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Updated: 1 week 3 days ago

Viridian Announces the New 4LUX CQ Grip Light Combining an AR Forward Grip and Weapon Light

Tue, 10/18/2022 - 12:00


We recently highlighted Viridian’s HS1 Laser Handstop which, oddly enough, is a laser incorporated into a handstop an AR-15 or other long gun. It’s an idea whose time had come. Now they’re taking the next logical step with the new 4LUX CQ Grip Light, a combination of an ergonomic forward grip and a 400 lumen weapon light.

Here’s Viridian’s press release . . .

Viridian Weapon Technologies has done it again with their exciting launch of the 4LUX™ CQ Grip Light.

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A Few Tips For Better OWB Concealed Carry

Mon, 10/17/2022 - 16:00

As most can attest, inside the waistband carry is better for concealment, but there are some folks who prefer outside the waistband concealed carry. It isn’t difficult to imagine why; it’s more comfortable to carry that way. You don’t need bigger pants and your pistol and holster poke you a little less while you walk around, sit, what have you.

The hitch, of course, is that concealment is more problematic. Concealing an OWB rig with a t-shirt can be difficult or impossible.

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Chicago’s Anti-Gun Father Pfleger is Facing Yet Another Child Sex Abuse Allegation

Mon, 10/17/2022 - 14:00

Chicago’s Catholic Priest Father Michael Pfleger was suspended Sunday as the Roman Catholic Church investigates yet another child sex abuse allegation against the “man of God.” Pfleger, a rabidly anti-gun social justice warrior, was suspended and investigated last year over multiple allegations of molesting boys.

Pfleger has had quite a run at St. Sabinas. He recognizes the value of armed good guys with guns while lobbying relentlessly for the little people of his parish and the rest of Chicagoland to be stripped of their right to keep and bear arms.

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Pro Tip: Choose The Right Bullet For The Job

Mon, 10/17/2022 - 12:00

Late last month a few guys and I went to Lonesome Boar Adventures in Mountain Home, Texas to do a little hunting. Thinking we’d be shooting mostly coyotes at medium-to-long ranges, wild boars from close to far, and perhaps some axis deer, I built up a Pork Sword Rifle for my buddy, Peter, and a Pork Sword SBR for Jimmy, the owner of Atibal Optics, to use, both chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor.

While I could have put these guns together in other chamberings — and, indeed, I brought a gnarly 375 Raptor for myself — Creedmoor is super accurate and easy to shoot, especially over varying ranges with hastily-estimated wind calls.

Continue reading Pro Tip: Choose The Right Bullet For The Job at The Truth About Guns.

National Conceal Carry Reciprocity — Be Careful What You Wish For

Mon, 10/17/2022 - 10:00

In addition to making constitutional carry the rule rather than the exception, another change I’d like to see would be wider reciprocation of carry permits across the nation. That being said, I imagine this wouldn’t be as simple a solution as some make it out to be.

There are some potential pitfalls that make me hesitate every time the topic is brought up. Let’s think through some of the benefits and potential shortcomings of national reciprocity.

Continue reading National Conceal Carry Reciprocity — Be Careful What You Wish For at The Truth About Guns.

The Quest to Build a Better Bullet

Sun, 10/16/2022 - 16:00


Just as we continue to try to perfect projectiles in the 21st century, the same was true back in the 19th century.

Buck-and-ball fired from a shotgun allowed the shooter to have multiple projectiles per shot at their disposal. In theory, this improved the likelihood of hitting your target, but it wasn’t always the case since the projectiles were fired from a smoothbore barrel that did nothing to keep a tight pattern.

Continue reading The Quest to Build a Better Bullet at The Truth About Guns.

Stockton Police Arrest Suspected Serial Killer Who Hunted the Homeless in Northern California

Sun, 10/16/2022 - 13:00

From the AP . . .

A man suspected of killing six men and wounding a woman in a series of shootings in Northern California was arrested before dawn Saturday as he drove through the streets of Stockton, armed with a handgun and possibly searching for another victim, police said.

Investigators began watching the suspect after receiving tips and stopped him in a car at about 2 a.m. in the Central Valley city, where five of the shootings took place, Police Chief Stanley McFadden said at a news conference.

Continue reading Stockton Police Arrest Suspected Serial Killer Who Hunted the Homeless in Northern California at The Truth About Guns.

Memphis Homeowner Shot Repairman When He Returned to the Home After Repair

Sun, 10/16/2022 - 10:00

When you need a repairman, you need a repairman. But it can be scary to invite a complete stranger into your home for hours. On top of that, you’re giving the person a look at the inside of your home, including any valuables you may have.

That’s why it’s important for homeowners to know with whom they’re doing business and take appropriate precautions. Still and all, a Memphis homeowner got an unexpected and unwelcome return visit from a workman who had previously been on the property…this time at about 9:30 p.m.

Continue reading Memphis Homeowner Shot Repairman When He Returned to the Home After Repair at The Truth About Guns.

Erhardt: Americans Building Their Own Firearms is a Fundamental Act of Self-Sufficiency

Sun, 10/16/2022 - 08:00

In 2008, Darren Peters founded a full-service machine shop in Florida with a vision of excellent quality and sterling-class workmanship. His small business has expanded its product line, adding professionals to his team and building a reputation for excellent service and products. In every sense, Darren’s workshop fulfills the American dream. But now, thanks to a bureaucratic rule from the Biden administration, that could all come to end.

What is Darren’s great crime?

Continue reading Erhardt: Americans Building Their Own Firearms is a Fundamental Act of Self-Sufficiency at The Truth About Guns.

