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Updated: 1 week 20 hours ago

ATF Nominee Chipman: Every Civilian-Owned Gun is a Potential Crime Waiting to Happen

Wed, 05/26/2021 - 12:49

President BidenHarris’s nominee to head the federal gun regulator, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and whatever else they want to get involved in, is taking questions from senators today as part of his confirmation process. The aging senior senator from Iowa may not have his fastball anymore, but he hit the nail on the head with these comparisons illustrating what Chipman’s presence at the top of the ATF would be like . . .

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Ask Josh: Building A Short Hunting Rifle

Wed, 05/26/2021 - 12:00

Today’s question comes to us from reader ‘London 35’ who asks . . .

I am interested in building a short barreled rifle out of the AR platform. I recently read your article about short barreled .308s and was wondering what your input on the matter would be. The goal is a small, lightweight, and maneuverable hunting rife to be used on deer and hogs at a max of 200 yards.

Continue reading Ask Josh: Building A Short Hunting Rifle at The Truth About Guns.

How to Buy A Used Gun

Wed, 05/26/2021 - 10:00

A recent commenter asked for some advice on buying used guns. At one point I was frequenting about a dozen gun shows a year, with almost weekly trips to pawn shops, gun shops, secondhand stores in search of the elusive bargain.

I’ve bought and sold close to 30 firearms (all but three were used) in a four-year period, bracketed by the beginning of gainful employment and at the end in marriage. What follows are some general tips on what I look for, with the benefit of hindsight, money under the bridge and years of wisdom.

Continue reading How to Buy A Used Gun at The Truth About Guns.

Law Enforcement Groups Agree, David Chipman is the Perfect Choice to Head ATF

Wed, 05/26/2021 - 08:00

The past year has seen continued calls for policing reform by progressive groups — but the issue of gun control is one where progressives and police have frequently found common ground.

For example, the International Association of Chiefs of Police has been a “strong supporter” of banning assault weapons, according to one of the group’s position papers, as well as the creation of a national registry for people convicted of violent gun crimes.

Continue reading Law Enforcement Groups Agree, David Chipman is the Perfect Choice to Head ATF at The Truth About Guns.

Safari Club, NRA Win Anti-Hunting Lead Ammunition Ban Lawsuit in Arizona

Fri, 05/21/2021 - 18:00

From Safari Club International . . .

Safari Club International (SCI) has successfully defended a lawsuit brought by anti-hunting groups attempting to ban lead ammunition in Arizona’s Kaibab National Forest.

That lawsuit aimed to restrict hunting access on the fabricated grounds of a federal environmental law violation, and the issue has bounced around the courts for the last several years. In April 2021, however, a federal judge once again sided with SCI and the National Rifle Association (NRA) in allowing the use of lead ammunition as provided by Arizona law.

Continue reading Safari Club, NRA Win Anti-Hunting Lead Ammunition Ban Lawsuit in Arizona at The Truth About Guns.

ATF Has Published Proposed New Receiver Definition and Homemade Guns Rule…FPC Urges You to Comment

Fri, 05/21/2021 - 16:35

Today, the ATF finally got around to publishing their proposed new rules that would change the definition of a firearm frame or receiver, address the serialization and background check requirements of “home completed” or “readily” completable firearm kits, and would kill off the 80% receiver business.

With the publication of the proposed rules in the federal register, the 90-day public comment period clock has started and the Firearms Policy Coalition would like you to make your voice heard by our benevolent overseers.

Continue reading ATF Has Published Proposed New Receiver Definition and Homemade Guns Rule…FPC Urges You to Comment at The Truth About Guns.

BREAKING: Texas Legislature Conference Committee Reaches Agreement on Constitutional Carry Bill

Fri, 05/21/2021 - 16:14

When the Texas Senate attached a variety of non-germane amendments to the constitutional carry bill it passed earlier this month, prospects for final passage became…complicated. But both the House and Senate appointed slates of pro-gun members to the conference committee that was tasked with ironing out the differences.

Today the conferees reached agreement on the final language of the bill. The House and Senate will now have to vote to approve the conference committee report.

Continue reading BREAKING: Texas Legislature Conference Committee Reaches Agreement on Constitutional Carry Bill at The Truth About Guns.

Hoppe’s New Ready Roll Gun Cleaning Kit

Fri, 05/21/2021 - 16:00

From Hoppe’s . . .

Hoppe’s, the No.1 name in gun care products, has unveiled its new Ready Roll portable gun cleaning kit. This kit can be used in multiple configurations, either unrolled onto a flat surface like a shooting bench, or as a bucket apron for shooters who like to carry their range gear in a five-gallon bucket. The kit wraps around the inside of a bucket and is held in place with an integrated draw cord.

Continue reading Hoppe’s New Ready Roll Gun Cleaning Kit at The Truth About Guns.

Ask Josh: What’s The Deal With Folding Bolt Action Stocks?

Fri, 05/21/2021 - 14:00

Have a question for Josh? Email it to 

Competitive shooter and CMP veteran Daniel P. asks the following . . .

“Why do all your bolt rifles have folding stocks, man? I’d never use a folder in PRS, and I’ve never thought they did much for anyone unless you want a cool factor. You seem to like them, but I just need to ask why when they are objectively less precise as a fixed stock.”

Daniel has a good point here in that it seems like there is a huge influx of folding stocks out there these days.

Continue reading Ask Josh: What’s The Deal With Folding Bolt Action Stocks? at The Truth About Guns.

