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Updated: 1 week 3 days ago

As Chicagoans Die In the Streets, Mayor Lori Lightfoot Dances and Sings on TikTok [VIDEO]

Fri, 10/07/2022 - 15:00

Lori Lightfoot has done a lot for the city of Chicago. She’s presided over a 74% decline in arrests, a police department so understaffed that it couldn’t respond to over 50% of the highest priority 911 calls last year, and Murder City, USA has achieved over 555 homicides so far this year…with almost three months remaining.

Crime continues to spiral out of control and companies and residents are fleeing.

So what does Her Honor do about the declining quality of life in her city, aside from promoting more failed gun control plans and anti-gun programs? 

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Uvalde School District Suspends, Reassigns Everyone On Its Police Force

Fri, 10/07/2022 - 13:08

If, like most of America, you’ve moved on and haven’t been paying attention to the continued fallout from the manifold failures at Robb Elementary School that made the Uvalde school shooting far worse than it should have been, developments there continue to unfold, surprising even the most cynical among us.

Yesterday, the Uvalde School District police department fired one if its new hires. After the district police force hired former Texas State Trooper Crimson Elizondo, CNN reported that she was not only one of the 91 DPS cops on the scene the day of the shooting, but she was one of the first to arrive.

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Latest War on Guns Casualty: Due Process and Legend Firearms in Monroe, New Jersey

Fri, 10/07/2022 - 12:00

By Lee Williams

Ira Levin has owned and operated Legend Firearms in Monroe, New Jersey since 2009, which is no small feat given the Garden State’s blatant antipathy toward guns, gun owners, and gun dealers.

Levin has conducted more than 21,000 firearm transactions, and has been inspected dozens of times by both the New Jersey State Police and the ATF. They have never found a deficiency, at least not until Joe Biden declared war on gun dealers.

Continue reading Latest War on Guns Casualty: Due Process and Legend Firearms in Monroe, New Jersey at The Truth About Guns.

Hemingway: More Federal Bureaucrats Carry Guns Than the U.S. Marines

Fri, 10/07/2022 - 08:00

When Congress authorized $80 billion this year to beef up Internal Revenue Service enforcement and staffing, Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy invoked the language of war to warn that “Democrats’ new army of 87,000 IRS agents will be coming for you.”

A video quickly went viral racking up millions of views, purporting to show a bunch of clumsy bureaucrats receiving firearms training, prompting alarm that the IRS would be engaged in military-style raids of ordinary taxpayers.

Continue reading Hemingway: More Federal Bureaucrats Carry Guns Than the U.S. Marines at The Truth About Guns.

BREAKING: Judge Rules Most of New NY Gun Law Is Unconstitutional, Issues TRO Blocking Enforcement

Thu, 10/06/2022 - 16:02

Earlier today, U.S. District Judge Glenn Suddaby ruled that multiple provisions in New York State’s new gun laws, which just went into effect last Saturday, October 1st, are unconstitutional. He issued a restraining order against these parts of the law taking effect.

If you recall any of the aspects of the new NY laws that were passed in response to the SCOTUS’ Bruen decision, you won’t be surprised by the parts Judge Suddaby struck down.

Continue reading BREAKING: Judge Rules Most of New NY Gun Law Is Unconstitutional, Issues TRO Blocking Enforcement at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Review: Cimarron Firearms Thunderer 4 3/4″ Stainless

Thu, 10/06/2022 - 12:00

Cimarron Firearms’ Thunderer single action revolver is exactly like nothing they’ve done before. It’s kind of like everything they’ve been doing. And it’s awesome.

What’s so different about the Thunderer is that, unlike the other guns produced by Uberti for Cimarron, this one isn’t a reproduction. Cimarron goes through great pains to perfectly reproduce many historical firearms. I was duly impressed with the attention to historical detailed applied to Cimarron’s McColloch Colt.

But the Thunderer never existed until now.

Continue reading Gun Review: Cimarron Firearms Thunderer 4 3/4″ Stainless at The Truth About Guns.

FBI Whistleblower Says 90% Certainty that the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Was an ISIS Attack

Thu, 10/06/2022 - 10:00

Victoria Taft over at PJ Media has the story of an FBI whistleblower who has come forward with evidence that points to an ISIS connection to the Las Vegas massacre five years ago.  The incident claimed the lives of 58 people with nearly 900 injured or wounded.  Now, this former FBI agent says they believe there’s a 90% chance that ISIS Islamic terror organization was behind it.

Of course, the FBI still hasn’t publicly issued even an educated guess on the motive of the killer. 

Continue reading FBI Whistleblower Says 90% Certainty that the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Was an ISIS Attack at The Truth About Guns.

BREAKING: 38 Killed, Including 22 Children In Gun, Knife Attack on Daycare in Thailand

Thu, 10/06/2022 - 09:11

Joe Biden says “things like this rarely happen anywhere except in America…”  Ditto for his sidekick Kamala Harris.  Yet on Thursday, a corrupt former cop facing charges used a knife and a gun to kill 38 people in a daycare in rural Thailand.  Twenty-two of the dead were small children, mostly slashed to death after the killer stormed a room where the toddlers were napping.

Actually it’s the second major mass murder spree in a school in as many weeks outside of the USA.

Continue reading BREAKING: 38 Killed, Including 22 Children In Gun, Knife Attack on Daycare in Thailand at The Truth About Guns.

[VIDEO] Vice President Harris Insists Those Against an Assault Weapon Ban Should Look at Autopsies

Thu, 10/06/2022 - 08:00

I think that all those members should be locked up in a room…and put the autopsy photographs of those children down and require them to look at them. And see what these, these weapons do to the human body, and then ask them to speak to their conscience, their god…their sense of what’s right? And then vote. …

But sadly this has come down to a partisan political issue. And it’s a false choice.

