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Updated: 1 week 1 day ago

Washington Nationals Game Postponed Due to Gunfire Outside the Park

Sun, 07/18/2021 - 10:10

Last night in our nation’s capital, a baseball game between the San Diego Padres and the Washington Nationals was interrupted in the sixth inning when the occupants of two cars began shooting at each other outside the park.

Fans were evacuated from Nationals Park Saturday night after a shooting occurred outside the stadium. Footage shows people rushing to leave the stadium, and the game has been suspended.

— CBS News (@CBSNews) July 18, 2021

Here’s the Associated Press’s account of what happened .

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Learning to Deal With the Fact That Almost Half the Country Will Soon Have Constitutional Carry

Sun, 07/18/2021 - 08:00

“I live in New York,” said James Digiuseppi who was visiting downtown Nashville. “In New York, people get searched when they go into a club.” 

Some visiting downtown Saturday said they were glad to see permitless carry become law in Tennessee.  

“I’ll be honest with you, I feel safer when I go into a restaurant or public place and I see open handguns and I know that people in there are carrying,” Springfield resident JK Graves said. 

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This Woman is the Gun Control Industry’s Worst Nightmare

Sat, 07/17/2021 - 17:00

SilencerCo is producing a series of video profiles of American gun owners of all shapes, sizes, genders and demographics. Why? Because guns are for everyone and gun owners — and gun ownership — have been the targets of opportunistic demagogues for too long.

As SilencerCo says . . .

Gun owners in this country have been misrepresented and maliciously attacked by the media and social platforms for far too long.

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Smith & Wesson’s K-Frame .38 Special Masterpieces

Sat, 07/17/2021 - 13:00

The Smith & Wesson Model 14 Target Masterpiece and Model 15 Combat Masterpiece are by far some of Big Blue’s best old school blued steel K-Frame .38 Special goodness. These guns were from a bygone era, back when gasoline was leaded, television was the Big Three Networks, and spare ammo on a cop’s duty belt was carried in a dump pouch.

Some see these as antiquated lead slingers by today’s standards. Six-shot, .38 Special chambered medium frame revolvers with four- and six-inch barrels.

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CAA Downsizes the MCK: MCK TAC

Sat, 07/17/2021 - 10:00

The MCK TAC is an expansion to the lineup of CAA USA MCK/Micro Conversion Kits (like the one reviewed here a couple years ago). The MCK TAC is available in a wide range of colors, camouflage patterns, and “special” color schemes, and is compatible with more than 120 models of handgun.

Unlike their the carbine conversion kit for GLOCKs from a few years back, the MCK TAC is one of the smallest “PDW conversion kits” (if not the smallest) available…at least among the more common ones in mass production anyway.

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How Do I Choose Good Self-Defense Ammo For My Handgun?

Fri, 07/16/2021 - 16:00

It’s vital that you choose good self-defense ammo for your handgun, but how to do that? How do you know which ones are only OK and which ones excel?

There are a few basic criteria for picking a good self-defense ammunition for your handgun.

First, it must be expanding.

This is important, as over-penetration of a bad person can lead to subsequent penetration of other people. That’s why it’s a bad idea to use full metal jacket (range) ammunition in a concealed carry or home defense gun.

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Firearm Safety: Being a Good Mother in a Bad Neighborhood

Fri, 07/16/2021 - 14:00

By Marcie Young

No matter what country, state, or city you live in, every neighborhood has pros and cons. Most big cities in the United States tend to have “good” areas and “bad” ones, though it is unclear to me exactly what differentiates one from the other. What I do know is that too many neighborhoods are wracked by the (supposed) “gun violence” and abuse of gun ownership.

I had a horrible experience in the past, which made me realize that carrying a firearm for self-defense is vital.

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Pennsylvania’s Pat Toomey Announces He’ll Vote Against David Chipman

Fri, 07/16/2021 - 10:00

Senator Pat Toomey isn’t exactly “in the pocket of the gun industry” (as hoplophobic harridans like Shannon Watts might describe him). While he’s a Republican, he has bought into the “common sense” gun control argument on a number of occasions. In 2013, he partnered with Joe Manchin in a failed attempt to pass a universal background checks bill after the Sandy Hook shooting.

The senior Senator from the Keystone State has announced that his current term will be his last.

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Why Haven’t ‘Anti-Racists’ Targeted America’s Gun Control Laws?

Fri, 07/16/2021 - 08:00

Just spoke with the Regional Arts & Culture Council.

George Washington statue in Portland will be removed by crane TODAY and put in storage. No long term decisions made regarding reinstallation.

Spokeswoman for RACC says statue caused “harm”

— Zane Sparling (@PDXzane) June 19, 2020

In the last year or so, the far left has frantically tried to purge virtually every segment of society of anything — statues, military base names, consumer products, the English language — that might have a problematic history or connotation.

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Senator Marco Rubio Exposes His Own Hypocrisy on Freedom in the US and Cuba

Thu, 07/15/2021 - 13:00

Florida Senator Marco Rubio delivered a rousing speech on the Senate floor this week, addressing the current situation in Cuba.

