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Updated: 1 week 1 day ago

Shannon Watts Shrieks and the WaPo Jumps…All Because of a Lego-Inspired GLOCK

Tue, 07/13/2021 - 16:00

Gun control advocates are quick to point the finger any time a mass shooting or a tragedy takes place. Somehow the firearm is always responsible for the outcome, even when the perp obtained the firearm used legally.

It’s never the criminal’s fault. It’s always down to the chunk of metal…the tool that was used. So, naturally, we must do something. Outlaw it. Ban it. Because, you know, criminals would otherwise follow the law.

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MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Learns the Hard Way: It’s the Crime, Stupid

Tue, 07/13/2021 - 14:00

By Larry Keane

The media got another lesson on the dangers of getting ahead of the facts when it comes to their reporting. This time, they blamed gun buyers for the spike in crime.

Turns out, law-abiding citizens who buy guns aren’t the ones committing crimes. They’re buying guns because of the rise in crime. Media are getting it wrong – again – and quietly backing off their anti-gun narrative…for the moment at least.

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Gear Review: Leupold BX-5 Santiam HD 10x42mm Binoculars

Tue, 07/13/2021 - 12:00

2021 has been a good year. So far, I’ve been hunting in South Africa, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, all over Texas, and more. I’ve gone after all sorts of African plains game with a Ruger No. 1; wild pigs, wild goats, javelina, black bears and prairie dogs with a Nosler Custom Handgun, turkey with a Remington Versa Max, and even picked up a dandy bob kitty with a Ruger Single Six.

No matter what gun I carried, it was a pair of Leupold BX-5 Santiam HD 10x42mm binoculars I was hunting with.

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Why Is Congress Creating a New Federal Secret Police Force?

Tue, 07/13/2021 - 10:00

Law enforcement is a state right.

Our founders knew that concentrating too much power in any one federal agency – especially a law enforcement agency – could lead to a tyrannical police state. It was one of their greatest fears. After all, they knew a thing or two about tyranny, and it was something they wanted to avoid at all costs.

As a result, today’s federal law enforcement agencies have very limited authority and very specific missions: Border Patrol patrols the borders, of course; DEA investigates narcotics; and the ATF enforces archaic alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives laws.

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San Francisco Dispensary Robbed: Marijuana Stolen Along With Security Guard’s Firearm

Mon, 07/12/2021 - 16:00

Last Friday, a group of thieves swarmed and overwhelmed a security guard in front of a cannabis dispensary in the Potrero Hill neighborhood of San Francisco. The number of assailants isn’t yet known, but from security camera footage there appear to have been at least five or so and at least three getaway vehicles.

After rushing the security guard and relieving him of his firearm — which the criminals kept — they forced him inside Mountain Dew Farms where they did a little shopping, carrying many boxes of THC-laden inventory out to their waiting vehicles.

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ATF’s New Pistol Brace Rule Would Create As Many As 40 Million New Felons Over Night

Mon, 07/12/2021 - 14:00

By Brett Cooper

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has published a notice outlining their plans to update regulations on stabilizing braces.

Originally developed to help those with disabilities shoot comfortably, stabilizing braces have become a popular firearm accessory used to legally adapt AR-style pistols into guns that can be shot from the shoulder, like the highly regulated short-barreled rifle.

According to the ATF, stabilizing braces will now have to conform to a set of stringent guidelines to be considered legal.

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Taylor’s New TC86 Takedown Lever Gun in .45-70

Mon, 07/12/2021 - 12:00

From Taylor’s & Company . . .

Taylor’s & Company, the world’s leading marketers and importers of state-of-the-art historical firearms utilizing the latest innovative designs, is pleased to announce the addition of “The TC86 Takedown” rifle to their Lifestyle Series for 2021.

The TC86 Takedown is a hunting rifle where style meets functionality. Made for the ultimate expedition, while maintaining a finish fit for a classic design. The TC86 becomes a versatile companion for any hunt, hike, or to just go plinking at the range.

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Schumer Wants DOJ to Investigate the NRA Over Ads Opposing Chipman Nomination, Gun Control Bills

Mon, 07/12/2021 - 08:00

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Sunday called on the Justice Department to investigate the National Rifle Association for bankruptcy fraud, saying the financially stable gun-rights group abused the system when it sought bankruptcy protection in the wake of a New York lawsuit seeking to put it out of business.

A judge rejected the NRA’s bankruptcy case in May, ruling the nonprofit organization had not acted in good faith.

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Personal Defense Lessons: The Story of Joe Morelock

Sun, 07/11/2021 - 10:00

I serve as the Executive Director of Guns Save Life, a successful and aggressive regional grassroots gun rights group that meets in six cities each month in Illinois. Each month, our meetings feature a main speaker and we bring in some fascinating people.

Last year at our Champaign, Illinois meeting, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Deputy Police Chief Joe Morelock visited. After giving a summary of IDNR programs and news, Joe shared with us his very personal story of defending himself and his children from a home invader.

Continue reading Personal Defense Lessons: The Story of Joe Morelock at The Truth About Guns.

The Politics of Gun Ownership Change as Millions of First-Time, ‘Anti-Gun’ Americans Bought Firearms

Sun, 07/11/2021 - 08:04

According to this Washington Post article, the percentage of Americans who own guns has jumped from 32% to 39% in the past year. That’s due to huge waves of new, first-time gun owners, of all political and cultural persuasions, deciding that owning a firearm is a good idea.

