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Updated: 20 hours 44 min ago

Colorado Gun Control Rally a Damp Squib While Media Approvingly Swoon

Tue, 06/13/2023 - 16:00

What began as an over-hyped, week-long gun control rally to force Colorado Gov. Jared Polis to ban all guns in his state fizzled out after one day and a little rain.

It was a real-time demonstration of the current reality of a growing and diversified gun-owning community that cherishes the rights guaranteed in the Constitution to lawfully possess firearms.

The Here 4 The Kids Rally was supposed to force the governor to relent to their demands.

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Louisiana Man: Persistent, Grass-Eating Would-Be Burglar Stopped by Home Owner With a Gun

Tue, 06/13/2023 - 14:00

Quitters never win. That’s the old saw that a grass-eating, would-be home invader must have lived by. He absorbed multiple rounds before he finally ceased his violent attempt to force entry to a home in Ascension Parish, Louisiana early last Sunday morning.

In the end, if Kameron Serigny, 20, had gone to church instead of apparently taking recreational drugs, he might not have died with a belly full of someone’s lawn clippings.

That’s right.

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Biden’s Anti-Gun Warriors are Never Held Accountable for Their Assault on Civil Rights

Tue, 06/13/2023 - 10:00

By Lee Williams

A secret cabal of unelected bureaucrats operating in the bowels of the White House is the real architect of Joe Biden’s war on our guns, and none are ever held accountable.

Susan Rice, Barack Obama’s former national security advisor, played a leading role in this Star Chamber of civil rights abuse, until she abruptly left the White House last month. Rice, who served as Joe Biden’s domestic policy advisor, didn’t even bother to hide her frequent meetings with members of the gun-ban industry, such as Giffords, Brady, and Everytown.

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Utah Church Forging Peace by Converting Guns to Gardening Tools

Tue, 06/13/2023 - 08:00

Utahns dropped off the unwanted firearms at the Christ United Methodist Church, where professionals took the firearms apart.

“Even the most skilled gunsmith couldn’t make this a serviceable weapon. This gun will never hurt anyone, because now it’s just a chunk of metal,” said one of the volunteers.

The center will ship the pieces to a Colorado organization called RAWtools that will turn the guns into spades or mattocks you can purchase online.

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Personal Defense: Forty Miles of Road Rage Ends in a Dead Aggressor

Mon, 06/12/2023 - 16:00

Police in Minnesota ruled the use of deadly force over the weekend against a road-raging idiot was justified self-defense. For 40 miles, William Haire — age: more than old enough to know better — reportedly drove like a lunatic, threatening a 30-year-old driver. What an enraged 61-year-old Floyd didn’t know was that the other driver had a carry license and his gun.

Floyd’s anger finally caught up with him in Maple Grove, Minnesota northwest of Minneapolis.

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Gear Review: Swampfox Kraken Enclosed Emitter Red Dot Sight

Mon, 06/12/2023 - 14:00

I’ve become quite the fan of red dots on my handguns. My everyday carry handgun has one and I rarely leave home without it. I’ve experimented with a wide variety of dots at a wide variety of price points. The more I shoot and train, the more I’ve become enamored with enclosed red dot optics. I’m less enamored with their prices, though. That’s why the Swampfox Kraken caught my eye. 

Swampfox has made quite the name for themselves recently.

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The Perfect Gun Belt: Charter Tactical’s 2nd Amen Hero 1.0 Heavy Duty Ratchet Gun Belt

Mon, 06/12/2023 - 12:00

You want a gun belt that looks good. You need a belt that’s tough and comfortable enough to support your gun and gear every day. Charter Tactical’s 2nd Amen Hero 1.0 ratcheting gun belts are everything a good gun belt should be.

Made with the highest quality materials and featuring a 1.38-inch adjustable design, the Charter Tactical 2nd Amen Hero and Protector gun belts are perfect for everyday carry and ensure that your firearm stays securely in place.

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Nine Shot in San Francisco As Gavin Newsom Tries to Export California’s Gun Control Laws

Mon, 06/12/2023 - 10:00

Gavin Newsom’s California is home to the most radical gun control measures of any state in America. It also wears crown for having the most shooting sprees. Correlation isn’t causation, but could the two be linked? Maybe all those gun control laws only serve to disarm the law-abiding while leaving the criminals free and emboldened to commit violence against the innocent.

On Friday evening, Newsom’s Golden State notched yet another “mass shooting” with nine wounded in one incident in San Francisco.

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The New Jersey Machete Attack That Wasn’t Stopped By a Court’s Opinion

Sun, 06/11/2023 - 10:00

The topic of arms, bearable arms, arms that are appropriate for self-defense, etc., is explored here at TTAG on a daily basis. When it comes to self-defense, though, we can’t exclude improvised weapons in addition to conventional arms.

It’s well known that weapons used offensively in an unprovoked attack shifts the window from being protected by the Constitution to illegal behavior. Such behavior was the subject of a recent conflict in Lakewood, New Jersey that resulted in hospitalizations as a result of a machete attack.

