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Updated: 1 week 2 days ago

A Who’s Who In Florida’s Fight for Constitutional Carry

Wed, 02/09/2022 - 16:00

I write this today not solely as Gun Owner of America’s Florida State Director, I write this as a Floridian who is invested in promoting and advancing freedom and liberty for all.

This is the third year in a row that constitutional carry has been introduced in the Florida legislature and it appears that this might be the third year in a row in which a Republican supermajority refuses to hold themselves to the principles that they claim to represent.

Continue reading A Who’s Who In Florida’s Fight for Constitutional Carry at The Truth About Guns.

The Lesson of Ukraine: Never Trust Anyone’s Assurances of Safety in Exchange for Disarmament

Wed, 02/09/2022 - 14:00

A couple days ago, I came across a Twitter thread that sheds a lot of light on the current situation in Ukraine. The thread’s goal was to explain why calls for negotiations with Russia coming from the left are misguided. But it also sheds some light on the never-ending calls for civilian disarmament here in the United States.

In both cases, the problem is the same: promises of safety that can never be fulfilled.

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Common Use: Academic Survey Shows Over 30% Of Gun Owners Have Owned AR Style Rifles

Wed, 02/09/2022 - 12:00


Wake Forest sociology professor David Yamane is an active analyst of America’s gun culture and runs the Gun Curious blog. He also teaches a course in the sociology of guns. In his latest Light Over Heat video, Dr. Yamane calls attention to a survey done last year by Georgetown Professor William English.

From the survey’s abstract . . .

This report summarizes the findings of a national survey of firearms ownership and use conducted between February 17th and March 23rd, 2021 by the professional survey firm Centiment.

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Hate Speech: Biden Labels Lawful Gun Owners ‘The Resistance’

Wed, 02/09/2022 - 10:00

By Larry Keane

President Joe Biden traveled to New York City for a media event recently to try and show America he’s doing something about rampant urban crime. Instead, he blamed the Second Amendment and lawful gun owners, said nothing about holding criminals to account and repeated the same tired lies about the firearm industry he keeps at the ready – lies “fact-checked” as being false each time he’s previously recited them.

Continue reading Hate Speech: Biden Labels Lawful Gun Owners ‘The Resistance’ at The Truth About Guns.

Internet Melts Down Over Wyoming Kids Learning to Shoot In Their School Gym

Wed, 02/09/2022 - 08:00

“This is what America needs more of,” one comment read. “Education and responsible firearm ownership.”

“This is so awesome! Probably one of the safest schools in the country too,” a commenter wrote. “I need to find a school like this for my son once he’s old enough!”

“CA masks their kids, Wyoming teaches marksmanship,” said another.

Of the nearly 6,000 comments, most are in support of the district.

Continue reading Internet Melts Down Over Wyoming Kids Learning to Shoot In Their School Gym at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Meme of the Day: Ballistic Babies Edition

Tue, 02/08/2022 - 18:00

Minimal protection is still protection?

(I do not endorse my own ballistic baby joke, it’s deplorable and I renounce my association with myself and hereby call for me to cancel me effective immediately and lasting until this time tomorrow)


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Good Guy With a Gun Charged for Carrying Without a Permit After Justified Self-Defense Shooting

Tue, 02/08/2022 - 16:00

Last November, a man legally shot a woman in self-defense and he recently got his award from the State of Wisconsin.

Marie Wilson was involved in a melee outside a gas station in Green Bay, Wisconsin last November when she tried to shoot at a group of women who were fighting. A bystander named Jaylene Edwards told police he was “observing” the situation and, “was in fear that Wilson would start shooting everyone” when she retrieved a gun and began waving it around.

Continue reading Good Guy With a Gun Charged for Carrying Without a Permit After Justified Self-Defense Shooting at The Truth About Guns.