For many new gun owners, though, the decision to arm themselves is a political pivot — an accumulation of anxieties that led them to discard long-held beliefs.

Continue reading The Politics of Gun Ownership Change as Millions of First-Time, ‘Anti-Gun’ Americans Bought Firearms at The Truth About Guns.

You Make the Call: Good Defensive Gun Use or Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day? [VIDEO]

Sat, 07/10/2021 - 17:00

A customer at a Santa Ana, California restaurant, waiting in his car for his burger and fries, looked through the drive-thru window and saw a masked man with a gun walk in and demand cash. The driver then pulled a gun and opened fire on the armed robber inside.

At least one shot hits the drink machine. Next you see the man turns and he is wounded and falls to the floor.

Continue reading You Make the Call: Good Defensive Gun Use or Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day? [VIDEO] at The Truth About Guns.

Gosh, Why Do the Media Downplay Defensive Gun Uses That Save Lives?

Sat, 07/10/2021 - 13:00

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . .

While the legacy media is quick to sensationalize every incident involving misuse of firearms, they just as quickly downplay or completely dismiss reports of lawful self-defense with firearms, and the Second Amendment Foundation is openly challenging the establishment press to explain why.

“Why are the gun prohibition lobby and their bought and paid for politicians and media mouth pieces ignoring stories like this,” wondered SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M.

Continue reading Gosh, Why Do the Media Downplay Defensive Gun Uses That Save Lives? at The Truth About Guns.

Grizzly Bear Shot After Dragging Woman From Her Tent and Killing Her

Sat, 07/10/2021 - 10:00

By Amy Beth Hanson and Matthew Brown, AP

A grizzly bear that pulled a California woman from her tent and killed her this week was fatally shot early Friday by wildlife officials using night-vision goggles to stake out a chicken coop that the animal raided near the small Montana town where the woman was attacked.

Federal wildlife workers shot the bear shortly after midnight when it approached a trap set near the coop about 2 miles (3 kilometers) from Ovando, where 65-year-old Leah Davis Lokan of Chico, California, was killed Tuesday, said Greg Lemon with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.

Continue reading Grizzly Bear Shot After Dragging Woman From Her Tent and Killing Her at The Truth About Guns.

Plateauing Demand: Have Americans Reached ‘Peak Gun?’

Sat, 07/10/2021 - 08:00

In the first quarter of this year, 9,227 people applied for a license to carry in the county, and 8,802 were issued. The high number of applicants continued into the second quarter despite the drop in PICS transactions as 9,267 people applied and 8,745 were issued.

“The [license to carry] applications have increased in 2021, and that could be for a variety of reasons,” Allegheny County chief deputy sheriff Kevin Kraus said.

Continue reading Plateauing Demand: Have Americans Reached ‘Peak Gun?’ at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Meme of the Day: Fewer Since the Boating Incident Edition

Fri, 07/09/2021 - 18:00

Have a great weekend, y’all! Maybe bury some guns. What’s the move there? Use a Food Saver to seal ’em up in bags like these and then bury them in a waterproof Plano case? Asking for a friend.


Continue reading Gun Meme of the Day: Fewer Since the Boating Incident Edition at The Truth About Guns.

Study Determines Gun Sales Aren’t To Blame for Jump in Crime and Democrats Are In Panic Mode

Fri, 07/09/2021 - 15:30

The gaslighting has been flowing fast and furious. The Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex, eagerly assisted by their supporters in the media, have been claiming that the reason for the nationwide spike in violent crime is…wait for it….guns!

Literally everyone with an IQ above room temperature knows that Americans have been buying guns at a never-before-seen pace in direct response to more than a year of increased street violence, defunded police departments, and disinterested criminal justice systems.

Continue reading Study Determines Gun Sales Aren’t To Blame for Jump in Crime and Democrats Are In Panic Mode at The Truth About Guns.

F.A.B. Defense’s New GL-Core M Carbine Stock Holds an Extra Magazine

Fri, 07/09/2021 - 12:00

From F.A.B. Defense . . .

F.A.B. Defense is pleased to announce the release of GL-Core M stock as a replacement for the GL-Mag stock. The GL-Core M is the latest addition to the F.A.B. Defense newly developed CORE line of premium carbine stocks.

The F.A.B. Defense® GL-CORE M is purpose built to provide law enforcement officers an extra mag when they are required to utilize an AR-15 in the line of duty.

Continue reading F.A.B. Defense’s New GL-Core M Carbine Stock Holds an Extra Magazine at The Truth About Guns.

Cuomo Knows What Needs to Be Done About ‘Gun Violence’ in New York, But He’ll Never Do It

Fri, 07/09/2021 - 08:00

Gun violence is indeed at emergency levels in [New York]. Here’s what Cuomo should do to fight it: apologize to the police. Apologize for calling them racists simply for trying to save minority lives in high-crime neighborhoods.

On August 27, 2020, for example, in a characteristic statement, Cuomo declared that “racism is deeply embedded in the core of our criminal justice system.” Our “flawed” law enforcement “devalues the lives of black men and women,” he said.

Continue reading Cuomo Knows What Needs to Be Done About ‘Gun Violence’ in New York, But He’ll Never Do It at The Truth About Guns.

