‘Avengers of Oz: Age of Tin Man’ (VIDEO)
Thanks to the video editing talents of YouTube user Darren Wallace, the cast from the classic film “The Wizard of Oz” is swapped out to replace the crew in “The Avengers: Age of Ultron.” The result, “Avengers of Oz: Age of Tin Man,” is probably one of the coolest parodies ever put out there. We won’t give away all of the surprises, but suffice it to say, Tin Man plays the part of Ultron.
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The country’s oldest Eagle Scout turns 104 (VIDEO)
Lamar Wallace may have lived more than a century, but he shows no signs of slowing down. He recently turned 104, and was honored last month by the Boy Scouts of America for being the oldest living Eagle Scout in the country.
...CarniK Con pops up with some Daewoo rifles and pistols (VIDEO)
The comic genius that is CarniK Con’s Dugan Ashley has popped back up with a look at the South Korean-made Daewoo K2 (AR-100) rifle and the triple-action K5 (DP51 pistol).
Designed in South Korea in the 1970s to replace U.S. made weapons with something newer and locally sourced, these guns were made by the Daewoo Group– perhaps best known for home appliances and economy cars. These guns were briefly imported in the 1980s and 90s from North Korea’s much cooler southern neighbor but the flow of these reliable and interesting guns was severed due to import restrictions, making them a neat but rarely encountered class of firearms here in the states.
And Dugan puts them both through their paces in a unique style all of his own.
We are glad to see him back.
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Safariland enters body camera business with new acquisition
Branford Police officer Jim Johnson wears one of the department’s new VieVu personal camera. (Photo: Facebook)
...The “link” between gun possession and gun assault
Twitter is a useful place to sample the arguments made by those in this country—and in other countries, often—who would deny us our gun rights. One study that I’ve seen cited often comes from the American Journal of Public Health‘s November 2009, Vol. 99, No. 11 edition, entitled, “Investigating the Link Between Gun Possession and Gun Assault,” written by Charles C. Branas, et al. Dr. Branas is a professor of epidemiology at the University of Pennsylvania.
...Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage may pave way for expanded gun rights
With the high court’s latest ruling on same-sex marriages, some contend the decision could lead to increased gun rights, specifically national CCW reciprocity, by using the same argument.
...How the same sex marriage ruling could affect gun rights
As I’m writing this, news outlets and social media are aflame with news of the Supreme Court’s ruling that gay couples have the same right to marry that straight couples have. There are many implications in this, but for our purposes here, let’s look at how this may affect gun rights.
...Armed career criminals could see less prison time
Known neo-Nazi Samuel Johnson speaks at an anti-immigration in 2010. (Photo: Austin Daily Herald)
...Gun grabbers make horrible researchers
In a report entitled “Firearm Justifiable Homicides and Non-Fatal Self-Defense Gun Use,” the VPC argues that “guns are rarely used to kill criminals or stop crimes.” The anti-gun thinktank seems determined to dismantle the gun lobby’s self-defense argument—namely, that “firearms are used in self-defense 2.5 million times a year.”
...Meet the Kivaari, a semi-auto takedown rifle in .338 LM
Did somebody sake .338 Lapua Magnum takedown rifle? (Photo: DRD Tactical)
...Queen’s Guard points gun at stupid tourist (VIDEO)
Looks like the Queen’s guards are taking queues from the Marine Corps. One naive tourist learned why he shouldn’t harass them while they march.
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