Pro Tip: Don’t Take Self-Defense Advice From the L.A. Times

Tue, 02/08/2022 - 12:00

By Larry Keane

Californians had a decision to make as they endure a two-year span of increased criminal violence, pushes to throttle law enforcement’s ability to protect communities and prosecutors going soft on criminals. They could choose to lawfully purchase a firearm to protect themselves or be a victim. They choose the former.

That’s got gun control peddlers worried. An opinion column in The Los Angeles Times pleaded with readers, “Thinking of buying a gun for self-defense?

Continue reading Pro Tip: Don’t Take Self-Defense Advice From the L.A. Times at The Truth About Guns.

Ex-Brit Challenger for Florida Congressional Seat: The ATF Has to Go

Tue, 02/08/2022 - 10:00

By Lee Williams

Recent revelations that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives was maintaining and possibly even digitizing a list of more than 1 billion firearm transactions stretching back for decades galvanized Martin Hyde into action.

Born an Englishman but a U.S. citizen since 2006, Hyde knew the danger such lists pose. He’d seen how they had been misused in England, Australia and elsewhere.

“When a government has a list of the people who own guns, it almost always leads to confiscation,” Hyde said.

Continue reading Ex-Brit Challenger for Florida Congressional Seat: The ATF Has to Go at The Truth About Guns.

Barthold: The New Right’s Talk of Guns and Revolution Makes it More Likely to Happen

Tue, 02/08/2022 - 08:00

Will violent rhetoric trigger a proliferation of political violence? Qui vivra verra: They who live shall see.

As Lincoln said in his Springfield Farewell Address, there are reasons to confidently hope that all will yet be well. But commentators don’t book many media appearances or sell many books by reminding people how often trends revert to the mean. Movements rise and fall for all kinds of reasons—and sometimes, seemingly, for no reason at all.

Continue reading Barthold: The New Right’s Talk of Guns and Revolution Makes it More Likely to Happen at The Truth About Guns.

Floridians Want Constitutional Carry, So Why Aren’t Lawmakers Listening?

Mon, 02/07/2022 - 16:00

Last week Floridians gathered in front of their State Capitol building and openly exercised their First Amendment rights in an attempt to secure and better their Second Amendment rights.

KrisAnne Hall of the Liberty First Society organized the rally in support of constitutional carry and invited a number of guest speakers to promote freedom. Gun Owners of America was one such group invited and yours truly was there to spread the word about permitless carry in the Sunshine State.

Continue reading Floridians Want Constitutional Carry, So Why Aren’t Lawmakers Listening? at The Truth About Guns.

Crimson Trace’s Tested, Tough CT RAD Sights Perform, Plain and Simple

Mon, 02/07/2022 - 14:00

Crimson Trace takes their optics as serious as you take your protection. When they decided to bring a comprehensive line of red dots to market, they demanded that they perform under the most rigorous conditions.

During development, the entire CT RAD (Rapid Aiming Dot) family went through hundreds of hours of testing. Then they mounted them to firearms and pumped thousands of rounds through them to make sure that the CT RAD line would perform, plain and simple.

Continue reading Crimson Trace’s Tested, Tough CT RAD Sights Perform, Plain and Simple at The Truth About Guns.

Your Attention Please: Gun-Grabbers Are Losing the Culture War

Mon, 02/07/2022 - 12:00

By Robert B. Young, MD

Over time, we’ve seen changes in focus by the hoplophobic elements of society. Originally, it was all about banning handguns or at least “Handgun Control Inc.” The “assault weapon”, that is, the AR ban of 1994-2004 followed, with no discernible effect on crime, homicide, etc. Movement mutation continued, with groups dropping unpopular wording advocating bans and moving to claims of fighting pure “violence” and promoting gun “safety”.

Now they want to address the “root causes” of violence rather than just restricting legal gun ownership (while still advocating extending background checks while “not taking anyone’s guns”).

Continue reading Your Attention Please: Gun-Grabbers Are Losing the Culture War at The Truth About Guns.

