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Updated: 1 week 1 day ago

Personal Defense is Much Easier When Home Invaders Shoot Each Other

Wed, 07/21/2021 - 14:00

“A 49-year-old man heard a loud disturbance at his front door just after 11 p.m. in the 9500-block of South Calhoun Avenue in the Jeffrey Manor neighborhood, Chicago police said. When he went to investigate, two masked, armed individuals forced their way inside, according to CPD.” That’s the story from

The homeowner was unarmed, so he called for help from a couple of other men who were in the basement and the three foought back against the two home invaders.

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Always Be Thinking: Put That Gun Away, ASAP!

Wed, 07/21/2021 - 12:00

Any firearms instructor worth his or her salt will try to teach their charges to break tunnel vision during a criminal attack. Heaven knows police officer trainees have “scan and assess the scene” drilled into their them too, and for good reason. It’s far too easy to concentrate on a perceived threat in front of you and miss other equally dangerous threats that might arise.

For example, a good guy with a gun in Phoenix recently decided he wanted to make contact with a pair of shoplifters.

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Stock Photo Companies Promote ‘Gun Violence’ for Profit

Wed, 07/21/2021 - 10:00

By Lee Williams

The images are disgusting: a crying woman with an AK barrel in her mouth, children pointing guns at their own heads, a toddler pointing a GLOCK with their finger on the trigger – lots of photos of children with fingers on triggers.

These are stock images, known in the trade as photo illustrations, because they are set up in advance, as opposed to actual news photographs, which are taken live as news happens.

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Bloomberg’s ‘The Trace’: The ATF Can’t Handle Regulating Pistol Braces as NFA Items

Wed, 07/21/2021 - 08:00

Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun agitprop shop, The Trace, is trumpeting the fact that if the Biden administration’s pistol brace proposed regulatory rule ever becomes ATF policy after the public comment period and process is complete, the federal firearms regulatory agency won’t be able to keep up with the demand to register the millions of braces that are owned by people who never signed up for the expense and bureaucracy of NFA regulation when they bought them.

Continue reading Bloomberg’s ‘The Trace’: The ATF Can’t Handle Regulating Pistol Braces as NFA Items at The Truth About Guns.

Vertx Firebase Parabellum: A Bandolier / Chest Rig

Tue, 07/20/2021 - 16:00

This bandolier or (pseudo) chest-rig is the Parabellum Bandolier, a new tactical bandolier from the folks at Vertx. Developed in conjunction with Firebase Combat Studies Group, the Vertx Firebase Parabellum is a low-profile, multi-use load-bearing option designed to mitigate the weight and space problems sometimes created by the need to pack and load for multiple mission profiles.

As you can see in the video below, the Parabellum can be worn as a bandolier, like a chest rig, or under the arms.

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BREAKING: Louisiana Legislature Fails to Override Veto of Constitutional Carry Bill

Tue, 07/20/2021 - 14:50

This was always a possibility. The constitutional carry bill that Louisiana governor John Bel Edwards vetoed last month had passed both the House and Senate by veto-proof majorities.

But when a first-ever veto override session became a reality last week, the pressure on every legislator who voted for the bill was ratcheted up.

The override session began today and four legislators who had voted for the original bill — three Republicans and one Democrat — changed their votes.

Continue reading BREAKING: Louisiana Legislature Fails to Override Veto of Constitutional Carry Bill at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Control Continues to Fail, But Andrew Cuomo Tries and Tries Again

Tue, 07/20/2021 - 14:00

By Hannah Cox

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo recently signed an executive order declaring a state of emergency over gun violence in the state.

The nation has seen a spike in crime in many places during the pandemic, but New York’s increase in violence has garnered heightened attention from viral videos of sudden sidewalk attacks, brutal subway abuse, and random gunfire in Times Square.

New York’s increase in gun crimes does indeed outpace many other states.

Continue reading Gun Control Continues to Fail, But Andrew Cuomo Tries and Tries Again at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Review: The 2021 Colt Anaconda in .44 Remington Magnum

Tue, 07/20/2021 - 12:00

The 2021 version of the Colt Anaconda is the big-sister re-release of last year’s new Python. The Anaconda is just as smooth, just as pretty, but considerably more powerful.  Shiny and thicc.

Colt, you have my full attention.

The new Anaconda is simply a larger version of the previously re-released Python. The only big change is that it’s bigger and chambered for .44 Remington Magnum. That’s what customers were looking for and that’s what Colt was counting on when they created the new snake gun series.

Continue reading Gun Review: The 2021 Colt Anaconda in .44 Remington Magnum at The Truth About Guns.

A Broken Sanctuary, ‘Community’ Guns and Kinder, Gentler Civilian Disarmament

Tue, 07/20/2021 - 10:00

This Week in Gun Rights is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal, legislative and other news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. 
Tennessee’s Broken Sanctuary Law

In 2015, Tennessee enacted a kind of Second Amendment Sanctuary law. Most of these laws are toothless, but Tennessee’s was without gums. The law only barred enforcement and assistance in federal gun control laws if the assistance “would result in the violation of Tennessee statutory or common law of the Constitution of Tennessee.”

Of course, nobody knew what this meant.

Continue reading A Broken Sanctuary, ‘Community’ Guns and Kinder, Gentler Civilian Disarmament at The Truth About Guns.

It’s Official: The Chipman Nomination is Heading South Fast

Tue, 07/20/2021 - 08:00

Last week we read between the lines of a CNN article that hinted the Chipman nomination isn’t looking good. Now, with the number two Democrat in the Senate acknowledging “issues” with Chipman to a Dem-friendly outlet like Politico, that seals the deal. Chipman’s nomination is officially in deep sh!t.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin said Monday that “there are a lot of issues” with President Joe Biden’s pick to oversee the nation’s firearm regulations.