It’s Time for More American Jews To Use Their Second Amendment Rights to Defend Themselves

Fri, 05/21/2021 - 12:14

The current unpleasantries in the Middle East have spilled over to affect Americans right here at home. Jews have become targets of pro-Palestinian mobs in a number of cities. There have been fist fights in Times Square and fireworks attacks in New York’s diamond district.

Diners in New York and Los Angles have been assaulted and spat upon.

Tonight in my city, NYC. Eating while Jewi*h.

— Mendy Pellin (@MendyTV) May 21, 2021

Jews being attacked on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.

Continue reading It’s Time for More American Jews To Use Their Second Amendment Rights to Defend Themselves at The Truth About Guns.

DuraMag Introduces 20-Round 6.5 Grendel Stainless Steel Magazines

Fri, 05/21/2021 - 10:00

From DuraMag . . .

DuraMag, the brand known for solving the shooter’s magazine challenges such as creating reliable 7.62x39mm and 450 Bushmaster AR magazines has done it once again. This time with a sleek new magazine for 6.5 Grendel.

6.5 Grendel shooters chose their caliber for more energy on target at longer ranges while still keeping the platform compact and lightweight. Extended ranges, of course involve some “weaponized math” to get on target, but that hasn’t been the complaint.

Continue reading DuraMag Introduces 20-Round 6.5 Grendel Stainless Steel Magazines at The Truth About Guns.

Justice Thomas’s Quiet Influence on the Supreme Court’s Second Amendment Jurisprudence

Fri, 05/21/2021 - 08:00

In 2008, Thomas signed on to Justice Antonin Scalia’s landmark opinion holding that the Second Amendment protects the individual right to have firearms for self-defense. Supporters of gun rights believed that many gun regulations across the country would fall.

But lower courts, citing a part of the District of Columbia v. Heller decision that said that the “right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited,” allowed for some regulations.

Continue reading Justice Thomas’s Quiet Influence on the Supreme Court’s Second Amendment Jurisprudence at The Truth About Guns.

When Big Banks Dump Firearms Industry Customers, Smaller Banks Are Ready to Step In

Thu, 05/20/2021 - 18:00

By Larry Keane

Big corporations with “woke” policies are waking up to the fact that smaller businesses are glad to take the business they shun.

American Banker reported that corporate banks are quaking in their boots over the Texas state legislature’s debating a bill that would end taxpayer support to contract with corporations that willfully discriminate against the firearm industry. The bill, SB 19, is termed the Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination (FIND) Act and would end discrimination by corporate entities against the firearm industry if those companies wanted to do business with the state.

Continue reading When Big Banks Dump Firearms Industry Customers, Smaller Banks Are Ready to Step In at The Truth About Guns.

Personal Defense Tip: Don’t Leave Your Gun in Your Truck When You’re in Bear Country

Thu, 05/20/2021 - 16:00

By Mark Thiessen, AP

Allen Minish was alone and surveying land for a real estate agent in a wooded, remote part of Alaska, putting some numbers into his GPS unit when he looked up and saw a large brown bear walking about 30 feet (9 meters) away.

“I saw him and he saw me at the same time, and it’s scary,” Minish said by phone Wednesday from his hospital bed in Anchorage, a day after being mauled by the bear in a chance encounter.

Continue reading Personal Defense Tip: Don’t Leave Your Gun in Your Truck When You’re in Bear Country at The Truth About Guns.

Senator Marco Rubio Supports the Second Amendment, But . . .

Thu, 05/20/2021 - 14:00

By Lee Williams

At 5-feet 10-inches, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is the same height as Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), but that’s not all the two have in common.

Neither Rubio nor Feinstein support the Second Amendment.

While Feinstein is open an upfront about her anti-rights passion, Rubio is riding the fence. Several bills he’s introduced clearly infringe upon the Second Amendment, but he still tries to hide his anti-rights zealotry in communications with constituents.

Continue reading Senator Marco Rubio Supports the Second Amendment, But . . . at The Truth About Guns.

Huge Taxidermy Auction is Live Right Now

Thu, 05/20/2021 - 12:00

John Brommel, “The Taxidermy King,” has passed away and The Corner Shoppe here in Austin is auctioning off nearly 1,800 lots, some of which include multiple pieces. Most is taxidermy, but there’s a ton of other stuff including antiques, statues, antlers, and much more.

You can bid online HERE, with auctions closing today (May 20th, 2021), tomorrow, and Saturday. Here’s an interesting find:

The “Real Human Skull Butterfly Sculpture” isn’t something you see every day.

Continue reading Huge Taxidermy Auction is Live Right Now at The Truth About Guns.

We Need to Create Loopholes in Any ‘Ghost Gun’ Regulations

Thu, 05/20/2021 - 10:00

Can we live with regulating home-made guns? The answer is yes. Californians have lived with detachable magazine regulation through the “bullet button.” All it takes is a little ingenuity. To solve this puzzle, though, we just need to ask ourselves, ‘What do we really need?’

The answer is, we need to maintain a robust market in tools, components and techniques to make ever more new guns. That’s it. That’s all that’s necessary.

Continue reading We Need to Create Loopholes in Any ‘Ghost Gun’ Regulations at The Truth About Guns.

17 Democrat Attorneys General: David Chipman is ‘Uniquely Qualified to Lead ATF’

Thu, 05/20/2021 - 08:00

The letter was led by Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro and signed by 16 others, including the attorneys general of New York, Virginia, Iowa, Rhode Island, California, Vermont, Nevada, Illinois and the District of Columbia. 

It was sent to Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), and Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the top members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which oversees Chipman’s nomination.

Continue reading 17 Democrat Attorneys General: David Chipman is ‘Uniquely Qualified to Lead ATF’ at The Truth About Guns.