More Carjackers Failing, Including a Shoot-Out With Police [VIDEO]

Mon, 02/07/2022 - 10:00

Carjackings have spiked across America’s big cities, especially those with Soros-funded prosecutors who don’t prosecute criminals. As a result, Philly’s dealing with nearly ten per day. Chicago criminals makes Philly’s look like amateurs. Young people think it’s an easy way to pick up a new ride without working too hard.

Sometimes, though, it doesn’t go off as planned.

For instance, there have been several instances of good guys with carry licenses using their firearms to thwart carjackers, a number of them in Philadelphia alone.

Continue reading More Carjackers Failing, Including a Shoot-Out With Police [VIDEO] at The Truth About Guns.

Illinois State Police Expressway Shooting Map Details Chicagoland Violence On Interstates

Sun, 02/06/2022 - 16:00

Some people believe the best way to avoid rampant violence in bad neighborhoods involves driving past them on freeways doing at least 70mph. In Illinois, however, even if you don’t stop in the most dangerous parts of Murder City, USA, there remains a non-negligible change of getting shot anyway. Or at least shot at.

Violence on expressways is so bad in Chicagoland that Illinois State Police have set up a website to track them.

Continue reading Illinois State Police Expressway Shooting Map Details Chicagoland Violence On Interstates at The Truth About Guns.

Shootering a Sporterized Swedish Mauser

Sun, 02/06/2022 - 13:00

By Mike Searson

The Swedish Mauser is one of the more exciting Mausers from both a historical perspective and that of the dedicated shooter. These small ring Mausers were developed at the end of the 19th century and most often chambered in 6.5x55mm. That cartridge was known as the 6.5×55 Swedish in America, 6.5×55 SE in most of Europe, and 6.5 × 55 SKAN in the Scandinavian shooting world. Other descriptions include 6.5×55mm Swedish Mauser, 6.5×55mm Mauser, and 6.5×55mm Krag.

Continue reading Shootering a Sporterized Swedish Mauser at The Truth About Guns.

When The Subject is Guns, Joe Biden is a Recidivist Liar

Sun, 02/06/2022 - 12:00

From the CCRKBA . . .

Joe Biden went off-script again during his remarks to the media in New York City when he repeated two blatant falsehoods, one about the Second Amendment and the other about a federal law that prevents junk lawsuits against gunmakers, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

“When it comes to gun rights and the Second Amendment, Joe Biden is a recidivist congenital liar,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb.

Continue reading When The Subject is Guns, Joe Biden is a Recidivist Liar at The Truth About Guns.

The Media’s Lazy Ignorance About the Guns On Which They Report is Apparently Bottomless

Sun, 02/06/2022 - 08:00

I’ve been reading up on that New York shooting and have seen the claim repeated (in many different publications but almost word-for-word) that the drum magazine gave the shooter “40 EXTRA bullets,” as the Daily Mail put it, in addition to “the usual 10” rounds the gun supposedly holds. The magazine will “hold an additional 40 rounds to the gun’s ten,” the Daily Mail says elsewhere.

As usual, gun issues are being covered by people who do not know how an ordinary pistol works.

Continue reading The Media’s Lazy Ignorance About the Guns On Which They Report is Apparently Bottomless at The Truth About Guns.

Yes Jen, Americans Really Do Blame Democrats for Their Soft-On-Crime Policies

Sat, 02/05/2022 - 16:00

By Larry Keane

White House spokesperson Jen Psaki should know by now that speaking the truth is much easier than spinning a yarn. Yet, this White House can’t seem to bring themselves to admit crime is a problem.

For the Biden administration, it’s always the gun. Not the criminal illegally wielding a gun.

Psaki made the stunning admission that the Biden administration doesn’t feel crime is a pressing issue The White House has to address.

Continue reading Yes Jen, Americans Really Do Blame Democrats for Their Soft-On-Crime Policies at The Truth About Guns.