Continue reading It’s Official: The Chipman Nomination is Heading South Fast at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Meme of the Day: Cut It Off Edition

Mon, 07/19/2021 - 18:00

Hey it’s Monday so here’s the least funny meme I have. By the way, note how hard that original post got “ratioed.”


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Gear Review: Bushnell RXS-250 Reflex Sight

Mon, 07/19/2021 - 16:00

With pistol red dots becoming more popular seemingly by the week, the choices have expanded and the prices have come down. Competition is a wonderful thing. But the best of the micro red dots — those that are the most durable with the clearest view, free of color distortion, and stand up to abuse — are still relatively pricey.

The best of the bunch cost nearly as much as most people spend on their pistols.

Continue reading Gear Review: Bushnell RXS-250 Reflex Sight at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Control for Beginners: What Is The National Firearms Act (NFA)?

Mon, 07/19/2021 - 14:00

With the nomination of David Chipman and some proposed new regulations by the ATF, there’s been more talk lately about the National Firearms act. If Chipman gets the top job at ATF and gets his way, he’d regulate all “assault weapons” (which he can’t seem to define) under the NFA, just like machine guns.

And a proposed ATF rule would instantly convert lots of brace-equipped AR pistols into short barrel rifles in the eyes of federal gun law enforcers.

Continue reading Gun Control for Beginners: What Is The National Firearms Act (NFA)? at The Truth About Guns.

Keith Olbermann Finds a Fatal Flaw Hidden in the Second Amendment…Or Not

Mon, 07/19/2021 - 12:00

By Larry Keane

Ride the pine. Relegated to the minors. Missed the cut. All of the above. Former sportscaster turned failed progressive political mouthpiece Keith Olbermann took a swing at what the Second Amendment says and means and whiffed so badly he created a wind advisory.

Before last week’s Major League Baseball All-Star game, police arrested four individuals who brought firearms into a Denver hotel nearby, suspecting the possibility of a tragedy during the game.

Continue reading Keith Olbermann Finds a Fatal Flaw Hidden in the Second Amendment…Or Not at The Truth About Guns.

Mystery: The Gun Control Industry Never Seems to Talk About the Positive Effects of Civilian Firearm Ownership

Mon, 07/19/2021 - 10:00

By John Kell

While a friend and I were talking about gun control, he remarked that it didn’t matter to him if restrictions were placed on gun ownership because he didn’t own a gun. What he failed to realize was that he benefits from civilian gun ownership whether he owns guns or not. He benefits because the ownership of guns by civilians has positive externalities.

Externalities are unpaid-for effects that accrue to third parties from the use of property by its owners.

Continue reading Mystery: The Gun Control Industry Never Seems to Talk About the Positive Effects of Civilian Firearm Ownership at The Truth About Guns.

Unfit to Serve: David Chipman Must Not be Confirmed as ATF Director

Mon, 07/19/2021 - 08:00

It was no accident that Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer combined Chipman’s confirmation hearing with that of three other nominees, limiting questioning from senators to only five minutes. The former agent has a long history of hyperbolic claims and outright falsehoods.

Though Chipman told the Senate Judiciary Committee he believes District of Columbia v. Heller codified the Second Amendment as an individual right — a view that isn’t shared by his bosses at Giffords — he’s had a weird way of showing it.

Continue reading Unfit to Serve: David Chipman Must Not be Confirmed as ATF Director at The Truth About Guns.

Duke Center for Firearms Law: Parsing the 2A to Invalidate Individual Gun Rights

Sun, 07/18/2021 - 16:00

The Duke Center for Firearms Law is publishing a series of papers on corpus linguistics and the Second Amendment. Corpus linguistics is the search for and study of words and phrases in their context to discover their original public meaning.

Much of what I’ve read so far will receive a hostile reception from TTAG readers. Nevertheless, it’s useful reading so as to understand what we should expect to be up against in the courts in the future.

Continue reading Duke Center for Firearms Law: Parsing the 2A to Invalidate Individual Gun Rights at The Truth About Guns.

What’s the Right Age to Teach Kids to Shoot?

Sun, 07/18/2021 - 14:00

By Kerry Slone

Over the past year, I have been asked several times about teaching children, and what is the youngest age child I’ll teach firearm fundamentals. While many people that have been a generational, gun-owning family may not give this question much thought, as it’s a rite of passage for their children, many newer firearm owners, especially those living in urban/suburban areas, don’t have this experience.

Furthermore, cultural and societal stigmas and expectations play a major role in how children perceive firearms and self-defense and can play a significant role in a child’s success in learning how to shoot.

Continue reading What’s the Right Age to Teach Kids to Shoot? at The Truth About Guns.

Rally for Louisiana Constitutional Carry Veto Override Tomorrow at the Capitol in Baton Rouge

Sun, 07/18/2021 - 12:00

The Louisiana legislature will convene a veto override session on Tuesday for the first time in history. On the agenda is Governor John Bel Edwards’ veto of a bill that would make Louisiana the 22nd constitutional carry state in the nation.

As Edwards said when he nixed the bill . . .

“I have a history as a legislator of voting against bills that would do away with the permit that is now necessary in order to have a concealed weapon,” Edwards said previously.

Continue reading Rally for Louisiana Constitutional Carry Veto Override Tomorrow at the Capitol in Baton Rouge at The Truth About Guns.
