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Updated: 18 hours 45 min ago

Mogulescu: Clarence Thomas is to Blame for America’s Escalating Violent Crime Problem

Sun, 06/04/2023 - 08:00

Hardly a day or a week goes by without another mass shooting. But the opinion authored by Thomas (and joined by the other five extreme right-wing justices) in New York Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen (2022) has made most commons (sic) sense gun control regulations illegal and will lead to more people being killed and maimed by weapons of war that have no business in the hands of civilians. It also imposed a cramped, extremist version of right-wing “originalism” on Supreme Court interpretation.

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Life in California: Judge Robbed in Broad Daylight Across the Street from Oakland Courthouse

Sat, 06/03/2023 - 16:00

California’s comprehensive regime of strict gun control laws have worked to ensure that mostly bad guys have guns in the Golden State. Gavin Newsom’s done his damnedest through radically restrictive limits on keeping and bearing arms to keep firearms out of the hands of most good men and women. That leaves the violent criminals to carry freely, especially in jurisdictions where Soros-funded (non)prosecutors rule the roost.

In Oakland, a trio of brazen armed robbers struck Thursday morning just outside the Alameda County Courthouse.

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Massive Noncompliance: ATF Says Only 250,000 Braced Pistol Owners Registered Their Guns

Sat, 06/03/2023 - 10:00

In news that comes as a shock to no one, only only a tiny handful of braced pistol owners jumped through the hoops of completing an eForm 1 for braced pistols they owned during the just-completed “amnesty” period. According to The Reload, ATF says it received just over a quarter-million applications before the “grace period” for registrations closed on May 31st.

A quarter million? Various sources put the number of pistol stabilizing braces owned by Americans at between 10 and 40 million.

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Smith: Leftists Who Run America’s Cities Have No Interest In Actually Reducing Violence

Sat, 06/03/2023 - 08:00

One of the most common strategies used by the political left to attack 2nd Amendment supporters is to ramp up the anti-gun hype every time a crime involving a gun is committed. They don’t care much about the tragedy itself, they only care about how they can use it for political gain. However, it’s very important to understand that this is not only about removing gun rights for leftists – It’s also about creating a false association in the public consciousness that guns = crime.

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Father’s Day Gift Guide: Five Affordable EDC Knives

Fri, 06/02/2023 - 16:00


Father’s day is coming up fast. You want to give dear old Dad something he’ll appreciate and use every day while not dipping too deeply into your ammo budget. Here’s an easy choice — everyone needs a good everyday carry knife. Or another one.

I never leave the house without a blade in my pocket and neither should you…or your pop. So here are five good, basic, very functional everyday carry knives that you can afford to give and your Dad will be happy to own.

Continue reading Father’s Day Gift Guide: Five Affordable EDC Knives at The Truth About Guns.

May Adjusted Background Checks – AKA Gun Sales – Up 3.2% Over 2022 at 1.2 Million

Fri, 06/02/2023 - 12:00

Ho hum. Another month, another million-plus guns sold to an increasing number of Americans who are deciding to exercise their right to keep and bear arms. At this new post-Covid surge level of gun sales, which looks to be stable, the guns that are sold every month aren’t going only to existing gun owners (as the gun control droogs used to tell themselves). More people are deciding to become gun owners for the first time.

Continue reading May Adjusted Background Checks – AKA Gun Sales – Up 3.2% Over 2022 at 1.2 Million at The Truth About Guns.

State of Play: Gun Industry Moved 2A Rights Forward, One State Bill at a Time

Fri, 06/02/2023 - 10:00

A new Axios report shows state lawmakers passed more pro-firearm industry bills over the past 12 months than gun control measures. That’s reflective of the efforts of NSSF’s Government Relations – State Affairs team working relentlessly to promote, protect and preserve the firearm industry from gun control efforts that seek to hobble and even destroy it.

According to the Axios report, more than 1,700 firearm-related bills have been introduced in state legislatures since last May, following the Uvalde, Texas, tragedy.

Continue reading State of Play: Gun Industry Moved 2A Rights Forward, One State Bill at a Time at The Truth About Guns.

Why All the Hate for Smart Guns?

Thu, 06/01/2023 - 16:00

We’ve been hearing about “smart guns” for well over a quarter century. The dream (of some) has been a gun that recognizes its owner and will only work for that person. The idea is to make sure that people who aren’t authorized — thieves, children — are locked out and can’t use the firearm. That ideal is obvious and laudable. The history and execution, so far, have been less than impressive.

Lots of people have advocated a wide array of designs and hyped allegedly market-ready models.

Continue reading Why All the Hate for Smart Guns? at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Review: Mauser M18 Savanna Rifle in .270 Winchester

Thu, 06/01/2023 - 14:00

I hate starting out a review with an apology, but it’s necessary. Jason Evans, CEO of the Blaser Group, spent his valuable time on an interview with me at the Dallas Safari Club in January of 2023, and I lost (well, deleted) the video. Obviously, it was an accident, but I feel terrible about it. Jason, sorry about that!

Fortunately, the rifle we discussed at DSC – the Mauser 18 Savanna – didn’t go missing.

Continue reading Gun Review: Mauser M18 Savanna Rifle in .270 Winchester at The Truth About Guns.

The Newest Supporter of Gun Rights for All in America Is…Hunter Biden?

Thu, 06/01/2023 - 11:49

As you may know, Hunter Biden isn’t someone many people would call a responsible gun owner. The President’s son is a well-known junkie and crackhead. As you probably also know, it’s illegal for someone with Biden-the-younger’s drug habits to buy and own a firearm. Not that legal niceties like that ever stopped him. Even the doddering President himself conceded last year that Hunter lied on a 4473 form when buying a handgun in 2018.

