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Updated: 1 week 1 day ago

Terry McAuliffe Thinks Lying About Gun Control Will Make Him Governor of Virginia Again

Thu, 07/08/2021 - 13:12

By Mark Oliva

Former Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe is showing Old Dominion voters that he’s ignorant of the most basic facts surrounding gun ownership. That’s not good news for Virginia gun owners, since McAuliffe is taking a second run at the Governor’s mansion. This time, his anti-gun baggage is overflowing.

McAuliffe tweeted on July 6, “Call me crazy, but I think it should be easier to vote than it should be to buy a gun.”

Call me crazy, but I think it should be easier to vote than it should be to buy a gun.

Continue reading Terry McAuliffe Thinks Lying About Gun Control Will Make Him Governor of Virginia Again at The Truth About Guns.

Deflection: Cuomo’s ‘Gun Violence Disaster Emergency’ Meant to Distract From His Incompetence

Thu, 07/08/2021 - 12:00

From the CCRKBA . . .

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s declaration of a “disaster emergency on gun violence” is a desperate attempt to shift blame to guns and the firearms industry to mask his own incompetence in dealing with rising crime in the Empire State, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Cuomo announced his “emergency” after 51 people were shot across the state over the July 4 holiday weekend, including 26 in just New York City.

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ILLINOIS STATE POLICE STRUGGLE: FOID, CCW Processing Riddled With Delays, Errors

Wed, 07/07/2021 - 15:00

Illinois law mandates that the Illinois State Police administer the Prairie State’s gun control licensing schemes, including the much-hated Firearms Owners ID cards as well as concealed carry licensing.  Even before China flu hit last year, the ISP struggled to keep up with applications and renewals.  After the COVID lockdowns began, and especially after last summer’s widespread “mostly peaceful” riots and looting, our fearless state police fell impossibly behind.

The Land of Lincoln’s FOID Act allows ISP 30 days to process new Firearm Owner ID card applications. 

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Remington Says Green Ammunition Boxes Are Appearing on Shelves Across the Country Again

Wed, 07/07/2021 - 13:00

We’ve certainly seen gun makers beginning to catch up the continued high level of demand for all things that go boom. Ammunition makers have had a tougher job meeting the unprecedented demand and getting enough product into stores and on the shelves.

After buying the Remington Ammunition business out of the Remington Outdoor bankruptcy sale, Vista Outdoor had its hands full making the changeover and getting the plant back on line…and doing all of that in the midst of the pandemic.

Continue reading Remington Says Green Ammunition Boxes Are Appearing on Shelves Across the Country Again at The Truth About Guns.

Judge Rules Air Force Failure to Report Shooter’s Record ‘Mostly’ Responsible For Sutherland Springs Shooting

Wed, 07/07/2021 - 12:36

Devin Patrick Kelley bought an AR-15 rifle from a Texas Academy Sports + Outdoor store that he used in November of 2017 to murder 25 people in a church in the town of Sutherland Springs. Kelley passed the FBI’s NICS background check for that rifle because the US Air Force had failed — six times — to report the conviction for domestic abuse that resulted in Kelley’s discharge.

Survivors and family members have sued all of the parties involved.

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San Jose Enacts ‘Innovative’ Gun Ownership Tax, Low Income Firearm Owners Hardest Hit

Wed, 07/07/2021 - 11:00

By Matt Manda

Nearly 1.2 million law-abiding Californians bought a firearm in 2020 and the ranks of gun-owning Golden Staters has grown even more in 2021. They had good reasons but their purchases may now cost some even more.

Gun control cheerleaders and their media allies are heralding a new “innovative” achievement as a shining example city officials in San Jose, Calif., believe is needed to offset the costs of criminal violence.

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New York’s New Nuisance Law Will Attempt to Hold Gun Makers Responsible for Any Gun Used in a Crime

Wed, 07/07/2021 - 10:00

By Timothy D. Lytton, Georgia State University

Could calling the illegal use of firearms a “public nuisance” bring an end to the gun industry’s immunity from civil lawsuits?

New York will soon test that notion. State lawmakers recently amended New York’s public nuisance statute to specifically include marketing and sales practices that contribute to gun crimes. Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the bill on July 6, 2021, after declaring gun violence a “disaster emergency.”

I’ve been researching lawsuits against the gun industry for over 20 years.

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2 Undercover ATF Agents, 1 Cop Shot and Wounded in Their Car in Chicago

Wed, 07/07/2021 - 09:31

By Don Babwin, Associated Press

Three undercover law enforcement officers were shot and wounded Wednesday morning while driving onto an expressway on Chicago’s South Side, police said.

The shooting occurred at 5:50 a.m. near the 22nd District police station in the city’s Morgan Park neighborhood. The three were in an unmarked undercover vehicle on their way to an assignment when they were shot, Chicago police Superintendent David Brown told reporters.

Two of the officers are agents from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and one is a Chicago officer, Brown said.

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Gun Meme of the Day: Superstitious Salt Edition

Tue, 07/06/2021 - 20:00

Hey it’s a meme we made all on our own! This one was for TTAG’s @guntruth Instagram feed, which obviously y’all should follow.


