11 year old pulls her own tooth with the help of a slingbow (VIDEO)
Alexis Davidson of Aurora, Colorado took to the task of pulling a ripe baby tooth from her lower jaw by breaking out the old slingbow for some assistance.
That modern offspring of the slingshot and longbow, slingbows are growing in polarity and have uses that range from small game hunting to pop can assassination and preparing for the coming zombie apocalypse.
Oh yeah, and add tooth extraction to that list as well.
We have to say, Alexis took the field dentistry like a champ.
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Sue. . . somebody
Progressives have been ecstatic over Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders entering the 2016 campaign for president. But struggled to find something to dislike in a recent article titled, “Bernie Sanders, Gun Nut.” The author, Mark Joseph Stern, reports that Sanders opposed the Brady Act, but supported guns on Amtrak trains and—horrors of horrors—the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. The latter protects gun manufacturers from nuisance suits and has the additional benefit of annoying the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV).
...3 tips for long range shooting
Just a trio of tips for new and not quite veteran distance shooters looking to improve their long game: