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Updated: 3 days 20 hours ago

City repeals gun ban after SC Attorney General says it’s unconstitutional

Wed, 07/22/2015 - 12:56

A rally at the SC State House in Columbia was the reason for a now-repealed ban on weapons. (Photo: Post and Courier/Jeremy Borden)


Splitting cards via ricochet trick shot off a dozer blade (VIDEO)

Wed, 07/22/2015 - 12:35

While under normal circumstances you never want to risk a ricochet, 22 Plinkster set risk aside and attempted to split a playing card after having it first ricochet off a bulldozer blade.

Faced with having a random dozer on his property while doing some range improvements, Plinkster broke out the card deck and his trusty Henry cowboy gun then set up the shot on a hot day under the Tennessee sun. And of course he videoed it on his first try, right?

Of course, don’t try this at home kids, cards are dangerous, m’kay.

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Should military recruiters be armed in the US?

Wed, 07/22/2015 - 11:10

In the wake of the morally repulsive shootings in Tennessee at the Naval and Marine Corps recruiting centers, I’ve already touched on the question: Why not let our military warriors carry concealed weapons?


Punishment phase begins in Aurora theater shooting trial

Wed, 07/22/2015 - 10:16

Sentencing begins in the trial of James Holmes, convicted Thursday in the killing of 12 people at a Colorado movie theater three years ago. (Photo: Getty Images)


3 California men brought up on firearm possession charges, 2 sentenced

Wed, 07/22/2015 - 08:10

Three California men brought up on firearms possession charges appeared in federal court this week, authorities announced.


2 servicemen at Chattanooga military facility may have been armed

Wed, 07/22/2015 - 05:43

No one was killed at the shooter’s first stop on his deadly rampage – a recruiting center with bullet-proof glass in the front. (Photo: Navy Times)


Glock used power to wrongfully imprison former employee, lawsuit says

Tue, 07/21/2015 - 18:49

Paul Jannuzzo is fifth person to file notice of intent to sue over criminal investigation tied to gunmaker. (Photo: Daily Report)


Muslims to meet gun shop owner who declared ’Muslim-free zone’

Tue, 07/21/2015 - 17:33

Seen here in a screen shot from a video, Florida Gun Supply owner Andy Hallinan sits in front of a Confederate battle flag and declares his shop a “Muslim-free zone.” (Photo: Facebook)


CA business owner shot during robbery, returns fire killing two suspects

Tue, 07/21/2015 - 14:25

During the initial investigation, which lasted into the morning daylight hours, several streets were blocked off close to where the robbery occurred. (Photo: CBS Los Angeles)