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Tucson Mayor: We’re Going to Ignore Arizona’s New Second Amendment Sanctuary Law

Tue, 07/06/2021 - 18:00

By the Associated Press

Officials in the city of Tucson plan to ignore Arizona’s new “Second Amendment sanctuary” law that bars state and local governments from enforcing certain federal gun regulations, possibly setting up a court fight as a growing number of cities and counties in the United States declare themselves similar firearm havens.

The move by Democratic Mayor Regina Romero and the City Council again puts Tucson and Republican-led state at odds over how to regulate gun sales and use.

Continue reading Tucson Mayor: We’re Going to Ignore Arizona’s New Second Amendment Sanctuary Law at The Truth About Guns.

BREAKING: NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Signs Bill Allowing Nuisance Lawsuits Against Gun Makers

Tue, 07/06/2021 - 16:17

Come on. No one really thought New York’s granny-killing governor wouldn’t sign a bill into law that attacks the foundations of the remaining gun business in the Empire State in a new and pernicious way…did they? That is, in fact, what he proudly did today.

In his signing statement, The Love Gov just couldn’t help parroting the same lie that President Biden is so fond of telling whenever the subject of gun makers comes up.

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CROM USA 616 Personal Ballistic Forearm Shield: When Batman Meets Captain America

Tue, 07/06/2021 - 16:00

By Waysun Johnny Tsai

Not all of your EDC gear goes on your belt or in your pockets, some may may require a backpack.

Maybe it has been the last couple of years’ political climate, with riots and burning cities, but the idea of a shield…a piece of ballistic armor that could just be picked up and used to save lives when seconds count, just makes sense to me.

Continue reading CROM USA 616 Personal Ballistic Forearm Shield: When Batman Meets Captain America at The Truth About Guns.

San Jose Eyes Gun Confiscation for Failure to Comply With New Insurance Requirement

Tue, 07/06/2021 - 14:00

Gun control advocates are always quick to say the same thing: they aren’t looking to take away our firearms or means for self-defense. They simply want “common-sense gun safety measures.” Whatever that means.

That’s a narrative that’s been running rampant in San Jose, California since a shooting there. Last week, the San Jose City Council passed legislation that requires gun owners to purchase a firearm insurance policy (which no insurer sells) and pay an annual gun ownership fee.

Continue reading San Jose Eyes Gun Confiscation for Failure to Comply With New Insurance Requirement at The Truth About Guns.

Chinese Regime That Murdered Up to 80 Million Ridicules American Civilian Gun Ownership

Tue, 07/06/2021 - 12:00

How a gun-happy nation spends its #FourthofJuly weekend

— China Xinhua News (@XHNews) July 6, 2021

America is just emerging from its annual celebration of that time 245 years ago when a bunch of ratty-ass citizen soldiers, using their own military grade weaponry, took on and defeated the world’s most powerful fighting force to secure their independence from a distant authoritarian power. It’s known here as Independence Day or, more colloquially, simply as the Fourth of July.

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Concealed Carrier Shoots Gunman, Saves Victims’ Lives In Lori Lightfoot’s Crime-Ridden Chicago

Tue, 07/06/2021 - 10:00

A good guy with a gun sprang into action over the July 4th holiday weekend when he witnessed a gunman shooting multiple people in the Austin section of Chicago. According to the Chicago Tribune, a gunman shot three individuals that were standing in an alley at approximately 10:45 p.m. on Sunday. A 45-year-old woman named Janina Ford was shot in the head and pronounced dead at the scene.

The other two individuals with Ford suffered various injuries.

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Gun Meme of the Day: Betcha Can’t Own Just One

Mon, 07/05/2021 - 17:00

They do seem to multiply, don’t they? My advice: buy a much larger safe than you currently need. Brownells can help you fill it.


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Christmas Movie Review in July: Fatman

Mon, 07/05/2021 - 13:00

By David Whitsell

[Caution: Spoilers Ahead]

I love the holidays and I love guns. Why not put the two together? Fortunately for me and you, dear reader, Mel Gibson has done just that. Yes, a movie featuring Mel Gibson as Santa…or rather Chris Kringle. Or just “Chris.”

The gist of this oddly ballistic Christmas story is there are a few people who are unhappy with Santa and want to take him out .

Continue reading Christmas Movie Review in July: Fatman at The Truth About Guns.

Ukraine Army Orders Female Troops Parade in High Heels

Mon, 07/05/2021 - 10:00

From the Associated Press . . .

Ukraine’s defense minister is under pressure from members of the government over the decision to have female military cadets wear pumps with heels in an important parade.

“The purpose of any military parade is to demonstrate the military ability of the army. There should be no room for stereotypes and sexism,” said a joint statement from three Cabinet members, including Minister of Veterans Affairs Yulia Laputina.

Continue reading Ukraine Army Orders Female Troops Parade in High Heels at The Truth About Guns.

Armed Standoff Shuts Down I-95 in Wakefield, MA

Mon, 07/05/2021 - 08:00

“We are not anti-government. We are not anti-police, we are not sovereign citizens, we’re not Black identity extremists.”

— one of the people with the group Rise of the Moors, in a broadcast to social media from Interstate 95 in Wakefield, Massachusetts during a police standoff at around 2:00 AM on July 3rd. Story and quote from the Associated Press. More info at CBS Boston.

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