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Updated: 1 day 50 min ago

Pay No Attention to the Ginned-Up Faux Outrage Over Jason Aldean’s Song

Thu, 07/20/2023 - 13:00

By Peter Elias

OK Shannon Watts, now do ANTIFA, BLM, and a lot of rap music. You know, since you’re so concerned with violence and all. No? Why not? Because you are a bunch of virtue signaling, identity politics-playing, phony cowards, that’s why. It’s amazing how decades of violence in other music and media create no expressions of deep concern from you and your mentally ill, politically slanted ilk.

Movies and video games?

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First Night Jitters: Philly Pizza Delivery Guy Shoots One of Two Armed Carjackers

Thu, 07/20/2023 - 12:00

Yesterday we highlighted a defensive gun use that took place in our nation’s capital. Today, we move up America’s gold coast on the Acela line to the City of Brotherly Love where violent crime continues to set records and the city can see as many as 10 carjackings in a weekend.

The good news for Philadelphians is that Pennsylvania has much better gun laws than does the District. That means it’s far easier for the average Philly denizen to legally carry a firearm.

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One Attacker Shot, Another on the Run as Washington, DC Carjackers Choose Their Victim Poorly

Wed, 07/19/2023 - 16:00

If you’re unfortunate enough to reside or work in our nation’s capital and want to exercise your Second Amendment rights to their fullest extent possible, you’ll need to navigate the bureaucratic nightmare that is the District’s concealed carry permitting process. That means completing an application which included authorizing the city to access your mental health records, and certifying that you’ve had at least 16 hours of firearms training plus two hours of range training.

In all, you’ll spend somewhere between $500 and $1000 to do all of that.

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Everytown Targets Gun Dealers, Publishes Searchable Data Base of FFLs

Wed, 07/19/2023 - 14:00

From NRA-ILA . . .

Here we go again. Four years after then-Vice President Joe Biden said, “Our enemy is the gun manufacturers,” gun control advocates are still trying to convince Americans that violent crime results from law-abiding businesses providing a constitutionally-protected product under exacting government scrutiny.

Amidst the gun prohibition lobby’s never-ending — and usually illegal — campaign of harassing lawsuits, Everytown has now upped the ante with its new “research” effort, “Inside the Gun Shop.” The point is not to shed understanding on America’s heavily regulated firearm industry, however.

Continue reading Everytown Targets Gun Dealers, Publishes Searchable Data Base of FFLs at The Truth About Guns.

Sen. Chris Murphy Using the Defense Authorization Bill to Attack Service Members’ Individual Gun Rights

Wed, 07/19/2023 - 12:00

By Mark Oliva

It takes a certain amount of brazenness to put the responsibility of defending the nation on a young American and then, in the next breath, demand they forfeit those freedoms they are literally willing to die to protect.

U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) is never one to disappoint, though. His latest legislative move is to put a target on the back of every service member as someone who cannot be entrusted to exercise their Second Amendment rights.

Continue reading Sen. Chris Murphy Using the Defense Authorization Bill to Attack Service Members’ Individual Gun Rights at The Truth About Guns.

Weaponized ATF Tactical Raids Endangering Americans’ Lives…Again

Wed, 07/19/2023 - 10:00

By Lee Williams

During the 30 years that have passed since ATF’s botched raid in Waco, Texas, which led to 82 civilian deaths – including 28 children – and four federal agents, the agency appears to have forgotten that when it picks fights for no reason and uses excessive force, law-abiding Americans pay with their lives. 

A story we published last week – much to everyone’s horror – revealed that the ATF has started raiding again.

Continue reading Weaponized ATF Tactical Raids Endangering Americans’ Lives…Again at The Truth About Guns.

A Day Ending in ‘Y’: Shannon Watts OUTRAGED Over New Jason Aldean Music Video

Wed, 07/19/2023 - 08:00

NEW: Country Music Television has pulled Jason Aldean’s music video ‘Try That In A Small Town’ in response to media outrage.

In the music video, Aldean calls out left-wing violence, specifically violence against law enforcement.

Apparently this is ‘controversial’ and hateful…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) July 19, 2023

Country music singer Jason Aldean has sparked controversy over lyrics in his new song that seem to promote gun violence.

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Simtek Sensors are Now StealthALERT Wireless Firearm and Safe Security Monitors

Tue, 07/18/2023 - 15:00

Jeremy got his hands on a prototype of the Simtek security sensor, and then reviewed the production model when it started to ship. These’re wireless real-time cellular (not WiFi) monitors that alert you of an unauthorized attempt to access your gun or safe. He was a fan (testing of the newest version is underway).

Now Simtek is rebranding their remote security sensors for the firearm market. The new brand is StealthALERT, but they’re the same product with the same features.

Continue reading Simtek Sensors are Now StealthALERT Wireless Firearm and Safe Security Monitors at The Truth About Guns.

Despite Prominent ‘Gun-Free Zone’ Signs, 3 Teenagers Shot in Times Square [VIDEO]

Tue, 07/18/2023 - 13:00

You can’t blame the city of New York for this one. They did everything they could. Sure they cut 11% of their police budget during the fevered post-George Floyd defund-the-police mania under Warren Wilhelm, Jr. And OK, the severely undermanned NYPD has since been described as “unfixable” in its current state. And yes, the city has a DA in Manhattan who’s more interested in “re-thinking” criminal justice than he is prosecuting actual criminals.

Still and all, the city that never sleeps has done what it can to fight the spike in violent crime.