The first lesson we need to take away from [Cuba] is that Marxism, socialism, doesn’t work. The way socialism, the way Marxism has always worked, the way it’s always empowered itself, is it goes to the people and immediately divides them. It says there is an oppressor class and that there is this victim class and these evil oppressors, capitalists, in the case of socialism or traditional Marxism, they oppress the victims. 

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Newton, Mass. Shoots Down an Outright Ban on Gun-Related Businesses…for Now

Thu, 07/15/2021 - 11:00

Newton, Massachusetts has contemplated changing the town’s zoning laws to ban Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) from setting up shop there. But now they’re putting an outright ban on hold.

The Boston Globe reports that the town’s Planning & Zoning Committee recommended not moving forward with the changes. The city council took the Committee’s advice and voted 21-3 on Monday to strike down the proposed zoning changes out of fear of a potential court battle.

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Big Brain Solution for ‘Gun Violence’: Ban the Production and Sale of Guns for Twenty Years

Thu, 07/15/2021 - 09:00

By Larry Keane

Stick around long enough and the craziest gun control ideas come out of the woodwork. The latest is to hit a 20-year pause button on the Second Amendment.

Pennsylvania Capital-Star guest contributor and gun control advocate Michael Cogbill suggested law-abiding Pennsylvanians should be hamstrung and cut off from protecting themselves. He wants to force a halt to the legal sale of firearms for twenty years (with a pinky promise to give their gun rights back then).

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Parkland Shooter’s Lawyers Say Witnesses Calling Him ‘Killer’ Violate His Due Process Rights

Thu, 07/15/2021 - 08:00

The thing that murdered 17 innocent children and staff in the Parkland school massacre is upset that he is being called the killer. He should be treated the exact same way he brutally murdered my Alex. #NOMERCY

— Max Schachter (@maxschachter) July 13, 2021

Don’t call the Parkland shooter a killer, his lawyers say. Don’t call him a murderer. Don’t call him “the thing,” as some have.

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Gun Meme of the Day: Guns for Ladies Edition

Wed, 07/14/2021 - 18:00

No, pocket-sized revolvers aren’t good guns for ladies or anyone small of stature. No, not even if they’re pink. A skinny grip can be good, but typically a larger, heavier frame has far less recoil and is easier to shoot. See, for example, the M&P380 Shield EZ. It’s easy to operate and comfortable to shoot.


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Unwoke Once Again: Elmer Fudd Gets His Gun Back

Wed, 07/14/2021 - 14:00

Looney Tunes has been some of the least woke and most entertaining television content to occupy young skulls full of mush over the last half century or so. Yosemite Sam’s six-shooters and Elmer Fudd’s rifle were Saturday morning fixtures. Kids watched and loved them because they were dumb and funny, constantly outsmarted by their smart-assed prey.


But that wasn’t good enough for the people Warner Brothers animation. Last year, as Americans were buying record numbers of guns and ammo, corporate America was buying into the idea that toxic masculinity, the patriarchy, and white supremacy were what really ail this country.

Continue reading Unwoke Once Again: Elmer Fudd Gets His Gun Back at The Truth About Guns.

CNN: Biden’s Nomination of David Chipman to Head ATF is in Real Trouble

Wed, 07/14/2021 - 12:11

When CNN acknowledges that a Biden nominee is having serious problems lining up Democrats to vote for him, you know the administration has real problems. That’s the between-the-lines takeaway from today’s report from the jernalists at CNN on the increasingly imperiled nomination of David Chipman to run the ATF.

It’s so hard to figure why Chipman’s nomination is controversial. After all, he’s only a paid anti-gun mouthpiece for the civilian disarmament industry (he’s still on Giffords’ payroll and previously worked for Everytown).

Continue reading CNN: Biden’s Nomination of David Chipman to Head ATF is in Real Trouble at The Truth About Guns.

Guns Found in Hotel Rooms Near MLB All-Star Game Venue Not a Threat to the Game

Wed, 07/14/2021 - 10:00

While it now seems clear there was no mass shooting incident planned, initial news of the discovery of 16 assorted long guns, “hundreds” of rounds of ammunition, “body armor,” and a “law enforcement duty belt” within four days and one block of the location of the MLB All-Star game in Denver raised some eyebrows.

Obvious comparisons to the horrific Las Vegas shooting came to mind. Never missing an opportunity to portray guns negatively, the media ran semi-wild for a couple days.

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The Obamas’ Netflix Civics Lesson ‘Remix’ Spins Second Amendment Rights

Wed, 07/14/2021 - 08:00


“Our goal from beginning to end,” [We The People co-creator Chris] Nee says, “was to remind us that, first and foremost, civics is a nonpartisan conversation.” Is it? “The Second Amendment,” sings Adam Lambert in the voice of an unidentified Founder, is “the right to bear arms, which were very different back in my day.”

Now, I hate to break the news to the producers, but the press also relied on “very different” technology when the Bill of Rights was ratified.

Continue reading The Obamas’ Netflix Civics Lesson ‘Remix’ Spins Second Amendment Rights at The Truth About Guns.

