impressive handling and firing characteristics for the price.

Continue reading Gun Review: SCCY DVG-1 9mm Sub-Compact Pistol at The Truth About Guns.

Savage Arms’ New 110 Magpul Hunter Rifle

Mon, 12/27/2021 - 14:00

From Savage Arms . . .

Savage is pleased to announce it has teamed up with Magpul to pair a premium aftermarket stock with Savage’s proven 110 action. The combination mates Savage’s reputation for accuracy with Magpul’s renowned versatility to create a unique 110 that’s ideal for any shooter.

“Magpul builds incredible accessories,” Jessica Treglia, Sr. Brand Manager at Savage Arms, said. “Their Hunter Stocks are a solid compliment for the versatility of the 110 action and barrel.

Continue reading Savage Arms’ New 110 Magpul Hunter Rifle at The Truth About Guns.

VoteVets ‘Veterans’ Org Funded by Democrats and Bloomberg to Push Gun Control, Progressive Candidates

Mon, 12/27/2021 - 12:00

by Lee Williams

VoteVets is a hybrid political action group that operates as both a PAC and a Super PAC by donating money directly to political campaigns, and by raising and spending unlimited amounts of cash for “independent expenditures,” such as ad campaigns that target conservative candidates and issues, while supporting liberal issues and politicians.

The organization operates two groups, the VoteVets PAC and the VoteVets Action Fund. Its stated mission is to “to elect veterans to public office,” but in actuality it only backs liberals.

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Polls Show More Hispanics Turning Their Backs on Gun Control, Civilian Disarmament Advocates

Mon, 12/27/2021 - 10:00

By Larry Keane

An Axios/Ipsos poll showed Hispanic swing voters are concerned about crime, criminal violence and personal safety. That finding wasn’t a surprise to NSSF. Hispanic-Americans, along with nearly every other demographic group, are embracing their right to lawfully purchase and own a firearm. Firearm industry retail survey data revealed this growing trend a year ago. That’s when law-abiding Latinos purchased firearms in big numbers and the demographics of America’s gun owners continued to show growth.

Continue reading Polls Show More Hispanics Turning Their Backs on Gun Control, Civilian Disarmament Advocates at The Truth About Guns.

Competition Shooting Training: Build Balance for Better Shooting

Sun, 12/26/2021 - 16:00

I was a runner in college. I sprinted five miles a day every day cross-country like some sort of Dutch-German T-1000. I ended-up paying for during months of physical therapy. It turns out that breaking and spraining your ankles over and over again isn’t so great for your overall health.

Even minor workouts resulted in painful pulled muscles and tears. It came to the point where I was unable to carry a gun because my lower back was so bad.

Continue reading Competition Shooting Training: Build Balance for Better Shooting at The Truth About Guns.

Training Helps You Handle the Adrenaline Rush

Sun, 12/26/2021 - 13:00

Stress. It can be categorized by type – distress, eustress, neustress – and classified by hormone – adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol. Some of its effects can be positive, at least in the short-term, while others are overwhelmingly negative. When it comes to the role of stress in hunting one factor rules them all: training. Yes, you read right. Training isn’t just the purview of self-defense shooters and competitors; training matters for hunters.

“You do not rise to the occasion in combat, you sink to the level of your training.

Continue reading Training Helps You Handle the Adrenaline Rush at The Truth About Guns.

Keep Your Dreams of Gun Control Out of the Mouths of our Founding Fathers

Sun, 12/26/2021 - 10:00

By Cody Wisniewski

Amid rambling incoherence, USA Today columnist Carli Pierson tries to blame “people like Rep. Lauren Boebert” for “the gun violence and trauma we are constantly cycling through as a nation.” It’s an embarrassment to the publication and the kind of rant I would normally ignore.

Unfortunately, Pierson also wants to drag the Founding Fathers into this—as if they would share her views on gun control and so-called “necessary changes” to our laws.

Continue reading Keep Your Dreams of Gun Control Out of the Mouths of our Founding Fathers at The Truth About Guns.

Gear Review: Mantis Blackbeard Trigger System for AR-15 Rifles

Sat, 12/25/2021 - 13:00

Dry fire with a AR-15 is hardly an entertaining event. Focus, get a good stance and grip, pull the trigger carefully and repeat. Every time you take a shot, you have to run back the charging handle and reset the weapon. It gets old fast, and it speeds up the development of tennis elbow. Honestly, it’s boring, kind of annoying, but dry fire is a must-have. The Mantis Blackbeard promises to change all that. It promises to take all the boring out of dry fire.

Continue reading Gear Review: Mantis Blackbeard Trigger System for AR-15 Rifles at The Truth About Guns.

Was Santa Good To You This Year?

Sat, 12/25/2021 - 10:00

We certainly hope you found some ballistic baubles in your stocking or under the tree this morning. So whether it was accessories, optics, magazines, ammo, or maybe even a new shootin’ iron, share. Tell us what you got for Christmas.

Continue reading Was Santa Good To You This Year? at The Truth About Guns.

Merry Christmas From The Truth About Guns

Sat, 12/25/2021 - 08:00

Here’s hoping you managed to wind up on the ‘nice’ list this year and found something fun (read: gun-related) under the tree. If you were really nice, maybe the jolly old elf even left some ammo with your name on it.

Whether there was case of 9mm FMJ under the tannenbaum this morning or just a lump of anthracite, here’s hoping you have yourself a very merry Christmas. From all of us at The Truth About Guns to all of you, thanks for reading and enjoy your holiday.

Continue reading Merry Christmas From The Truth About Guns at The Truth About Guns.