For those of you keeping score at home, that’s a federal felony.

Continue reading The Newest Supporter of Gun Rights for All in America Is…Hunter Biden? at The Truth About Guns.

Dorstewitz: Gun Control Laws Endanger Americans Instead of Protecting Them

Thu, 06/01/2023 - 09:00

Every time Democrats unveil a new gun control proposal, their message is the same: their bill, if enacted, will save lives. Actually the exact opposite is true.

States have recently rushed to pass new laws in response to a decision the U.S. Supreme Court made last year in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association vs. Bruen.

It held that the Second Amendment prohibits government requiring applicants to prove a “special need” in order to be issued a concealed carry permit.

Continue reading Dorstewitz: Gun Control Laws Endanger Americans Instead of Protecting Them at The Truth About Guns.

Three Injunctions Now Block ATF’s Pistol Brace Ban, Protecting Members of Three Gun Rights Orgs

Thu, 06/01/2023 - 07:09

Last night, Fifth District Court Judge Drew Tipton issued an injunction blocking the ATF’s enforcement of its pistol brace rule that goes into effect today. As with an earlier Fifth Circuit ruling in Mock v. Garland blocking enforcement against Firearms Policy Coalition members, Judge Tipton’s order in Texas v. ATF applies to the named plaintiffs in the lawsuit. In this case, that includes all employees of the state of Texas and current members of Gun Owners of America.

Continue reading Three Injunctions Now Block ATF’s Pistol Brace Ban, Protecting Members of Three Gun Rights Orgs at The Truth About Guns.

Things That Don’t Suck: Shadow Equipment Chest Rigs

Wed, 05/31/2023 - 12:00

By Lee Williams 

The first piece of tactical gear Shadow Equipment owner Sean Parker ever made was a set of sling silencers. Parker was hanging out with a buddy who complained that his QD mounts jingle-jangled on his AR. Parker saw that the solution was simple. 

“I bought some elastic, folded it in half and stitched it a few times,” he said. “My friends bought a bunch of them. I only spent $10 on materials, and this was fun.

Continue reading Things That Don’t Suck: Shadow Equipment Chest Rigs at The Truth About Guns.

Lueders: In Challenging Limits on Gun Rights, GOP Uses Creative Solutions to Imaginary Problems

Wed, 05/31/2023 - 10:00

Throughout the nation, states with Republican governors and GOP-led legislatures are tapping deep into the political zeitgeist and availing themselves of the opportunities of the moment to devise and execute creative solutions to imaginary problems. Here is a rundown of some of those efforts. …

Imaginary problem: It is just too difficult to obtain and bear firearms in the United States.

Unnecessary solution: Take aim at existing gun laws.

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NAGR Sues to Overturn Massachusetts ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

Tue, 05/30/2023 - 16:00

Massachusetts never liked the fact that the federal “assault weapons” ban was allowed to sunset in 2004. In response, the Bay State enacted its own AWB, signed into law by then-governor Mitt Romney. In 2016, in the aftermath of the Pulse and San Bernardino shootings, then-Attorney General (now Governor) Maura Healey unilaterally declared virtually every firearm sold in the state after the federal AWB ended was considered a “copycat” weapon, thus making them (and almost all semi-automatic rifles) illegal.

Continue reading NAGR Sues to Overturn Massachusetts ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Review: FN SCAR 15P Pistol in 5.56 NATO

Tue, 05/30/2023 - 14:00

With its complete lack of a stock and a 7.5″ barrel, the FN SCAR 15P is the best pistol in its class.

The super short rifle-caliber pistol autoloader class isn’t a big one, but it’s growing. That said, there are a whole lot of misconceptions about super short-barreled pistols and rifles in 5.56NATO.

One of these seems to be that weapons like this are common among low visibility military units or personal protective details.

Continue reading Gun Review: FN SCAR 15P Pistol in 5.56 NATO at The Truth About Guns.

Even More Than the Old Boss: Chicago Has Worst Memorial Day Weekend Violence in Over a Decade

Tue, 05/30/2023 - 12:00

Chicago’s latest feckless Mayor “Let’s Go” Brandon Johnson formulated a new strategy to tamp down the city’s historically horrific violent crime that spikes over the Memorial Day weekend and carries through the summer each year. His plan: dispatch thirty unarmed, yellow-vested “peacekeepers” to high crime neighborhoods to try to, well, keep the peace. Mayor Johnson combined that with fewer overtime hours for actual cops (the ones with with guns) to be on patrol.

Continue reading Even More Than the Old Boss: Chicago Has Worst Memorial Day Weekend Violence in Over a Decade at The Truth About Guns.

Self Defense Chronicles: 77-Year-Old Ann Arbor Home Owner Uses His Gun to Scare Off a Home Invader

Tue, 05/30/2023 - 10:00

Don’t mess with an old guy. That’s good advice and a message that an Ann Arbor, Michigan criminal got loud and clear last week when he made the mistake of crawling into a 77-year-old man’s house through a kitchen window. “I don’t look for trouble,” the homeowner said. “It found me.”

When he heard the criminal, the man went to investigate.

Face to face with his intruder, he yelled and then pulled out his pistol.

Continue reading Self Defense Chronicles: 77-Year-Old Ann Arbor Home Owner Uses His Gun to Scare Off a Home Invader at The Truth About Guns.