Continue reading The New Jersey Machete Attack That Wasn’t Stopped By a Court’s Opinion at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Meme of the Day: The Gavinor Edition

Fri, 06/09/2023 - 18:00

LOL. Okay. Pretty, pretty Gavin Newsolini is his own meme. To be fair, though, it was an early dinner.


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OMG! Arizona DPS Finds HUGE Stash of Rifle Ammunition! OMG!

Fri, 06/09/2023 - 15:00

The Arizona Department of Public Safety announced a recent seizure of a small quantity of ammunition hidden inside some truck tires. Clearly the tires wouldn’t run very smoothly with a couple of thousand rifle rounds rolling around inside them. Yet judging by the mainstream media’s reporting of the DPS’ press release, you’d think they’d uncovered another Fast and Furious level smuggling operation.

They hyperventilated over a mere 5,800 rifle rounds — 800 of them “high caliber!” — less than many TTAG readers regularly keep on hand.

Continue reading OMG! Arizona DPS Finds HUGE Stash of Rifle Ammunition! OMG! at The Truth About Guns.

NAGR, NRA Move to Protect Their Members From ATF’s Pistol Brace Ban Enforcement

Fri, 06/09/2023 - 13:00

As we noted earlier, three injunctions currently protect the members of GOA, FPC and SAF from enforcement under the ATF’s new pistol brace rule that effectively bans almost all use of the accessories. The rule went into effect June 1 and, predictably, very few brace owners elected to comply with the law during the designated “amnesty” period.

Now, the National Association for Gun Rights and the National Rifle Association have moved to protect their members as well.

Continue reading NAGR, NRA Move to Protect Their Members From ATF’s Pistol Brace Ban Enforcement at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Review: Standard Manufacturing SG22 Color Case Hardened 22LR Pistol

Fri, 06/09/2023 - 12:00

When we asked which classic firearm Colt should reintroduce a few years ago, a plurality of y’all voted for the Woodsman. While Colt hasn’t made one since 1977, Standard Manufacturing has taken the helm and is now producing absolutely gorgeous, high-quality target/hunting pistols of the same style and build, which they call the SG22.

Available at the time of this review in five different finishes, TTAG got its hands on the case colored model and we won’t be letting go of it.

Continue reading Gun Review: Standard Manufacturing SG22 Color Case Hardened 22LR Pistol at The Truth About Guns.

Now They’re REALLY Serious: Biden Taps VP Harris to Lead Administration’s Gun Control Messaging

Fri, 06/09/2023 - 10:00

President Joe Biden made an announcement he hopes will excite the gun control activists for his 2024 reelection bid. The president is calling in his Big Gun to “lead the messaging” on his gun control accomplishments to generate buzz.

Media reported the president assigned Vice President Kamala Harris, widely panned as “one of the worst VPs in history,” to be the “leading voice” on gun control and charged her with making those issues front and center for the campaign.

Continue reading Now They’re REALLY Serious: Biden Taps VP Harris to Lead Administration’s Gun Control Messaging at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Meme of the Day: Ornithology Class Edition

Thu, 06/08/2023 - 18:00

They’re quite majestic. When asked about my favorite bird, I just raise a finger and show ’em  ;⁠-⁠)


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Gavin Newsom Tries to Export California’s Anti-Gun Authoritarianism Nationwide

Thu, 06/08/2023 - 16:00

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . .

Today, Governor Gavin Newsom cynically called for using guns, gun owners, and tragedies to get free press for his perpetual political campaigning by proposing to drag the nation into his failed policy of criminalizing the mere exercise of fundamental rights.

That Newsom is willing to offer this route to impose his immoral policies on the entire nation is an ironic recognition that the tide of history has turned against him and a genuine admission that his failed policies cannot withstand court scrutiny.

Continue reading Gavin Newsom Tries to Export California’s Anti-Gun Authoritarianism Nationwide at The Truth About Guns.

Radio Host Mark Walters Sues ChatGPT for False Claims That He Defrauded, Embezzled Money From SAF

Thu, 06/08/2023 - 14:03

It turns out that at least the early iterations of AI are short on the I. Or at least they don’t have enough I to know not to make up false and libelous claims about actual people that can do real world damage to them and their reputations.

Fredy Riehl, one of the owners of Ammoland, was doing some research recently for a post. He asked the artificial intelligence program ChatGPT to summarize a lawsuit, Second Amendment Foundation v.

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Sell Your Guns Quickly and Securely Online With

Thu, 06/08/2023 - 14:00

Maybe you need some extra cash. Or maybe you want to sell a few guns to finance the purchase of one you’ve had your eye on for years. No matter what you want the money for, makes the process of selling your gun fast, easy and secure.

The process couldn’t be easier. Fill out some basic personal information and then tell about the firearm you want to sell. Nothing complicated, just the model number, the serial number, its condition and whether or not you have the original box.

Continue reading Sell Your Guns Quickly and Securely Online With at The Truth About Guns.
