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Updated: 1 day 47 min ago

Defending Against a Break-In: Homeowner Cleared After Seven Months

Sun, 07/30/2023 - 16:00

By Brad Fitzpatrick

A homeowner was awakened at approximately 3 a.m. by a noise in his home and found an assailant entering through the second-floor master bathroom window. The kicker: The suspect used the man’s own ladder to access the second-floor window to burglarize the home.

The homeowner retrieved a handgun to protect his family and fired one round that struck the burglar as he entered through the window. The suspect fell and died immediately.

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Gun Review: Winchester Model 1894 Deluxe Sporting Rifle in .30-30 Winchester

Sun, 07/30/2023 - 13:00

I’ve always had a Winchester 94. I mean it. My dad stored a ’94 under my crib as a baby. But I’ve never owned one this fine.

The Miroku-made Winchester Model 1894 Deluxe Sporting Rifle is one of the finest standard models to ever carry the Winchester name.

For those shooters who only know of the Model 94 from its US Repeating Arms Company days, the Miroku guns will feel fantastically smooth in operation by comparison.

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Geared To Defend: Keep Your Guns Stored Safely at Home

Sun, 07/30/2023 - 10:00

By Robert Sadowski

Storing a loaded pistol in the nightstand drawer to keep it nearby in case of a home intrusion isn’t a safe idea. Think of your child or grandchild exploring your bedroom and accidentally gaining access to your fireararm. The conse­quences could be deadly.

Beyond that, there are also a number of legal considerations involving the proper storage of firearms. While laws differ by state, the law in some states and larger cities requires that owners secure their guns.

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The Founders Tried Their Damnedest to Ensure Individual Gun Rights

Sat, 07/29/2023 - 16:00

…but even armed bears weren’t enough to head off centuries of debate over their meaning.

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Staying Sharp: Critical Training Beyond the Shooting Range

Sat, 07/29/2023 - 13:00

By Fred Mastison

As responsible firearms owners, many of us spend significant time and money honing our shooting skills—all with the hope of only having to press the trigger on the range and nowhere else. That can sometimes leave us lacking in the necessary mental skillset department.

While you may practice hundreds of draws, and dry-fire thousands of times, have you practiced calling 911 and then talking to the police?

That kind of scenario-based training is something that can help build a skill that is critically important and desperately needed in the stressful moments following a defensive gun use.

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NY Times Recycles Debunked Study to Weaponize Anti-Gun Lies, Push More Disarmament Agitprop

Sat, 07/29/2023 - 10:00

By Salam Fatohi

Anti-gun activists are getting so desperate that they are relying on incorrect methodology to spread their own gun control agenda in their battle against the firearm industry. Put simply: junk science will always be junk science. Regardless of whether the ‘scientist’ believes it or not.

Recently, The New York Times posted an article asserting that it is 2.7 times more likely that a homicide will occur in your home if you have a firearm.

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Law Profs: Use Qualified Immunity as a Post-Bruen Shield to Unconstitutionally Confiscate Firearms

Sat, 07/29/2023 - 08:00

The Supreme Court’s ruling in NYSRPA v. Bruen threw the political project of gun regulation into question. Before Bruen, states could enact new kinds of gun restrictions if they passed a relatively stringent means-ends test. That is, if laws meaningfully reduced danger, while not too heavily burdening the right to self-defense, they were allowed. After Bruen, only gun controls actually in force in the founding era, and their close analogues, are permissible. Many fewer regulations will now pass the constitutional test.

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Cornyn’s Folly: Biden Admin Using BSCA to Withhold Federal Funds From Schools With Hunting Programs

Fri, 07/28/2023 - 14:20

From CCRKBA . . .

The Biden administration has sunk to a new low in its anti-gun crusade, reportedly withholding funds from schools that have hunting or archery programs as part of their curriculum, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Fox News is reporting the administration “is blocking key federal funding earmarked under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 for schools with hunting and archery programs.

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Gun Review: Dan Wesson DWX Compact

Fri, 07/28/2023 - 14:00

Dan Wesson’s DWX was one of the most highly-anticipated firearms of 2019. Unfortunately, it didn’t make it to us until earlier this very year, which I have it on good authority is considered to be 2023. A hybrid design effectively combining a CZ competition frame with a Dan Wesson 1911 slide, resources and materials from both the Czech Republic and New York were required to complete this fast, refined, sexy new pistol. That made it highly susceptible to COVID restrictions, delaying the release of the DWX and the DWX Compact seen here.

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Another Mystery: What Happened to Hunter Biden’s Colt Cobra? Other Guns?

Fri, 07/28/2023 - 12:00

That’s the cringe-inducing image we’ve all unfortunately seen repeatedly since content from Hunter Biden’s “laptop from Hell” began trickling out before the 2020 election. In the images and videos, in addition to frolicking with hookers and smoking crack, the First Son is seen posing nude and holding a semi-automatic pistol, hammer cocked, finger on the trigger.

Back at least as far as early 2021 we learned that he lied on ATF form 4473 about his drug use when he purchased a handgun.

Continue reading Another Mystery: What Happened to Hunter Biden’s Colt Cobra? Other Guns? at The Truth About Guns.

Shannon Watts Moves From Attacking Gun Rights to Restricting Free Speech

Fri, 07/28/2023 - 10:00

Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action, announced in January that she would retire from her anti-gun group sometime this year. Don’t expect a quiet exit as she’s now talking about restricting free speech.

Watts, whose gun control group is controlled by billionaire and former failed gun control presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, took to social media and bragging about her role in forcing a music video network to remove country music star Jason Aldean’s latest hit.

