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Updated: 1 week 3 days ago

SHTF Prep Basics: Choose the Right AR Magazines

Mon, 10/03/2022 - 13:30

By Krieger

My preparation centers on addressing the worst situation possible and then working backwards towards a less hostile, less unforgiving situation. The worst situation that I can fathom would be an TEOTWAWKI, no power, minimal-to-no logistics, food or water, and exacerbated by the presence of a hostile occupying force.

In an extreme situation like that, the equipment and weapons I select are based on the ability to accomplish their tasks with minimal extraneous (needless) additions.

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Has Mrgunsngear Found an Actual GLOCK AR-15 Rifle?

Mon, 10/03/2022 - 13:04



We’ve been teased/trolled by Photoshop jobs purporting to show oddities like GLOCK 1911 and AR-15 designs for, well, years. They’ve all been so much internet fluff.

Mrgunsngear, however, has come across some new images from the land formerly known as Great Britain that purports to show an actual GLOCK AR-15 rifle, dubbed the GR-115F. This thing has apparently been submitted for consideration in trials for a British military contract.

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BREAKING: Supreme Court Refuses To Hear Two Bump Stock Cases, Leaves Ban in Place

Mon, 10/03/2022 - 09:41

On the first day of the Supreme Court’s new term, the Court announced this morning that it has denied cert in two cases challenging the ATF’s ban on bump stocks under the Trump administration. The cases challenged the ATF’s authority to reclassify previously-approved bump stocks as machine guns.

From the AP . . .

The cases the justices declined to hear were an appeal from a Utah gun rights advocate and another brought by the gun rights group Gun Owners of America and others.

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Federal Court Dismisses $10B Mexican Lawsuit Against US Firearms Manufacturers

Sun, 10/02/2022 - 17:00

The Mexican government cannot keep its military firearms out of the hands of desperados in their nearly failed state, but they thought they could sue American gun makers for a king’s ransom.  Their plan, sort of like their attempts to shut down the drug cartels, failed miserably.  A federal court judge rejected their lawsuit on a host of grounds on Friday.

Now our neighbors from south of the Rio Grande say they will appeal, but talk is cheap.

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Stop Shooting Gun Rights in the Foot

Sun, 10/02/2022 - 15:00

We all celebrate the fact that the last two years have broken every existing record for first-time gun owners entering our ranks. We celebrate that permissive concealed carry laws have become the norm, not the exception, nationwide, including the steady growth of constitutional (permitless) carry. BUT…let’s all be safe, okay?

Every negligent discharge is ammo for the antis. Though accidental firearm injuries and deaths are exceedingly rare — in 2018 there were 458 unintentional firearm-related fatalities, which accounted for less than 0.33 percent of all unintentional deaths in the U.S.

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Are Spicy Pistol Calibers Pointless For Personal Defense? Not at Longer Ranges

Sun, 10/02/2022 - 11:42

Almost like a memorized prayer, there are certain defensive gun myths that people will recite reflexively. Some of them are correct, some are true with caveats, and others are just garbage with no basis in fact.

One of the big ones that’s mostly correct is that defensive shootings happen in “three rounds, three seconds, three feet” (or some variation of this, like “two rounds, two seconds, two feet”).

This idea has led to a whole industry of guns optimized for concealed carry.

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Gun Registries Lead To Confiscation, This Time In Estonia

Sun, 10/02/2022 - 10:00

On a long enough timeline, gun registration always leads to gun confiscation.  And once again, we see that playing out in Estonia, a small first-world country that shares a border with Russia.  Given what’s happening in nearby Ukraine to the south, the Estonian government announced that all Russians and Belorusians (those from Belarus) living within Estonia must surrender their guns in the coming days.

If it makes you feel better, think of it as a mandatory version of the “buybacks” commonly held here in America. 

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Sun-Times: Beating Gun Companies In Court is Like Putting Al Capone in Jail…Or Something

Sun, 10/02/2022 - 08:00

Until now, most of the conversation about reducing gun violence has focused on imprisoning people who have used guns in crimes. The gun industry has been able to wash its hands of the bloodshed because it has had too many people in power in its back pocket. What we are seeing now is an important attempt to hold people accountable for putting guns in the hands of criminals.

Fighting out lawsuits in court will take years, and it is unclear what the Supreme Court will rule in the end.

Continue reading Sun-Times: Beating Gun Companies In Court is Like Putting Al Capone in Jail…Or Something at The Truth About Guns.

Gun Meme of the Day: Gun Vote Edition

Fri, 09/30/2022 - 18:00

Posting this one today as it’s related to this article from a couple hours ago. You gotta gun vote, y’all!


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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Asked About Hurricane Ian Looters, Notes ‘You Loot, We Shoot’ Warnings

Fri, 09/30/2022 - 17:03

Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis has his hands full with the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. It pretty much trashed southwest Florida and damaged homes all the way across the central part of the state.

As business owners and residents begin the massive cleanup process, he’s stressing law and order. And when discussing those who would take advantage of the destruction, the Governor noted that property owners had written “You loot, we shoot” on the plywood used to board up their buildings.