Save a Pumpkin This Halloween

Sat, 10/15/2022 - 16:00

Work on your marksmanship skills before carving your pumpkin.

Continue reading Save a Pumpkin This Halloween at The Truth About Guns.

Thanks, Chicago!: Guns Save Life Trades Still More Clunkers For Cash to Fund Kids Shooting Programs

Sat, 10/15/2022 - 13:00


At Guns Save Life, the Illinois-based gun rights group, we’ve lost count of how many times we’ve traded broken down clunker firearms to the “do-gooders” in Chicago for perfectly good cash.

What makes it even more deliciously subversive is that we then donate the money collected to buy ammo for youth shooting programs.

We also use the cash to buy guns to give away at youth shooting camps.

Continue reading Thanks, Chicago!: Guns Save Life Trades Still More Clunkers For Cash to Fund Kids Shooting Programs at The Truth About Guns.

Daniel Defense Announces New SoundGuard Line of Suppressors

Sat, 10/15/2022 - 11:43

From Daniel Defense . . .

Daniel Defense, manufacturer of the world’s finest firearms and accessories, today announces the release of a new line of hard-use and titanium suppressors.

Daniel SoundGuard Suppressors Powered by KGM provide multiple benefits to the user, with an emphasis on backpressure reduction. “Through years of working with multiple military/law enforcement agencies – as well as consumers – our team pinpointed specific criteria for this family of suppressors,” said Marty Daniel, President and CEO.

Continue reading Daniel Defense Announces New SoundGuard Line of Suppressors at The Truth About Guns.

SAF Sues State of New York Over Church Gun Carry Prohibition

Fri, 10/14/2022 - 16:00

The forces of civilian disarmament aren’t having an easy time of it these days. It’s been particularly rough going in the Empire State. After ramming through punitively restrictive laws limiting concealed carry following the Bruen decision, Governor Kathy Hochul’s legislative temper tantrum (AKA, the Concealed Carry Improvement Act) has taken some serious hits.

Last week, a judge granted an application for a temporary restraining order blocking enforcement of the based on the likelihood that many parts of the law including the ban on carry in “sensitive places” are unconstitutional.

Continue reading SAF Sues State of New York Over Church Gun Carry Prohibition at The Truth About Guns.

Life Interrupted: TTAG Talks to Kyle Rittenhouse [VIDEO]

Fri, 10/14/2022 - 13:00

It probably isn’t breaking any new ground to report that being Kyle Rittenhouse isn’t easy. In the pervasive public and political climate that is the state of play in the third decade of the 21st century, an individual can’t fight for their life on the streets of Kenosha, then fight for it again in a court room — all of it captured on video, packaged by and for social media, mainstream news readers and the puditocracy — without becoming a political lightening rod.

Continue reading Life Interrupted: TTAG Talks to Kyle Rittenhouse [VIDEO] at The Truth About Guns.

Oregon Has a Golden #GUNVOTE Opportunity on November 8

Thu, 10/13/2022 - 16:00

One of the nation’s “defund the police” and surging violent crime epicenters could see big changes on election day.

Oregonians will soon cast their ballots and they are showing signs they may reject a severe gun control ballot initiative, as well as elect the first pro-Second Amendment governor in more than forty years.

The Backdrop

The visuals were common and often on national news. Portland was a hotbed of violence, looting and riots in 2020 in the wake of the murder of George Floyd and the rise of defund the police movement.

Continue reading Oregon Has a Golden #GUNVOTE Opportunity on November 8 at The Truth About Guns.

Nikolas Cruz Dodges the Death Penalty, Will Spend the Rest of His Life in Prison Without Parole

Thu, 10/13/2022 - 14:00


Following his guilty plea for murdering 17 students and teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, a jury today completed the penalty phase of the trial by refusing to sentence him to death, ensuring that Nikolas Cruz will spend the rest of his life in prison.

It’s very tempting to want to see some swift and sure retributive justice applied to irredeemable filth like Cruz. Many will be upset to hear that the cold-blooded killer won’t be put to death by the state of Florida.

Continue reading Nikolas Cruz Dodges the Death Penalty, Will Spend the Rest of His Life in Prison Without Parole at The Truth About Guns.

CARJACKING DEFENSIVE TIPS: How to Avoid Becoming a Victim

Thu, 10/13/2022 - 12:00

Not long ago, Guns Save Life welcomed one of the best firearm instructors in the nation at our GSL meeting. During his visit, Brian Smith talked about strategies for dealing with the rampant carjackings taking place in Chicagoland.

It can happen to anyone, and it’s happening increasingly in cities across the country. In fact, it happened to Smith’s own son not far from mom and dad’s house.

Smith weaved in some videos with personal experiences and advice.

Continue reading CARJACKING DEFENSIVE TIPS: How to Avoid Becoming a Victim at The Truth About Guns.

Georgians Are Rejecting Stacey Abrams’ Long-Running Anti-Gun Hypocrisy

Thu, 10/13/2022 - 10:00

Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams denied she lost her last bout against Republican Gov. Brian Kemp in 2018. She’s trying again and there’s no denying her gun control agenda would be a disaster for Georgians’ Second Amendment rights.

Abrams’ antigun platform isn’t the only problem. Her Second Amendment hypocrisy is what should have Georgians hopping mad.

Abrams has spent more than $1.2 million on private armed security all while calling for Georgians to give up their rights to protect themselves.

Continue reading Georgians Are Rejecting Stacey Abrams’ Long-Running Anti-Gun Hypocrisy at The Truth About Guns.