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Kos: The Solution to ‘Gun Violence’, Like Any Problem, is More Money

Fri, 07/28/2023 - 08:00

Democrats need for cash drives their actions (in) office. Guns are a threat to every man, woman, and child in our country. Mass shootings are not even news anymore. And even though 70-80% of the country wants stricter gun laws, we’ll never see them. Why? Gun violence is too valuable to Democrats.

Democrats fundraise off of gun violence. They tell us that they will do something to curb gun violence every election and nothing changes.

Continue reading Kos: The Solution to ‘Gun Violence’, Like Any Problem, is More Money at The Truth About Guns.

Primary Weapons System Releases Limited Run of MK113 Alpha Rifles

Thu, 07/27/2023 - 16:00

From PWS . . .

Primary Weapons Systems (PWS) has recently released the limited edition MK113 Alpha Rifle. This is welcome news for those who have been fans of PWS for many years, as the Alpha is an exclusive recreation of the PWS original Mark I Alpha, originally released in 2018. Only 250 of these rifles have been made, and each ships with a certificate of authenticity and a unique challenge coin.

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The Trace is Revealed – Yet Again – As the Bloomberg-Owned Anti-Gun Agitprop Outlet We’ve Known it to Be

Thu, 07/27/2023 - 12:00

By Lee Williams 

The Trace, the propaganda arm of former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s gun control empire, wants the public to believe it’s an actual newsroom comprised of actual journalists. That’s a fiction they go to great lengths to maintain. 

The Trace calls itself “The only newsroom dedicated to covering gun violence.” Its staff refer to themselves as journalists, rather than anti-gun activists who are paid by Bloomberg to write anti-gun propaganda. 

Continue reading The Trace is Revealed – Yet Again – As the Bloomberg-Owned Anti-Gun Agitprop Outlet We’ve Known it to Be at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Review: Springfield Armory Echelon 9mm Pistol

Wed, 07/26/2023 - 16:00

It’s easy to say, “Ho hum, another polymer-framed 9mm striker-fired pistol.” We live in a golden age of well made, reliable 9mm handguns and after a while, they all start to look the same. But there’s more to the Springfield Echelon than meets the eye.

I’m not certain the Echelon would motivate me to sell my carry gun to purchase Springfield’s latest, but if I were in the market for a new 9mm pistol the Springfield would be near the top of my list.

Continue reading Gun Review: Springfield Armory Echelon 9mm Pistol at The Truth About Guns.

St. Louis and Washington D.C. Demonstrate – Yet Again – That Gun Control Isn’t About Reducing Crime

Wed, 07/26/2023 - 14:00

With many prominent government officials exhibiting a flagrant indifference to violent crime, it’s getting harder for anti-gun politicians to pretend that their gun control schemes are anything other than a means to harass law-abiding gun owners. Recent incidents from anti-gun jurisdictions St. Louis and the District of Columbia further illustrate this point.

In early July, the St. Louis NBC affiliate published text messages from Mayor Tishaura Jones obtained under the state’s Sunshine Law.

Continue reading St. Louis and Washington D.C. Demonstrate – Yet Again – That Gun Control Isn’t About Reducing Crime at The Truth About Guns.

In Praise of the Absence of a Manual Safety

Wed, 07/26/2023 - 12:00

Contributor John Sprague gave us his take on the manual safety in the piece entitled, in a post over the weekend. Mr. Sprague says that for him, a manual safety strikes the perfect balance in terms of safety versus a reduction of readiness. Good for him. That’s a decision we all have to make for ourselves and I’m glad he’s found the right balance for him.

Real world experience has driven me to the opposite side of that equation for everything except 1911-style pistols when it comes to manual safeties.

Continue reading In Praise of the Absence of a Manual Safety at The Truth About Guns.

ATF Taking Down Retail Gun Sellers, One FFL at a Time

Wed, 07/26/2023 - 10:00

By Lee Williams

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives isn’t regulating the firearms industry as required by statute. The ATF is choking the life out of it – tearing it down, one gun dealer at a time. 

Before Joe Biden declared war on gun dealers, ATF inspectors used a five-percent rule. If less than five percent of a gun dealer’s paperwork contained errors, the ATF would take minor corrective action, usually a warning letter or a warning conference.

Continue reading ATF Taking Down Retail Gun Sellers, One FFL at a Time at The Truth About Guns.

Cornyn’s Folly: Garland DOJ Using BSCA Federal Funds to ‘Strong-Arm’ States Into Enacting Red Flag Laws

Wed, 07/26/2023 - 08:00

In 2022, Congress passed, and President Biden signed, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act in response to mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, that left dozens dead. The law incentivizes states to pass extreme risk protection laws, also called “red flag” laws, that allow members of the public and law enforcement to petition courts for a civil order to temporarily suspend a person’s access to firearms for fear that person might do violence.

Continue reading Cornyn’s Folly: Garland DOJ Using BSCA Federal Funds to ‘Strong-Arm’ States Into Enacting Red Flag Laws at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Tweet of the Day: Kim Kardashian’s SKIMS ‘Shapewear’ Saved My Life When I Was Shot

Tue, 07/25/2023 - 16:00

TikTok creator says wearing Kim Kardashian’s SKIMS shapewear saved her life when she got shot:

“The night I got shot, under my dress I was wearing a Skims shaping bodysuit. It was so tight on me that it literally kept me from bleeding out… Call it fate or Jesus, but I’mma call…

— Pop Crave (@PopCrave) July 18, 2023

Noted tactical expert Kim Kardashian makes something called SKIMS.

Continue reading Gun Tweet of the Day: Kim Kardashian’s SKIMS ‘Shapewear’ Saved My Life When I Was Shot at The Truth About Guns.