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Gun Meme of the Day: Get The Velveeta Edition

Wed, 10/05/2022 - 18:00

I mean…might I suggest at least putting loaded mags in the Velveeta box? Great place for linked ammo, though, for the ol’ belt-fed!


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Fisher Space Pens Now Available in Cerakote Finishes

Wed, 10/05/2022 - 16:00

Hot off the TTAG not-exactly-earth-shattering news desk we bring you the following story: Fisher Space Pens are now available in Cerakote finishes! Since I’ve been using a couple of these bad boys as my go-to pens in my backpack, range bag, hunting kit, etc., I figured I’d share the news.

The Cap-O-Matic in Tungsten Cerakote seen in the lead photo is mine. I love how these things will write on all sorts of materials even if it’s wet or greasy or worse.

Continue reading Fisher Space Pens Now Available in Cerakote Finishes at The Truth About Guns.

Hurricane Ian: Takeaways and Lessons Learned

Wed, 10/05/2022 - 14:00

By Lee Williams

Guns save lives, especially after a hurricane. It’s a fact Floridians have known for a long time.

Even Gov. Ron DeSantis mentioned this when he issued a not-so-subtle warning to would-be criminals seeking to take advantage of Hurricane Ian survivors:

“You never know what may be lurking behind somebody’s home. And I would not want to chance that if I were you, given that we are a Second Amendment state,” DeSantis said Saturday.

Continue reading Hurricane Ian: Takeaways and Lessons Learned at The Truth About Guns.

Violent Felon Wounded by Kyle Rittenhouse Wants to Change His Name

Wed, 10/05/2022 - 08:00

The man who survived being shot by Kyle Rittenhouse filed a secret petition to change his legal name after his past as a violent career criminal was exposed. …

Grosskreutz, of West Allis, said he has received death threats in the two years since he was shot in the arm during the protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

The August 2020 protests famously left Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum dead at the hands of Rittenhouse.

Continue reading Violent Felon Wounded by Kyle Rittenhouse Wants to Change His Name at The Truth About Guns.

The Gun Control Industry Fails Bigly Trying to Sell Civilian Disarmament to Hispanics

Tue, 10/04/2022 - 16:00

Gun control groups aren’t getting the message. Instead, they keep repeating the wrong one. Some say that’s the definition of insanity. They’re lecturing Hispanic voters, trying to sell their civilian disarmament message. It isn’t going well.

Lecturing law-abiding Americans that they need more gun control and telling them they’re wrong if they disagree is a bold strategy, especially in politics. That’s the play in Florida by gun control groups despite recent failures by those who tried the same approach.

Continue reading The Gun Control Industry Fails Bigly Trying to Sell Civilian Disarmament to Hispanics at The Truth About Guns.

California Police Say a Serial Killer Has Murdered 6 People in the Last Year

Tue, 10/04/2022 - 14:00

From the AP . . .

Ballistics tests have linked the fatal shootings of six men and the wounding of one woman in California — all potentially at the hands of a serial killer — in crimes going back more than a year, police said.

Authorities last week announced that five men in Stockton had been slain in recent months, ambushed and shot to death alone in the dark. Late Monday, police said two additional cases last year — a man’s death in Oakland and the non-fatal shooting of a woman in Stockton — had been tied to those killings.

Continue reading California Police Say a Serial Killer Has Murdered 6 People in the Last Year at The Truth About Guns.

Well Played: Man Uses $200 3D Printer To Earn $21,000 At New York Gun ‘Buyback’

Tue, 10/04/2022 - 12:00

A man named “Kem” reportedly used a 3D printer to manufacture “firearms” to turn in at a Utica, New York gun buyback. New York Attorney General Letitia James wanted “unwanted” guns and paid up to $250 each for the guns.

What Letitia James no doubt planned on was buying plastic blasters.  Mr. Kem printed and gave them 110 “unwanted” firearms and they gave him 42 $500 gift cards for a total of $21,000.

Continue reading Well Played: Man Uses $200 3D Printer To Earn $21,000 At New York Gun ‘Buyback’ at The Truth About Guns.

CDC Data Shows Constitutional Carry States Have Fewer Total and Gun-Related Homicides

Tue, 10/04/2022 - 10:00

In September of 2021, Texas became the twenty-first state to allow some form of permitless or “constitutional” carry. That means in Texas, if you are at least 21 years old and you are not prohibited from lawfully possessing a firearm under Texas or federal law, you can carry a handgun without a permit either openly or concealed.

Since Texas enacted its law, four other states have done the same, bringing the total of constitutional carry states to 25.

Continue reading CDC Data Shows Constitutional Carry States Have Fewer Total and Gun-Related Homicides at The Truth About Guns.

Romoser: Bruen Was the Culmination of a Decades-Long Effort by Justice Clarence Thomas

Tue, 10/04/2022 - 08:00

If the 74-year-old justice is reaping a bounty, it’s because he’s been planting seeds for decades. In particular, three issues have long motivated [Clarence] Thomas above all others. The first is guns. The second is rights. The third is race.

On guns, Thomas pioneered a robust interpretation of the Second Amendment before it became conservative dogma. As a justice, he first floated the idea that the amendment guarantees a “personal right” (his emphasis) to own firearms in a solo concurrence in 1997.

Continue reading Romoser: Bruen Was the Culmination of a Decades-Long Effort by Justice Clarence Thomas at The Truth About Guns.