Continue reading Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Asked About Hurricane Ian Looters, Notes ‘You Loot, We Shoot’ Warnings at The Truth About Guns.

Silencer Review: Dead Air Sierra-5 5.56 NATO Suppressor

Fri, 09/30/2022 - 16:00

Launched this spring at the NRA Show, Dead Air’s new Sierra-5 silencer is a compact, heavy-duty suppressor designed for hard use on .223/5.56 firearms. Available from Silencer Shop with either a KeyMo mount system or a Xeno mount system, I got my hands on one of each and ran them through their paces over the last couple months.

With a pinned and welded KeyMo flash hider already installed on the muzzle of my Radian Weapons Model 1, it was the perfect host to test out a Sierra-5.

Continue reading Silencer Review: Dead Air Sierra-5 5.56 NATO Suppressor at The Truth About Guns.

High Speed Gear Announces the New Better Inner Belt With Magnetic Buckle

Fri, 09/30/2022 - 16:00

From High Speed Gear . . .

High Speed Gear has announced the release of the Better Inner Belt, which provides the security of a traditional inner belt with the comfort and modern design of the Vigil EDC Belt.

Similar to the HSGI Vigil EDC, the Better Inner Belt comes with a low-profile magnetic buckle, that is designed to fit through most traditional belt loops. Available in both hook or loop with outward facing material; depending on the user’s preferred equipment.

Continue reading High Speed Gear Announces the New Better Inner Belt With Magnetic Buckle at The Truth About Guns.

CNN Surprised By What We All Know: New Firearm Owners Are Heavily Liberal, Female, and Minority

Fri, 09/30/2022 - 14:00

As we’ve covered fairly heavily since the start of COVID times, lockdowns, pandemic insecurity, escalating crime, and the handcuffing of police put an afterburner on first-time firearm purchases. The last couple years have shattered all previous records for gun sales, but the story behind the story is a tough pill for The Left to swallow.

The anti-gun side of the body politic has always pushed a narrative that all those hundreds of millions of firearms in the U.S.

Continue reading CNN Surprised By What We All Know: New Firearm Owners Are Heavily Liberal, Female, and Minority at The Truth About Guns.

Hunting Lessons Re-Learned in Africa

Fri, 09/30/2022 - 12:00

The shot looks great in the video.

A trio of Mountain Reedbuck rush up a steep hillside; the border of South Africa and Lesotho.

A man drops, oddly crouched with a rifle on the opposite side of the canyon.

“Last one, last one!,” a rushed whisper from the PH.

“I need a distance,” from the man with the rifle.

“200, 220, 230,” from the PH.

Continue reading Hunting Lessons Re-Learned in Africa at The Truth About Guns.

SAF Sues to Block Connecticut’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

Fri, 09/30/2022 - 10:00

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . .

The Second Amendment Foundation today filed suit in federal district court, challenging the ban on so-called “assault weapons” in Connecticut, and asking for declaratory and injunctive relief.

SAF is joined by the Connecticut Citizens Defense League and three private citizens, Eddie Grant, Jr., Jennifer Hamilton, and Michael Stiefel. Named as defendants are Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont, plus James Rovella, commissioner of the state’s Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection; Chief State’s Attorney Patrick Griffin and several other officials.

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Gun Meme of the Day: House Husband Edition

Thu, 09/29/2022 - 18:00

No hate. If wifey’s career is better for whatever reason, I think hubby as the “house spouse” focused on raising the kids is better than both spouses working jobs and the kids at daycare or whatever, and better than the man working a worse job just cuz he’s the man. The meme’s still funny though, cuz Mr. Mom getting an allowance from his wife will always be a little funny. Sorry.


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The Gun Control Industry Demonization of Gun Makers’ Ads is an Intellectually Dishonest Witch Hunt

Thu, 09/29/2022 - 16:00


Gun control advocates are ready to start grabbing pitchforks and torches in their attempt to drive out firearm manufacturer advertisements. They say they fear that today’s advertising is running to a tipping point where they need to rally the villagers to chase the monster pieced together by mad gun advertisers out of town.

Today’s gun ads, they claim, are a horrific menagerie of “toxic masculinity,” fearmongering and anti-government militancy. Except none of that is true.

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Gun Review: Arex Delta Gen.2 M 9mm Pistol

Thu, 09/29/2022 - 14:00


The world of 9mm polymer-framed striker-fired guns is vast and seemingly ever-growing. Every major company has some form of that pistol. Even small, relatively unknown companies known for their metal-framed, hammer-fired guns are making polymer frame striker-fired guns.

Arex is more or less known for its metal-framed SIG P226 style clones. Recently they moved into the crowded market of striker-fired 9mms known as the Arex Delta Gen.2 series. Today we are looking at the compact variant, the Delta Gen.2 M.

Continue reading Gun Review: Arex Delta Gen.2 M 9mm Pistol at The Truth About Guns.