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Massachusetts Police Departments Warn of an Unconstitutional Gun Grab

Tue, 07/18/2023 - 11:00

By Jake McGuigan

Massachusetts lawmakers are so drastically overreaching with a 140-page gun control proposal that local police departments are flashing lights and blaring sirens because it is just that bad.

The Ware, Mass., Police Department posted a warning to citizens on the police department’s Facebook page that HD 4420 is just plain terrible gun control legislation.

“This Bill does not address criminals,” the post reads.

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SIG SAUER’s New ROMEO-X Red Dots Built On ROMEO-M17 Technology

Tue, 07/18/2023 - 09:00

Earlier this year at SHOT, SIG SAUER announced the ROMEO-M17 red dot sight. It’s an enclosed emitter, gas purged design with a selectable reticle (2 MOA dot, 32 MOA circle or both) that’s designed for the military for use on M17 and M18 duty pistols. SIG SAUER calls it the best pistol red dot sight ever made.

The ROMEO-M17 isn’t for everyone. First, it’s expensive, retailing at about $800. It’s US-made, has 15 brightness settings, including three night vision settings, and it’s tougher than a $2 t-bone.

Continue reading SIG SAUER’s New ROMEO-X Red Dots Built On ROMEO-M17 Technology at The Truth About Guns.

Cassell: BLM and Defunding Police Have Killed More People Than Cops Ever Did

Tue, 07/18/2023 - 07:00

It is well known that there were significant spikes in homicides in 2020, particularly in major urban areas. In an article I published in 2021, I attributed these spikes to what I dubbed the “Minneapolis Effect”–specifically reductions in proactive policing as police pulled back in the wake of the George Floyd protests. I blogged about my article here.

A few days ago, an important new statistical study found corroboration for my hypothesis in New York City.

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Research: Watching a 1-Minute Safety Makes Pre-Teens More Careful Around Firearms

Mon, 07/17/2023 - 16:00

By Brad Bushman and Sophie Kjaervik, The Ohio State University

Children who watched a 1-minute-long gun safety video were more cautious when they found a real handgun hidden in a drawer in our lab compared to children who watched a car safety video, according to our randomized clinical trial published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics. We observed this difference even though children saw the gun safety video a week earlier at home and even after they had watched scenes from a violent movie in our lab.

Continue reading Research: Watching a 1-Minute Safety Makes Pre-Teens More Careful Around Firearms at The Truth About Guns.

Second Amendment Law Center Mobilizes Challenges to Hawaii’s Unconstitutional Gun Control Laws

Mon, 07/17/2023 - 14:00

By C.D. “Chuck” Michel

Last Friday, the Second Amendment Law Center, joined by several prominent pro 2A groups including Gun Owners of America, the Hawaii Rifle Association, California Rifle & Pistol Association, Gun Owners of California, and Gun Owners Foundation filed an amicus (friend of the court) brief in US District Court in Hawaii in the case of Wolford v. Lopez. That case challenges Hawaii’s newly signed SB 1230. The new law makes a license to carry a firearm invalid almost everywhere.

Continue reading Second Amendment Law Center Mobilizes Challenges to Hawaii’s Unconstitutional Gun Control Laws at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Review: Winchester 1300 Deer Slug Shotgun

Mon, 07/17/2023 - 12:00

Here at the Truth About Guns, we often review the latest and greatest in firearms. Typically older guns fall into the Obscure Object of Desire category. What about guns that are old but still common, cheap, and out there readily available?

We’re talking about guns like the Winchester 1300 series shotguns. It’s been out of production since 2006, but Winchester made so many of them that they’re still commonly available and affordable. I picked up this nearly mint condition model for a mere $250.

Continue reading Gun Review: Winchester 1300 Deer Slug Shotgun at The Truth About Guns.

True Velocity Now Selling Commercial 5.56×45 Ammunition

Mon, 07/17/2023 - 10:00

True Velocity makes lightweight composite-cased rifle ammunition. They competed for the Army’s next generation squad weapon 6.8mm ammo contract, but lost out to SIG SAUER last year.

True Velocity started making .308 ammo available on the commercial market back in 2021 and said at SHOT this year that they planned to expand their commercial line to 5.56. That day has arrived. Today they announced ammo in three bullet weights. Here’s their press release .

Continue reading True Velocity Now Selling Commercial 5.56×45 Ammunition at The Truth About Guns.

Ware, Mass Police Raise the Alarm on HD 4420, a ‘Travesty’ of a Gun Control Bill

Mon, 07/17/2023 - 08:00

The Ware Police Department would like to bring an important matter to your attention: the proposed anti-gun Bill currently under consideration (HD 4420, An Act Modernizing Firearms Laws). We understand that this state-level legislation has raised concerns among law-abiding citizens who value their Second Amendment rights.

We recognize that the right to bear arms is a fundamental aspect of our nation’s history and an essential component of personal and collective security. As members of the police force, we are committed to upholding the law and defending the rights of our community members.

Continue reading Ware, Mass Police Raise the Alarm on HD 4420, a ‘Travesty’ of a Gun Control Bill at The Truth About Guns.

Obscure Object of Desire: Seecamp LWS 25 Restricted Edition Pistol

Sun, 07/16/2023 - 10:00

I’ve been having a tough time with audience approval of my choices for obscure objects of desire. Either they’re not desirable at all, or they’re not obscure enough for a lot of you. Maybe this time, I’ll get it right.

I’ve got a rather unique and pretty damn cool pistol here. Today we’re looking at the Seecamp LWS-25, which is obscure to a point. What makes it even more so are the words ‘Restricted Edition’ stamped on the side.

Continue reading Obscure Object of Desire: Seecamp LWS 25 Restricted Edition Pistol at The Truth About Guns.
